Published at 21st of May 2024 08:35:30 AM

Chapter 70: Wall (1)

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Chapter 70: Wall (1)

I often find myself wondering why it seems that each time I meet someone new, we end up fighting. First, there was Elvin, then Kara and Hector, and finally Lize. Every new encounter somehow culminates into a fight. The fact that I havent fought with Luna and Rod is a small, albeit ironic, comfort. As for Ellie, there's absolutely no need to even mention.

"The Principal. May I ask how strong Ms. Lize is?"

Finally, the weekend has arrived. We were in transit to a location designated for a sparring match that wasn't exactly a sparring match.Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

Quietly Luna asked Rod, who was walking ahead, glancing back at me and Lize.

She seemed to whisper as if to prevent us from hearing, yet everything was heard. Lize might be unaware, but to someone like me, with heightened senses, whispering is futile.

"Strength well, she's certainly stronger than me, but its hard to quantify her exact level. Remember, she once crushed space with a single punch."

"That's why I cant comprehend it. Controlling space is far too abstract for me I don't even understand the principle of the sky."


After Luna's comment, Rod glanced back.

At that moment, I was sandwiched between Lize and Kara, listening to their conversation.

Mostly, they talked about matters related to Tatars. Given that Kara is a follower of Gulak, that made sense.

By the way, Ellie didn't come along. Since her combat abilities are nearly nonexistent, there was a high risk of her getting seriously injured if she got caught up in the fray.

Others might be able to fend for themselves, hence they joined us. But once the sparring started, they planned to step away.

"From your perspective, the stronger you get, the more unattainable such strength seems. So keep striving."

"Well but when will you teach me the techniques? Aside from buying me books, Elvin has practically abandoned me."

"Wouldn't it be better for you to learn the basics properly before skills?"


Luna was at a loss for words, struck by the brute fact of Rods statement. As he pointed out, it was indeed better to solidify the basics first.

Still, Lunas foundational skills improved by the day, absorbing knowledge like a sponge, they say.

While my instincts from the wild naturally adjust me, she rises solely on talent.

Even Kara, watching from the side, couldnt help but chuckle incredulously.

"Ms. Lize, have you ever met my father?"

"I met him when I was very young. It was during my pilgrimage across the Tatars desert that I came under the care of Hector's tribe. He was in his mid-teens but already over 180 cm tall."

"So it's true? I also heard similarly growing up. My father said not to be disheartened about my height, as he too was quite tall in his youth."

"How tall are you, Kara?"

"Just shy of 180 cm."

To be caught between two chatterboxes, my ears could almost bleed.

Kara is naturally talkative like the Tatars people, and Lize earnestly responds to questions.

If it were up to me, I'd slip away or shift to a quieter spot, but every time I tried, Kara would hold me back, asking where I was going.

"Sivar, its fascinating how you handle tough situations without resorting to violence."

The conversation naturally shifted towards me, forcing me to lend an ear.

Kara, hearing Lize's words, stared at me and then smirked, playfully pinching my cheek.

"I found it amazing too. The Principal and Ellie must have taught you well."

"That may be true, but Rod said you were averse to using strength from the beginning? Thats kind of curious because, Kara, youre quite familiar with violence and killing, right? My apologies if that offends you."

"No need to apologize. Thats the truth. It's just how Tatars is, right? Anyway, I see your point."

From Lizes conversation, it seemed Kara, though raised in an environment as harsh as the wilderness, had the restraint of a civilized' person.

Whereas I didn't. Educated or not, youd think Id have no concept of violence as someone from the wild.

No matter how much humankind builds civilization, shedding our beastly nature is difficult. Lize seems to think so.

"Ellie said it's because you see them as kin I dont really know. As long as we're getting along, its fine."

"That's fortunate. It's good that Sivar doesn't readily resort to violence."

"Do you also not favor violence, Ms. Lize?"

Kara's question carried weight. Tatars, after all, is a nation built on violence.

Even as time passes, its aggressive tendencies remain, earning them the moniker of barbarians.

How exactly she planned to do that, I couldn't guess. Is she hitting me, or not?

Called some sort of hypnotism, but with physical' added in, it only confounds further.

"However, reaching that point requires intense emotion. In other words, the exercise must be significant enough to stir the heart."


"Now, please, strike me as you wish. I will simply stand and receive."

What is she talking about? Her words left me utterly baffled.

There she stood with hands confidently perched on her hips, proudly thrusting her chest forwardher muscular pecs, not her rich bosom.

After verifying that I had indeed heard correctly, I cautiously spoke up.



"Truly, strike?"

"Strike. Its fine. I can take it."

Lize is definitely more robust than me. Even in the game, hardly any attack made an impact on her.

But that was when countering demons, creatures she's especially equipped to fight.

Im not a demon, but I do have considerable attack power. Thus, I was confident.

"If its too difficult to punch, feel free to use a weapon. I heard that Hector gave you one, right?"


I wasnt sure whether she was intentionally provoking me or genuinely offering advice. However, it was enough to touch a nerve.

I approached Lize slowly until I was close. Glancing back and forth, I stretched out my arm.


"As many times as you ask, my answer remains the same. Strike me. Give it your all."

Well then. I swung my arm out with all my might the moment I heard her affirmation.

Just in case, I refrained from using any magic and struck with sheer physical force.


My fist accurately hit Lizes abdomen. But the soundmetallic and clear like steel against steel.



And to my shock, my hand throbbed from the impact. If my body was any less resilient, the pain would have been unbearable.

"You may strike again if you wish."

Meanwhile, Lize was unscathed. From her expression, I could tell the blows really didnt bother her.

Slightly encouraged, I swung my fist again. This time I hadn't held back, unlike before.



The clear and beautiful sound rang out again, and a shallow moan escaped my lips.

It hurt even more than beforeakin to feeling as if I had punched a tree when I first fell into the wild.

I cradled my aching fist as I stepped back, then slowly lifted my head to look at Lize.


It made no sense. Even Hector showed pain when I struck with genuine force.

Yet, not Lize. Her abs were so solid I wondered if she had bedded down a steel plate.

No. It was beyond solid. It was as if my attacks werent registering at all. Did any damage even penetrate?

"Youre alright."

In the meantime, Lize flashed me a truly refreshing smile.

"You can go on. I dont mind more hits."

She was gradually making me realize the meaning of wall.'

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