Published at 21st of May 2024 08:35:48 AM

Chapter 58: Before the Encounter (5)

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Chapter 58: Before the Encounter (5)

Luna seemed to have fallen for Antonio's words, but in reality, she hadn't completely bought into it.

After all, it was Sivar who had emerged victorious in his recent skirmish with Hector. This was a testament to Sivar's strength, with or without the existence of a berserk entity.

Moreover, the destructive power' that he possessed could be said to be on par with or even surpassing Hector's. Without going any further, a single Death Beam from him could end it all.

From the start, his strength is outrageously strong.'

Among all, what stands out the most is undeniably power'. Perhaps its due to his red mana, but Sivar's physical strength is beyond expectations.

So, Luna made a decision. For now, she would pretend to side with Antonio while taking the chance to say what she wanted to convey.

Practical training didn't really matter. With a demon involved, other things were more significant than personal grades.

Of course, shed have to get help from the professors just in case, so she'd need to at least come up with a plausible reason.

However, due to her lack of experience, Luna faced a big problem in carrying out such plans.

"It's okay if you don't accept. You'll need some time too."

The big issue was that she was totally unaware that the whole exercise was being broadcast live.

Had she been a bit quicker-witted, she might have realized the professors were observing everything.

No matter how smart you are, without awareness, you're ignorant. Moreover, Luna had just recently come up from the countryside.

Therefore, she saw this moment as an opportunity. An opportunity to say what she wanted to Sivar.

To others, what she had would perhaps appear like a confession,' making the unfolding of events all the more interesting.

"I hope you can accept it, though. I'm really curious about you."

Words like these were suggestive of a misunderstanding, right at this moment.

She had previously pointed out Kara's slip of the tongue, but now she herself had made a similar mistake.

Unfortunately, Luna didn't realize this at all. Not only was she oblivious, but the situation also made her nervous.

She needed to deceive Antonio and his team, believing there wouldn't be another chance like this.

Thankfully, since Sivar had cleanly dealt with the attackers, the opportunity came easily.

All that was left was for Sivar to agree. Luna, standing there gawking at him, spoke up.

"Can you give me an answer?"

Her request sounded almost pleading. Sivar heard it and looked around.

It seemed as if he was checking for eavesdroppers, but there was no one around. He had long since taken care of everyone.

Luna inadvertently looked around as well. If anyone were listening, it would be embarrassing.

This was a secret that couldnt be easily shared with others. If someone were to find out, it would complicate matters.

Please. Please. Please.'

Luna prayed desperately in her mind. She hoped Sivar would accept her request.

She had sacrificed this exercise session on the rare chance of getting to talk with him. If he rejected her now, it would really hurt.

Perhaps sensing her feelings, Sivar rolled his eyes before speaking up in his characteristically blunt tone.



At his word, Luna's eyes widened. She then stammered out an urgent question.

"Y-You're agreeing?"


Sivar's curt response signified agreement, and Luna instantly brightened up like sunshine.

The relief that the burdens inside her were easing was evident in her radiant face.


Not knowing that professors were watching, Luna pumped her fist and exclaimed.

To any onlooker, it would seem like a successful date proposala moment fresh enough to stir tender feelings.

In fact, the professors were watching and enthusiastically clapping for her. The teachers were united in support for once.

Hehehe. Finally, it feels refreshing.'

Regardless, Luna was overjoyed at the thought of having secured a promise for alone time with him, finally seizing the chance to be together.

For how long had she agonized? She was worried that someone might discover Sivar's secret.

Now, there was no longer that concern. If she found out Sivar's true identity, she could find someone to share the secret with.

As Luna gleefully bounced on her feet, she suddenly remembered something she had almost forgotten.

"Oh, right! Now is not the time. Hurry to where Grace is. It might be dangerous by now."


"Ill manage on my own. So go now."


Luna had no intention of fighting Sivar. Frankly, it would be a waste of time to even try.

All of it was futile. Practically all the teams had banded together to take down Sivar, except for a few.

This too was a form of cooperation, Grace thought to herself with a wry smile before she glanced backward.

Driven to a corner, she had somehow reached the safety barrier without realizing it. There was nowhere left to run. It would be a stroke of luck to escape outside and find a path within 10 minutes, but the probability is too low. Plus, unless they're fools, they will pursue to the end, so there is virtually no chance.

"The best we can do is hold out until Sivar arrives."

Grace wonder how long they can last. The opponent have a well-balanced team of five, while they only have a mage and a rogue. Furthermore, the distance is neither wide nor narrow. Distance is life to a mage, and even that is being cut off now.

Despite the bleak situation, Grace tried to come up with the best possible plan.


Right now, there's only one person I can trust. Grace glanced sideways.

"Uh uh uh"

Yeonhwa is trembling, gripping her dagger with both hands. I hope she doesn't become a hindrance rather than a help.

Grace couldn't help but click her tongue, feeling her opinion of Yeonhwa drop.

Given the circumstances, there's only one thing left to do: fight with everything we've got.

The bracelet is structured to be difficult for the wearer to remove, so if we hang in there, Sivar will surely arrive.

"Why you would insist on taking the harder path is beyond me. There are easier options."

"You may think so, Lady Berche. But this is the best course of action for us."

"What I see is not the best but the worst option. Whoever developed this plan obviously did not think it through."

Grace inadvertently laid into Antonio with her words. Still, it wasn't entirely haphazard; they had divided their team to cut off support and launch a surprise attack.

The crucial factor is how well they can hinder Sivar's movements. They might even manage to eliminate him.

The worst-case scenario for Grace would be to have Sivar eliminated, rendering the situation utterly hopeless.

"It's so frustrating not being able to communicate."

By nature of survival, communication between individuals is not possible, except when more than one mage is present.

"The talk has gone on for too long. If you find it too difficult to remove your bracelet, you can simply go outside the barrier."

"What if I refuse?"


The male student chuckled as if the idea was laughable, slowly withdrew his sword, and sheathed it again.

However, this was not a sign of receding. Holding the sword in its scabbard, he continued in a low voice.

"There's no choice then. We'll have to resort to force."

With those words, the male student charged towards Grace. The distance was too short to allow for any incantation.

But Grace didn't silently capitulate; she was determined to resist to the utmost.


Regrettably, Grace couldn't finish her sentence. The mans sword was already moving towards her face.

Grace clenched her eyes shut, half-resigned to her fate, when suddenly, an unexpected event occurred.



The man who was charging at Grace suddenly toppled to the side, letting out an inexplicable scream.

At that sound, Grace slowly opened her eyes, which she had shut tight. The male student who had lunged at her with his sword was now unconscious.

The shock must have been extensive, for his eyes were rolled back.

"What, what's happening?"

"Whats going on?"

Thud! Crack!

Before his comrades could react to the sudden turn of events, they were struck by flying stones, each taking a hit to the head.

Five individuals were knocked down, each by a single, clean blow from stones of all things.

Still unable to comprehend the situation fully, a voice reached Grace's ears.


It was Sivar, who had appeared beside Grace before anyone knew it. His approach had been imperceptible.



Both Grace and Yeonhwa, startled, let out shrill screams.

So taken aback were they that both jumped on the spot.


Sivar, unconcerned, spoke what he had to say.

As if checking if something had happened in the interim, in his usual brusque tone.

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