Published at 21st of May 2024 08:36:57 AM

Chapter 31: Sparring (4)

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Chapter 31: Sparring (4)

Unexpected as it may be, or maybe it was as expected, the result unfolded before everyone's eyes.

The sparring ended as Kara's fist connected squarely with Luna's face.

Luna's body lifted off the ground only to fall helplessly onto the hard floor of the sparring arena.




Silence, as still as death, enveloped the arena at that moment.

The highly reputed freshman, known for her top entrance exam score, had been defeated by the barbarian.

And it was with an overwhelming display of skill difference. The event would surely cause quite the ripple.

[The sparring match has concluded. Medical team, please respond promptly.]

The announcement broke the silence and reverberated throughout the sparring arena, followed by changes within the space.

The plains were no more, and the hardened dirt floor of the arena returned. Soon after, the medical team rushed in through the entrance.

While Kara was only a little depleted of stamina and physically fine, Luna must be in quite a mess.

Especially her face it would be swollen from the multiple punches. Thats going to hurt a lot.

Still, she held her own, didn't she?'

Due to the skill gap, others will see Luna as incredibly weak. But the reality is that this is normal.

Unlike other freshmen, Kara is what one could call a warrior.' A warrior who has gone through various real battles and knows when to use her skills appropriately.

Luna, who did not learn martial arts, was inevitably limited in her patterns. Kara was well aware of this and exploited it.

Yet, Luna fought well. She keenly understood her own weakness and tried to fend off the close-quarter combat altogether.

The entrance exams are meant to gauge fundamental skills after all.'

Basics, such as footwork or strategic thinking, among other things.

Luna must have excelled in these areas to be admitted as top of her class. That alone would have scored her well.

But she lacks variety in techniques, making her reaction capacity painfully slow. Surely, she must have felt something crucial from this duel.

"Hmm. As expected, not quite up to it, but the fundamentals are well in place."

Rod, who had experienced various battles himself, seemed to have noticed as well. That Luna would not achieve victory over Kara.

Even being top of her entrance class, most prospects have hardly experienced real combat.

Their idea of real battles is limited to monster hunting or sparring. It's hardly fitting to even call it real combat.

[There will be a ten-minute break before the next sparring session.]

Following Luna being carried away on a stretcher, the event drew to a close. What was anticipated to be a major event ended rather anticlimactically.

But again, it isnt that Luna is weak but rather that Kara is incredibly strong.

Slightly exaggerating, it's as if a high-level player has entered a hunting ground where newbies play.

The lack of real combat experience will be acquired at the academy.'

During her academy days, she'll face various real combat situations. Among them, a significant event would be the bandit suppression.

While there are episodes related to bandit suppression, it is not yet time to consider such matters. After all, they are dimensions reserved for second-years.

First-year students would learn various skills under instructors or listen to related lectures, and some might get scouted.

Whether one gets scouted or not doesn't really matter. They can take their time to consider.

She may have lost, but she certainly left a solid impression.'

I glanced around the VIP seats where dignitaries from various nations sat, all immersed in discussions.

Despite her defeat, they must have seen promise in the swordsmanship and fundamentals displayed by Luna.

If looking at predisposition, the Marta Empire might show more interest than the Granada Empire.

"Hey, old man. What do you think? She looks decent, right?"

While lost in thought, a gruff voice spoke from behind. Turning around, I saw Hector, Kara's father, standing there with a stern face.

"Would you use the term decent' to describe your own daughter?"

"If I don't, she won't survive. It can't be helped."

Hector responded with a complex tone to Rod's sarcasm, scratching his head as if acknowledging his own fault.

"So, your answer?"

"She is exceptional. Considering she is still growing, she'll become an outstanding warrior."

"Do you think so? Then"

Hector's speech trailed off as he looked at me. Those green eyes, just like Kara's, held a dense curiosity.

He then pointed at me and questioned Rod.

"How do you think it would go if this one fought?"

"You'd know if you saw."

Rod gave a non-committal response. But even that non-commitment was enough to pique Hectors interest.

Not knowing means that Kara could potentially lose. Thats likely how Hector interpreted it.

"Your words leave me in a bit of an odd mood, old man."

"You don't know Sivar's true abilities, that's why."

"You mean you havent fought with him? Then how did you manage to bring him here?"

"The student that your daughter just thrashed brought him here."

It seems the full details hadn't been relayed to him. After all, only those directly involved would know the intimate circumstances.

Hector looked at me with a peculiar expression after hearing Rods answer a combination of What in the world are you?' and intrigue.


That's why I answered that I didn't really know myself. Hector's face grew even more peculiar.

He, a normally chatty person, was left without words.

"Shibal? What does that mean?"

"Just consider it a habit of speech. He lost his language living in the wild. But he can still say one word or so."

"You mentioned his name was Sivar earlier, right? Don't tell me you named him Sivar because he keeps saying shibal'? That's downright lacking in effort."

I agree with you, sir. If I was grunting uga uga,' I wouldve been named Ugar.

As I inwardly agreed, Rod chuckled as well. It seems he also felt the lack of effort in naming.

"I wasnt the one who named him. The student who came with him did."

"Thank you, Sivar. You really are kind."


"Haha. Ouch"

She must have touched her split lip while smiling. Luna grimaced.

"The doctor said I should be all better in about a day. Teeth are fine too."

"All healed in one day?"

"It is the academy, after all. We always have a supply of high-quality potions on standby. I happen to be making them, you know?"

Ellie proudly puffed out her chest. That presence can't be overstated.

The potion bag entranced not just Sivar but also Luna, another girl present.

Luna looked at the bag absently before quickly regaining her composure. Right now, the priority was analysis.

She was really strong.'

It was a moment that made Luna truly recognize what real combat-enhanced skills were.

The perfectly timed choice of techniques, responsive ability, and quick-wittedness nothing lacked.

Had they seriously fought to kill, she would've lost her head in less than five minutes. Kara was that strong.

And if that person fights Sivar no, wait, where is he looking?'

Sivar was still gazing at Ellie's potion bag or rather, at her chest area.

One of Luna's concerns was whether Sivar was becoming aware of the opposite sex.'

She already had enough problems without also having to educate him on sexual matters. So now, getting his attention elsewhere was crucial.



"What do you think about Kara?"

She wasnt sure if hed understood the question, but she asked anyway. Sivar blinked.

Then, after pondering like he was deep in thought, scratching his head, he quietly spoke up.


"Who do you think is who?"

Before Sivar could finish, a familiar voice interrupted.

Turning in the direction of the voice, Kara was standing at the door.

Her refreshing smile complemented her relaxed attire. She wore long pants but topped off with a black tank top.

"Miss Kara."

"It seems you've been treated well."

Kara approached Luna briskly, saying so. She looked unscathed, unlike the battered Luna, as she hadn't landed a single effective hit.

Luna, initially shocked by Kara's appearance, quickly remembered something she had said to her before and opened her mouth in haste.

"Miss Kara, that"

"No, no, it's okay. It wasnt serious. I kept taunting you too. "

"But still"

"Doesn't matter. Just apologizing is enough."

Kara responded in her straightforward manner. Luna looked on, unsure of what to make of it.

Calling someone a barbarian' could be nothing short of an insult to Kara. Having spent time with her, Luna had realized this.

Being anything but a barbarian and getting ridiculed as one would be incredibly stressful by itself.

"I'm from Tatars, where we treat sparring like real combat. No matter what provocation comes, you have to maintain composure, and I didn't. That's my fault."

"Are you really okay with it?"

"Yeah. You apologized, and I accepted it. Thats all there is to it. The real problem is with jerks who dont apologize."

With a smile still on her face, Kara then looked at Sivar.

"Next time, Ill be fighting you, I suppose."


"Can you answer the question Luna asked earlier? Who do you think would win if we fought?"

What Luna really wanted to ask was well, it could be interpreted in several ways when you think about it.

It wasnt just about strength; the question could also be about personal perspectives of the individual.

Anyone else may not need such clarity, but with Sivar, she had to make sure he understood the question correctly.

"Sivar. If you were to fight Miss Kara"



"Just call me sister. I'm older than you anyway."


"If you call me sister, Ill teach you some techniques."

That was rather tempting. Luna quickly made her decision.

Even as the top admit, getting overwhelmingly outplayed might have not left the best impression on her.

Plus, it seemed she would often be sparring with Kara in the future, so there were plenty of opportunities to learn.

Rapidly processing these thoughts, Luna promptly corrected herself.

Her pride was long discarded like trash.

"If you and Kara sister were to fight, who do you think would win?"

"Youre quick."

Kara snickered from the sidelines, incredulous. She then looked at Sivar as well.

All eyes focused on Sivar, a slightly overwhelming sight.

Sivar rolled his red eyes and then slowly raised his hand.


Pointing his index finger at Kara, he then continued.


And then he pointed at himself, confidently providing his answer.

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