Published at 21st of May 2024 08:37:34 AM

Chapter 14: Adaptation (1)

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Chapter 14: Adaptation (1)

Welcome. Youve worked hard.

The first impression of the principal could be summed up in one word: humble grandfather.

With a dignified yet gentle demeanor and a robust physique despite his old age. His well-groomed mustache and white hair created a comfortable yet stern atmosphere.

His elderly and deep, low voice was also impressive.

It seems like that man is the culprit behind the weekend commute disruption, doesnt it?

Seated on the sofa, the principal asked, stirring his tea gently with a teaspoon. His face was full of interest.

It was a relaxed gesture, but an inexplicable sense of pressure could be felt. Yeonhwa responded in a tense voice.

Yes. As I reported, these students are the ones who brought him in from the forest of chaos.



The principal quietly placed the teaspoon on the table in response to Yeonhwas answer, then stared at me intensely. In return, I met his gaze without avoiding it. His gray eyes were sharp, as if piercing through me.

As this subtle confrontation continued, the principal smirked and spoke.

Youre well-behaved.


Well-behaved. Normally, when someone meets my eyes like this, they react, but you seem indifferent. Its as if you feel no pressure at all.

Why would I turn my gaze away when you were just staring at me from over there?

Just like me, others also had bewildered expressions, as if inwardly surprised. Then the principal chuckled and opened his mouth while taking a sip of his tea.

Its a joke. Anyway, regardless of having red eyes, its clear that youre docile. Most of those with red eyes have dirty personalities, whether theyre violent or not.

Sivar is kind, though

Ellie timidly objected, and her objection made Porori below me look up at me quietly.

I dont really know why they made such an evaluation of me. Could it be because I rescued them from a Manki?

Ellie, my dear student. Monsters may be like that, but people are different. The principal probably meant it in that sense.

Hmm? I didnt mean it in that way, though?

The principals words were ambiguous, leaving Yeonhwa unsure if it was a joke or a serious remark. In response, she just awkwardly smiled.

It seems she thought it was a joke. Its probably because she has such an eccentric personality.

Well, it doesnt matter if he feels pressured or not. Did you say his name was Sivar?

The principal didnt seem to have any intention of providing a detailed explanation as he stood up from his seat and spoke. Then, he slowly walked towards us.

From a distance, I couldnt tell, but he was quite tall. I consider myself quite tall, but our eye level was roughly the same.

When you mentioned finding a survivor in the Forest of Chaos, I was wondering what you meant.

It may sound like a lie, but its true, Luna replied firmly.

The principal looked at her and exclaimed.

Ah! So, you were the top student in this years admission? Whats your name

Im Luna Estel.

Alright, Luna, student. Can you explain why this person was brought to the academy?

Yes. The reason why

Luna began to explain the reason why she brought me here, just as she did with the professors. The principal listened to the story while nodding occasionally, showing an attitude of attentiveness.

Ellie said so. Sivar is a person, so he should be taken to where people live. People should live like humans..

Living like a human I agree with that statement. If thats the case, youll need a place to stay

The principal looked at us with a vague comment. After a moment of seemingly contemplating something, he quietly spoke up.

If youre not opposed to it, living together with me wouldnt be so bad.


Is that really a sincere remark? His relaxed expression made it seem like a joke, but I wasnt the only one taken aback. Yeonhwa stuttered as she spoke.

W-what do you mean? Are you saying that the principal is going to live with this man?

Or perhaps itll be you all who will live with him? It hasnt been long since you entered the school, so you must be busy as well. It would be strange to leave them to the students, and it doesnt seem right either.

Well, that may be true, but

Indeed, it might be best to spend time with the principal. The professors were busy with their own work, and the students had to attend classes.

Dont you have work to do, Principal?


At that moment, Ellie seemed curious and asked a direct question. Luna was surprised and called out her name. Though Ellie might be genuinely curious on her own part, it may come off as somewhat impolite to the listener.

However, the president laughed and replied coolly, seemingly unconcerned.

I may live like a vagabond, but I have my own work to do. However, maintaining neutrality within the academy was so difficult that it takes all I have.

Its a response that accurately pointed out the chronic problem of fierce competition within the academy.

Not only students but also professors were often entangled in complex political situations. Since they were sent as representatives from their countries, it was inevitable. If you delve into the details, youll realize how complicated it truly is.

Therefore, it was natural for them to be reluctant to accompany someone like me, who was like a ticking time bomb, as they prefer not to attract attention.

If a problem were to arise and draw unnecessary attention, it could escalate into a complicated situation.

Instead of looking for someone and bothering people, it would be better if I personally brought him with me. It would put my mind at ease. Do you agree?

Principal, youre right, but Sivar doesnt even know how to write or speak. You will have to teach him

Whats so difficult about teaching him? Will it be that hard?

Well um

In response to the principals casual answer, Yeonhwas voice lowered. It was an expression that seemed to question whether this was acceptable.

However, the principals resolutness remained unchanged. Even if problems were to arise, the principal can cover the risks. Although I am unlikely to cause accidents, its still wise to have insurance in place.

In that case, Ill take care of Sivar for the time being. If an opportunity arises, Ill consider admitting him. As long as he isnt completely lacking in social skills.

Principal, may I also teach Sivar how to write?

Ellie timidly raised her hand and made a quiet request. Unlike before, her confidence seemed to have taken a nosedive in her voice.

Why, Ellie? The principal will be with him, you know.

Still I want to teach him how to write myself

Ellie cautiously spoke, hesitating while carefully choosing her words. Perhaps she felt the need to repay a favor.

However, as long as the principal was accompanying me, it would be difficult. After all, it was none other than the principal, not just anyone.

Do as you wish.


If its what you want, I should at least grant you that much.

But there was a variable that the principal was eccentric. Each person had a different expression at the principals unexpectedly generous response.

While Ellie had a bright smile, Yeonhwa and Luna had indescribable expressions.

However, it seemed that the principal also had some thoughts as he advised Ellie.

Only come when you have the leisure to. Being lazy and having leisure are distinctly different things.

Yes! Ill keep that in mind!

Hehehe. Youll make a great teacher with your cheerfulness.

The principal chuckled and looked pleased. On the other hand, Luna wore a complex and subtle expression.

Actually, its not a bad choice for Ellie to teach me writing. After all, language is something that needs to be thought through conversation.

Apart from the principal teaching writing, Ellie can become a great conversation partner for me. Its just my expectation, but I think Ill learn words early.



At that moment, the principal took something out of his pocket and handed it to me. I looked at what was placed on the principals hand.

It was a round, brown candy. Surely he doesnt expect me to eat it, right?

Try it once. Its delicious.

With the sudden suggestion, I exchanged glances between the candy and the principal. The principal just smiled.nove(l)bi(n.)com

From the start, it was possible to handle all accommodation here, so there was no need for a dormitory.

Its just that the principal had a wild side, so there would usually be separate accommodations.

Since its literally a place to handle sleeping only, its possible for me to stay here.

Anyway, the residence was settled. Whats left is for each of us to go and do our own things.

Got it? Even if Im not here, you should listen to the principals words. Sivar is good, so youll do well, right?

Ellie grabbed my hand and sighed deeply. Her light golden eyes were filled with worry.

Since it was decided that I would live in the principals office, I had to be separated from her. Ellie seemed concerned about that.

Anyone would think we were parting ways for a lifetime. Even though she would come to me whenever she had time.

If you understood, answer me.

Shibal(got it).

Good. Well done.

Ellie gave me a satisfied smile in response to my answer. I will try to keep my promise, but the future was uncertain.

Above all, I had no intention of staying idle here. The Academy holds numerous items and secrets.

Just considering the demons plans aimed at collapsing the Academy, which were already evident, if I dismantle it in advance, not only will my stats permanently increase, but the difficulty will decrease significantly in the future.

In addition, I need to form connections with key figures like Godin, so I cant just stay put.

I should secretly escape.

The principal will only be absent for a short period. However, my memories were hazy, so it will take some time.

Moreover, there is still time until the Academy Collapse part. There was no need to be impatient.

Until then, I will explore various parts of the Academy and revive the fading memories.

Cough, cough.


Ah, dont worry. Its because of my age.

The principal raised his hand as if to reassure, saying, Dont worry. Outwardly, he may appear to have age-related illnesses.

However, toxins were gradually accumulating in his body, so subtly that even he himself could hardly notice.

The accumulated toxins in the principals body needed to be resolved as soon as possible. The difficulty level depends on his condition.


While I was hearing Ellies repeated requests, Porori called me from below. It seems like hes telling me to take care, but I should also wish him good luck.

Shibal (Take care).

Kyaaang (You too).

He told me to take care. What could have prompted such kind words?

Even after that, Ellies constant nagging could only be stopped with Lunas intervention. However, Ellie still gave me a worried look. I just stood there, plump and idle.

Please take good care of Sivar. I will visit often.

Leave me something to teach him!

Dont worry.

After the principals reply, the group departed. Just before leaving, Luna sent a meaningful gaze, but I shrugged it off as insignificant.

And so, the president and I were left alone in the office. It was truly an awkward atmosphere.


The principal called my name. I looked at him with a questioning expression.

The principal gently tugged on his mustache with his fingers and murmured with a curious tone.

You understand even if you dont speak, huh? Are you really similar to that divine beast from earlier?

He noticed everything, huh? For now, its better to pretend I dont know anything, so I just keep my mouth shut.

The principal stared at me for a while and then smiled in an inexplicable way. It seems like he has some good idea.

A parentless fellow.


Out of nowhere, the principal threw out an insult. It was so absurd that I couldnt even react.

As I blinked my eyes, the president continued to curse at me.

Beggar. Orphan. Savage.

What am I supposed to do? I raised one eyebrow and showed my displeasure.

I also have feelings as a human, so its unpleasant to be cursed at without any reason. I didnt want to fight either.

The principal made a puzzled expression in response to my reaction and immediately apologized.

Well, well. I apologize for cursing. I just think that you understand the gist of it.

My name is Rod Sherman. Why dont you try saying it? Rod Sherman.

After apologizing, the principal introduced himself, pointing to himself. His name was Rod Sherman.




Rod No, Im the idiot.

Of course, I couldnt say his name.

The principal, Rod, realizing this, waved his hand and moved on.

First, let me explain where you will be living from now on. Follow me.

Once again, Rod pointed to himself and explained. Without saying a word, I followed behind him at his gesture to follow.

I honestly couldnt believe it when I heard that the office was a temporary residence. But everything was there, including a kitchen.

Rod kindly explained everything one by one. Instead of explaining verbally, he showed me how to use things through actions.

Try drinking it. Its a well-brewed herbal tea.

In the kitchen, he even boiled water for tea himself after the shower. I alternated between looking at the steaming tea cup and his smile.

I should accept it so as not to feel awkward. With one hand, I casually accepted it.

Ah, wait. Its hot, so hold onto this.

Worried that I might grab it clumsily, he pointed to the handle and said. Following his request, I held onto the handle and brought the teacup close to my face.


Didnt he mention that he brewed good herbal tea earlier? As soon as I smelled it, I raised my head in surprise. I strongly felt that I shouldnt drink it. I dont know the reason, but my instincts were telling me so.

Come to think of it

I remembered. There was poison in the tea that Rod usually drinks. Rod enjoys drinking tea. Wasnt he brewing tea when we first met earlier?

Before searching for herbs for detoxification, I should deal with the tea first. With that thought, I immediately took action.


I threw the teacup on the floor. The expression meaning that you shouldnt drink it. Since I couldnt speak, I had no choice but to act like this. Naturally, Rod was startled by my sudden action.

Then, he looked at the teacup on the floor and muttered with a puzzled face.

Hmm dont you like it?

Its not that. Theres poison in it.

I tried my best to express it somehow. First, I pointed to the teacup on the floor and then covered my mouth. Then, I shook my head frantically. Rod watched my actions attentively and chuckled before firmly saying,

Youre not asking for candy, are you? You cant have any right now.

Damn it.

It seems like a difficult road lies ahead already.

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