Published at 5th of November 2019 06:11:52 AM

Chapter 43

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She never expected that he would confess his identity so easily and directly. Yu Chu looked foolishly for a moment before widening her eyes and revealing a “surprised” expression:

    “Ah, what amazing coincidence! Are you the S God? Then you should know me. I’m Meowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeow!”

    In one breath, she said 7 meow’s. After she finished speaking, she seemed to feel embarrassed, so she coughed and licked her lips. “A lot of usernames were already taken, and I couldn’t think of a name, so…”

    The boy’s eyelashes trembled as his pupils looked down. Yu Chu could not see clearly his expression clearly.

    After a pause, his slightly cold voice rang, deep and good sounding: “It’s quite cute.”

    Yu Chu was stunned.

    Was this a praise?

    She looked at the person in front with a slight surprise.

    Su Yanbai looked up at her, unperturbed. From his face with no expression, she couldn’t tell if it was a compliment or a courtesy.

    Due to the unfamiliar relationship between the two, Yu Chu could only treat it as a courtesy, and she ducked her head, smiling embarrassedly.

    Thinking about it, she said:

    “Right, thank you for helping me to find material. My forging is now almost full.”

    The boy paused. The beautiful pitch-black eyes were full of shattered light and water. His tone was faint: “You are welcome.”

    Perhaps because of his illness, his voice is a bit low and hoarse while normally he had a clearly but cold voice. This lower voice expressed a glimpse of an almost indifferent gentleness.

    The tip of Yu Chu’s ear tip went limp. She took the bowl from his hands and stood up: “Do you want more to eat? The kitchen still has some.”

    Su Yanbai shook his head slightly.

    Yu Chu took the bowl downstairs.

    She walked into the kitchen and for once washed the dishes and placed them neatly into the disinfection cabinet.

    Then, she stood in a daze for a while.

    This plane…

    He felt like a very calm person.

    Family conditions were good, and he had the aura of a noble young master. If she was with him, would she be cheated by his family like in a TV series?

    Yu Chu rubbed her eyes and raised her lips.

    Aiyo, she was looking forward to it.

    After all, the original owner was really lacking money.

    This way – under 5 million, don’t buy. If it was more than 5 million, she might as well buy it. you don’t sell less than five million, if you have more than five million, just sell it.

    She thought for a while, amused herself, and turned around to go upstairs to prepare to say goodbye and depart.

    Entering the bedroom, right when she was about to open her mouth, her eyes fell on the white bed, and she suddenly went silent.

    Maybe because was due to eating the medicine.

    The man’s eyes were closed, his breath was fine, and his hair covered his forehead in a messy way. He was already asleep.

    Was he so defenseless?

    There were strangers at home, yet he dared to sleep so deeply.

    She lightly walked over and leaned over the edge of the bed to look at him, her heart so soft that it was in complete shambles.

    Gently rubbed his soft, black hair, she found the temperature underneath was cool, clean and relax. Under the delicate eyebrows was a pair of feather-like long eyelashes, then a tall nose, beautiful lips, and white cheeks.

    Yu Chu sighed.

    Forget it.

    No matter the price, I won’t buy you.

    She licked her lips and stood up. She suddenly leaned over and her fingers were beside the youth’s pillow.

    The soft lips lightly marked on that person’s good looking, fine lips with a gently rub.

    A breath in the mild smell lingering around.

    The girl straightened up.

    As it was the first time she had stolen this kind of thing, Yu Chu face was burning. She coughed a little, her expression of some guilt. She blinked at the quiet and beautiful sleeping face.

    She picked up the newsboy cap and put it on her head, hurried out of the room and gently closed the door.

    She bolted away.

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