Published at 21st of May 2024 08:34:44 AM

Chapter 96: The Raw Reality (4)

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Chapter 96: The Raw Reality (4)

While flinging magic born from physics and chemistry, let me add that the items were not originally provided for this purpose.

The oil was stored in large jars, too cumbersome to carry, and even the bottles were made of material not easily broken.

Hence, they were mostly used for blocking pathways or as trapspre-spreading oil and setting it afire when someone approached.

In the Soul World, most use them in this way as well. No one goes around making impromptu Molotov cocktails to hurl about like I do.

But that's all in-game'this here is reality. In reality, you can employ any method you wish.

If bottles are difficult to break? Imbued with my red mana, they'll shatter on impact.

Just one condition satisfied, and I found myself with the opportunity to create flamethrowers.



"Fire magic!"


Much like I did to Luna, I went about, shall we say, firing up' my surroundings.

Being filled with oil, these flames were stubbornly persistent, leaping ever higher.

To extinguish the fire would require magic, but most would be at the bottom of their mana reserves by now.

"Why won't it go out?! I put water on it!"

"It's spreading more? What the heck?!"

Above all, fire spread by oil does not extinguish easily with water. Pouring water increases the spread instead of putting it out.

To put out the flames, one must douse them with sand or completely cut off air supply. Or wait until all the oil is consumed.

On Earth, there are plenty unaware of this, let alone in this world. Unless they're experienced like Kara, most would likely not know.

"Dammit! That guy is making the test all weird!"

"Weird isn't the word. It's called tactics."

"I know that! But why does he do all this instead of just eliminating us?"

As I toss firebombs from rooftop to rooftop, everyone seems overjoyed. By now, the professors probably aren't thrilled either.

Naturally, I don't toss them indiscriminately. I'm buying time for Grace to find the artifact.

[Your faith is rising!]

Look at that. Even Chaos seems quite pleased with my actions.

Following the explosive vest, another message confirmed that my faith had risen, prompting an inward smirk.

So far, I had resorted to brute force out of sheer laziness, but using my brain felt refreshingly different.

"How the hell did he make those?! Is he even allowed to create them?!"

"That bottle should be indestructible! That guy's weird!"

"Whoever taught him sure did a number! Taught him only the naughty stuff!"

Sorry to disappoint, but all these are my original ideas. The world I come from was filled with all sorts of madness.

To be called mad for just this is almost endearingthe explosive vest affair, now that was truly mad.

"If it's come to this, I'll just break through! Arrrgh!!"

"Hey! Where are you going!"

There was always someone crazed among the students. One had barreled through the flames I had set and managed to squeeze through.

Then they disappeared from my sight, taking cover inside a building. Fortunately, I hadnt wasted any firebombs on them.

Apart from the items we collected, most of the terrain features were akin to 3D prints, thus not particularly flammable.

However, they are quite fragile. Pointing my index finger at the building the student had entered, I prepared my next move.

"Death Beam."


A beam of red mana shot from the tip of my finger, calibrated to bring the building down, but not so powerfully as to seriously hurt anyone.

They'd probably be knocked out, but with the right to attack granted, I could easily do this without guilt.

Concerned that the red mana would be noticeable? No need. At this low output, my beam was hard to detect with the naked eye.

This was the result of training in secret with the Death Beam, away from Rod's prying eyes. I might have been scolded when caught, but it was worth it.


The building, annihilated by the Death Beam, now lay in ruins. Within, the very student who had dashed through the flames lay prostrated.

Judging by the protective barrier slowly wrapping them, it looked like they were out cold as I expected.

"How are we supposed to get through that?!"

"There's no need to break through! Let's just run away! You dont face a madman!"

After repeating this several times, my rivals began to feel discouraged, opting to find other routes.

As long as they stayed clear of the building Grace was inspecting, I allowed them to flee.

Deep within, I yearned to hurl more firebombs or loose Death Beams, but I restrained myself.


"It's falling? What is that?"

Sparks started to rain down, akin to a Meteor' spell.

Our makeshift meteor, devised from purely physical and chemical means, would not have the force of the real deal.

However, visually, it would leave a lasting effect. Fiery masses rained down from the sky above me.


"Hey! Where're y'all going darn it!"

Karas team, panicked by the burning embers raining down, scattered in all directions.

Kara, too, hurried to regroup her team but had to move swiftly, facing the same peril.


"Fend for yourselves! I can't do anything about this! See you later!"

Luna was no different. She also dodged the falling fireballs as she made her way inside.

I watched them scatter before descending from the roof. It was time to return to Grace.

"Aaaaah! What is this?! Did someone cast Meteor?!"

"Shut up and put out the fire! Its oil!"

"Ah, my head! Fire, on my head!"

Various screams reached my ears. The impact was profound.

For a while, the other teams would be in disarray, trying to calm the situation.

So much for a scenic view.'

It was like a disaster movie in the making. I broke into a sprint towards the house Grace was examining.

Her location was evident from her presence. Her aura was all too familiar.


"Grace. I'm back"


But maybe because of my unexpected arrival, as I opened the door, there was Grace, right in front of me.

She jumped, startled, which was understandable given the circumstances. Usually, I wouldnt approach so silently.


What I don't get is why she threw something strange into my mouth. A startled reflex, perhaps?


And why, instinctively, did I swallow it?

It was neither particularly small nor large, but once gulped down, it went straight through.

" "


Grace looked at me, flustered. Purple eyes trembling as if they'd been shaken by an earthquake.

I, too, was equally baffled, wordless as I tried to identify what had entered my stomach.


Meanwhile, a noise occupied the space between us. It came unmistakably from inside me.

Both Grace and I lowered our heads as though entranced. A profound unease spread.


[The artifact has been activated.]

The announcement followed. The broadcast voice wormed its way between us.

[The artifact's effect is a mana field.]

[The mana field will move, with the artifact as its center.]

[If the artifact is destroyed, its bearer is automatically disqualified.]

I thought, great, this is sweetuntil this point.

[The artifact has been damaged.]

[The artifact has been damaged.]

[The artifact has been damaged.]

The cries for help from the artifact within me started before then.

Come to think of it, what was my digestive capability again?'

One thing is for sure.

Im totally screwed.

[Your faith is rising!]

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