Published at 21st of May 2024 08:35:57 AM

Chapter 53: Everyone Has a Plan (3)

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Chapter 53: Everyone Has a Plan (3)

United Academy, in its early days, boasted a long history, and with that, much has been lost, yet much has been maintained.

At its inception, there were no comprehensive hospitals as we know them now, nor specialized dueling arenas.

The same goes for food establishments. While some eateries have disappeared, others have remarkably maintained a consistent history.

One of these is the very restaurant Grace had made reservations at. It was once a very ordinary diner that, over time, has transformed into a restaurant.

By keeping the same location over the years, insisting on a consistent menu, it managed to preserve both uniqueness and flavor.


"Take it slowly, Sivar."


But to Sivar, it mattered little whether the restaurant had history or not. Meats from every era tasted just as good.

Grace watched him consume four steaks already and awkwardly laughed. One could question whether eating' was the right term for what he was doing.

The restaurant, as pricey as it may be, provides generous portions. It can satisfy both nobility and commoners if they can afford it.

Yet Sivar busied himself with eating, and even more amazing was his skillful use of both fork and knife.

Well, it's certainly better than eating with hands.'

If he were to grab and munch on the meat directly, even Grace of noble upbringing would grimace. This was at least tolerable.

More so, he intermittently wiped around his mouth with a napkin indicating he has a decent grasp of hygiene.

Though far from the elegance and refinement that Grace, a noblewoman, pursued, his dining manners did not breach any etiquette.


"Wow even gnawing on the bones"


It was tough to watch, but as Yeonhwa seemed fascinated, Sivar was indeed chewing meticulously through the bones.

The restaurant that they had reserved exclusively handled meat in various forms and included a variety of types.

There were steaks with bones like the T-bone steak that Sivar was currently gnawing on.

Is he really an animal? What if he hurts his teeth'

The absurdity mixed with concern, however, was quickly replaced by another thought. The time when Elvin and Sivar sparred came to mind.

Sivar, who demolished even iron tougher than bones with his bare teeth. Crunching on bones would, therefore, be a mere trifle.

Fortunately, that biting power was never directed at people, providing slight solace. Grace chuckled quietly and concentrated on her meal.


Finishing her meal, Grace noticed Sivar, now done with the bones, gazing at her steadfastly.

Feeling his gaze, she slowly raised her head to meet the eyes of Sivar, who was looking at her expressionlessly.

Initially, she had no idea what his look meant. Now, she sort of understood.

"Shall I bring you more?"


"Absolutely. This amount is a trifle."


Simplicity had its charm. With Sivar cheerfully responding, Grace quietly chuckled to herself.

Perhaps his newness to civilization was a factor. His basic needs, especially appetite, seemed particularly strong.

The civilized world offers an array of eats unlike anything in the wild.'

His inherent strong appetite coped with an insurmountable number of food options available in civilization.

Each meal for Sivar could well be akin to a royal banquet.

Given that, I feel a bit sorry for him.'

Simultaneously, she empathized with Sivar. It's likely he never had proper meals in the forest.

Even a decent fire, marking the beginning of civilization, might have been a challenge. Perhaps his teeths withstandability stems from such necessities.

To survive, tearing into raw flesh, even bones, was par for the course, quite literally living as animals do.

His liking for candy might be part of that too.'

This perspective brings about a sense of understanding. People indeed harbor biases when they line everything up with their standards.

Thus, with Grace gaining new enlightenment(?), a rather heartwarming dining scene ensued.

In contrast to the untidiness of Sivar, Grace maintained her poise and refinement throughout the meal.

Lastly, Yeonhwa. She dined on Eastern-style prepared meats, not steaks.

So she was using chopsticks instead of a fork and knife, a sight that Grace found quite intriguing.


"Yes, yes?"

Yeohwa jerked at Grace's call, her reaction almost rodent-like, memorable.

It seemed unnecessary for such alarm, but Grace, despite her bewilderment, proceeded with her question.

"Do Easterners all eat with chopsticks? I'm curious."

"Ah Yes, most do use chopsticks where I live. We tend to use spoons as well."

"Spoons? Aren't those for soups and porridge?"

"Usually, thats the case but where I dwell, I mean, no, no, no."

Yeohwa hastily corrected herself mid-speech. At that, Grace wore an expression of puzzlement.

Then Yeohwa glanced around, seemingly ensuring that no one was eavesdropping.

"Our local culture is somewhat distinct. Hehe."

"Hmm, I see."

Distinct local cultures are tolerable as they are, part of the rich tapestry of traditions.

But it was her reaction to a mere slip of the tongue that stood out, unusually sensitive for such a minor error.

Come to think of it, isn't the Hwan Empire just in name and rather like a confederation?'

Unlike the combative West, the East has recently united under one nation.

It's less about unity and more a federative structure. Formally a federation,' the leading agency is unmistakably Hwan.'

It signifies that the Hwan Empire adeptly used international dynamics to absorb them as vassals.

Apparently, there's jurisprudence that I'm unaware of.'

Yeohwa stems from the Hwan Empire but strictly belongs to an allied nation. Thus, she reacted so sensitively.

Moreover, hegemonism' is one of Hwan Empires current objectives; a notion as forceful as that of the Granada Empire.

The vast ambition of the Hwan Empire leadership is apparent from its assimilation of the entire East.

Originally, the Hwan Empire's name translates in our language as The Federation of the East, abbreviated as the East.'

Initially, the East' was a name designated by the Eastern federations. However, it morphed into the Hwan Empire over time.

Additionally, the East' has transmuted into a regional name. Passerby would likely refer to it as the Hwan Empire before the East.'

The internal conditions are murky, but the vassals surely hold significant grievances.

Hegemonism isn't just internationalit also permeates the vassals.

"Win. Done."

Such a straightforward plan, almost too simple, but Grace just accepted it with a knowing look.

Her enthusiasm was enough, even though she hadnt expected any detailed plans from Sivar.



The following word but' refocused Grace's attention. There must be something more.

"Cake. Give."

"Cake? Do you mean youre asking for more cake?"


Sivar affirmed Graces question and continued.

"I help. Win."

"So you mean to say"

Grace took a moment to process his words. Kara might have grasped it immediately, but not Grace.

The good news was that Sivar communicated with the use of key words, making it easier to infer the message.

"You help us win, so you want more cake later?"


"Well, Id be more than happy to. I can even give you more right now if you want."

This was an ideal scenario for Grace. Unlike the unmotivated Yeonhwa, Sivar was unpredictable.

One of the worst outcomes would be Sivar going rogue, as who could guess what antics he might pull.

In these worrisome thoughts, Sivar offering to help felt solid, especially since the exercise's theme was about survival.

"Yeonhwa, isnt there a saying used in the East for such times? Its like having a thousand soldiers and horses."

"Yes, that's true, but"

Yeonhwa glanced away from the smiling Grace and looked at Sivar.

Then she tilted her head and muttered with a slightly uncertain voice.

"All the power of a thousand soldiers and horses in one person could become a problem itself"

"What do you mean?"

Grace asked, puzzled by Yeonhwas not-so-easily dismissible comment.

Yeonhwa nibbled on her cake and then ventured to explain carefully.

"If Sivar gets disqualified, we lose what is like a thousand soldiers and horses."

"Oh, I see. No need to worry."

Grace reassured her, as though it was baseless concern.

"Who in their right mind would dare to mess with Sivar?"


While Grace was devising plans from multiple angles, Luna was enjoying a rare sense of freedom.

Though she was concerned about the distant Sivar, it did not amount to constant worry.

When he was right next to her, she couldn't help but fret at the thought of his potential trouble-making.

Of course, she wasn't just idly having fun. She had her tasks to attend to as well.

"So then"

Luna trailed off, feeling a bit bewildered. Currently, she was not at the Principals office, but in a cafe.

Just like Sivar had been meeting with his teammates, she too was meeting with her teammates in preparation for the upcoming exercise.

"We're not just going to survive. Were targeting Sivar first? Cooperating with other teams?"

"Right. You catch on fast."

The man sitting across Luna, Antonio, twirled his finger nonchalantly.

His appearance suggested he might be concocting some scheme, and Luna dismissed it out of hand.

"Are you serious? You saw for yourself how strong Sivar is. To beat him is"

"Who said anything about beating him? I'm no fool. No student stands a chance in a head-on battle with that guy, do they?"

"Then why"

"Did I say beat him? I said get him disqualified."

Antonio hit the nail on the head. It wasnt about winning against Sivar; it was about disqualifying him.

Survival was the crux of the upcoming exercise. And as long as the bracelet isnt removed or broken, survival is ensured.

"If we focus on the bracelet, we have a shot. Even Sivar would struggle with that, right?"

"Well, yes, but doesn't that seem a bit cowardly?"

For Luna, it was an unsavory tactic. To conspire with other teams to get Sivar disqualified.

Antonio, hailing from Granada, would likely execute the plan willingly. They had clashing mindsets.

"Cowardly? Should we just let those guys take first place and suffer in silence? There's a limit to turning the other cheek."


"Sivar's very existence disrupts balance. We have to get him out if we want fairness. You think the same, right?"

"I do think so."

The fellow teammate seemed to agree with Antonio. Luna felt herself sinking deeper into contemplation.

Antonio's point could not be more valid. Sivar's mere presence was an unfair advantage, so disqualification was essential.

The plan was roughly as follows: find other teams during practice, strike an alliance, and then target Sivar.

Given other teams likely thinking the exercise would be unfair, it was a feasible plan.

This doesnt seem right, though'

Luna pondered and pondered. Could this possibly be the right thing to do?

Sivar's exceptional combat prowess was long proven since the battle with Hector. Itd be like swatting at flies for him.

Yet, as Antonio pointed out, disqualification' was key. Victory in combat was irrelevant.

Its worth a try. The outcome of the evaluation is uncertain though'

Antonio aimed not just for a high rank but the top spot. If one could secure first place, reversing other evaluations might be possible.

After much consideration, Luna sighed deeply. The plan was devious, but her curiosity was piqued.

Could Sivar really defend his bracelet against all those teams if they ganged up on him? Just pure curiosity.

"Alright. Let's do it. But youll have to persuade the other teams, Antonio. Im not confident about that."

"You got it. Thanks for hearing me out, team leader."

Antonio smirked, already entertained by the unfolding events. His appearance of slyness intensified.

Luna silently chuckled to herself.

I wonder if Kara will be receptive.'

She had a nagging feeling of impending scolding.

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