Published at 17th of June 2024 09:30:19 AM

Chapter 58: Chapter 58: Chapter 58: Its not up to others to dictate what one should do

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Chapter 58: Chapter 58: Its not up to others to dictate what one should do

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You already know everything. What do you expect me to say? Qin Youxuan cocked her head to look at him, sunset already completely fallen. In the dim light, the mans perfect contours became all the more enchanting.

His taut jaw, an aura of power even in silence, mysteriously made one feel uneasy.

The two of them were once again squeezed into a cramped space. Qin Youxuan always felt that his devilishly charming eyes were able to see through anyones mind, instinctively she avoided his gaze.

Little did she know that her reaction appeared as guilt in the mans eyes, anger simmered in the depths of Dan Hanjies eyes at her evasion.

I cant understand the complicated emotions seeing an ex-boyfriend brings. Dan Hanjie offhandedly remarked, barely glancing at Qin Youxuan whose eyes instinctively tightened, his hold on her shoulders intensifying.

How would you possibly know? Qin Youxuans eyes dimmed, her countenance somewhat embarrassed.

With a stretch of his hand, Dan Hanjie grabbed a file bag from the side, flinging it in front of her.

The bag was not properly sealed, so when he tossed it, the contents inside fell out revealing several photos

All of which were pictures of the two of them together.

In the topmost photo, the backdrop was a renowned university. On the green field under the sunset, a pair of silhouettes, one in front and one behind, appeared exceptionally enchanting. The girl in the photo, with her playful posture and youthful charm, was cheerfully taking a selfie while the man behind her had turned his head just in time to be captured.

With the setting sun, the girls ribbon fluttering in the wind and the mans extraordinary charm, the sweetness on both their faces would make anyone who saw the photo assume they were a couple in love.

The other photos were much the same

Aesthetically pleasing to the point of envy, the main characters in them enough to shock anyone.

Qin Youxuans face turned deathly pale instantly, staring blankly at the photos for some time, unable to snap back to reality.

Her past, which she least wanted to recall, was thus directly laid out before her. The feeling in her heart was not quite painful, but was definitely embarrassing

Even your own brother is more endearing to you, you really do have an unusual taste!

Seeing her reaching to pick up the photos, his eyes hardened. Suddenly, he grabbed her hand and pinned her against the cushion, growling menacingly.

Qin Youxuans nerves were wound tight, but at hearing his mockery, she exploded.

This is my business, not yours to comment on! Yes, I was blind before, mistaking enemies for lovers, and being fooled for so long. Are you satisfied now? If you came here today just to make fun of me, then congratulations, youve succeeded!

Qin Youxuan strove to push the man off her, so worked up that even when her elbow hit the cars door, she didnt pause, attempting to step out of the car.

Her chest was burning with an indignant anger, mixed with a reluctance to confront the embarrassment.

Dan Hanjie, get off me! His arm suddenly tightened around her waist, pulling her back. Qin Youxuan exploded with fury.

The next second, her lips were sealed.

In a haze, she felt a wave of fury from him, even though the person who should be angry was her.

Qin Youxuan was stunned, but without any hesitation, she bit down hard.

Seeing him attempting to strip off her coat, her eyes darkened and, on instinct, she aimed a kick at him.

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