Published at 17th of June 2024 09:30:09 AM

Chapter 63: Chapter 63: Chapter 63 Old Rules, Best of Three

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Chapter 63: Chapter 63 Old Rules, Best of Three

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Under the dim light, only a few leftover pills can be seen.

Knowing he cant sleep without these pills, Yao instinctively speaks, I will have someone prepare more for Mr. Jie.

No need, this is the last bottle. I wont need any more in the future. Dan Hanjie lifts his eyelid slightly, caps the bottle in his hand, and returns the blue pill bottle to his pocket.

Announcing with an air of self-assuredness.

He doesnt spare a glance for Yaos astonished look, but heads straight out of the car.

It takes Yao half a beat to turn around and find Dan Hanjie waiting for him not far away. Startled at the sight, he quickly unbuckles his seat belt and gets out of the car.

He lowers his head and walks over to Dan Hanjie.

The man says nothing, only gives him a cold glance before heading towards the VIP booths.

I thought you were going to have me wait until tomorrow morning. Look at you Mr. Jie, throwing around such big attitude thats not good, is it? Jiang Jinchen, spotting Dan Hanjie walking into the billiard room, pauses his game. Leaning his cue on his chin with a grin, he teases.

You have three minutes. Dan Hanjie glances at the women flanking Jiang Jinchen and frowns.

He removes his jacket and hands it to Yao.

OK! OK! Everybody knows our Mr. Jie is a saint, never touching a single vice. Even people around you are becoming monks! Jiang Jinchens mouth is known for its sharp and irreverent remarks.

Taking any opportunity to mock Dan Hanjie, always going straight for the jugular.

Seeing that Dan Hanjie isnt responding, he realizes theres no show today, concedes, and languidly waves away his companions.

One of these days, you will die of a womans hands. Dan Hanjie watches the retreating women with unwrinkled brows and monotones.

Jiang Jinchen laughs, slinging his arm over the others shoulder, Bro, youre bestowing me your concern? My heart is about to jump out of my chest

Confronting the mans piercing gaze, Jiang Jinchen shudders, retreating towards the pool table, Dying under the peony, at least Ill be a charming ghost!

Bro, lets play a game first! If you win me, Ill tell you a big secret you might be interested in! With a calculating smile, Jiang Jinchen gathers all the balls on the table together.

How to play?

Dan Hanjie stands still, stone-faced. Hearing this, he lifts his eyes, eyeing the pool table.

The two are not people who would hang out together normally. Jiang Jinchen must have a reason for summoning him, and this, Dan Hanjie knows very well.

He is unsure, however, whether Jiang Jinchens so-called big secret is worth his effort.

Old rules, best of three. If I win, I want your companys limited edition Extreme Phantom Sports Car! Imagining the car, Jiang Jinchens eyes begin to sparkle.

The obvious ambition in eyes, he doesnt even try to hide.

Thats one of the worlds top supercars, with only seven globally, all commemorative editions, and not for sale.

Its something hes coveted for a long time already.

Want to bite off more than you can chew, are you? Dan Hanjie raises his eyebrow, sneering.

The Extreme Phantom is a product he personally oversaw in order to quickly establish their top-brand reputation. Its still in the experimental stage. Even though its been unveiled just for show, he didnt expect Jiang Jinchen to catch wind of it so quickly. He was even approached before the official launch.

The price of an Extreme Phantom competes with half of Zhi Shang. It is not something you can just buy with money.

Just take it out for a spin and guaranteed, every head will turn. This definitely suits Jiang Jinchens flamboyant personality.

I happen to be fearless. Are you in or out?

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