A Witch at Midnight - Chapter 14

Published at 29th of May 2024 06:50:10 AM

Chapter 14

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I was at a disadvantage before, looking around in unknown territory, but here? This is my house. My country. My library! I have walked around these halls so many times that I have a pretty good mental map of where everything is. Considering the most requested academic tomes are under the protection of the Librarian, I go investigate the shelves on the first floor, where you find mostly reference books.


All this confidence I managed to build up disappears the instant I notice there’s a group of students in the lodges to the side of the hall, just minding their own business. My throat dries up, my knees shake a little bit.


Saints damn it, why aren’t you all on vacation!?


And they are sitting right on my way, between me and the shelves. I am sure the symbol has to be on the shelves…


“Time to turn tail and run, like always.”


“You can do it. Take a deep breath, look straight onwards and walk!”


Taking her advice, I do my best to not look at ANYTHING and just go straight as an ant to the shelves.


“Wait. What if any of them say hi? Oh no. Uhm. Take a quick look! But make it super, super quick!”


Damn it.


My eyes slowly turn to the left as I am walking. Are they looking at me? Did they look at me? WILL they look at me? They don’t seem to even notice me. Should I call for their attention? Should I say hi? I don’t even know them, that would be weird. But what if I do know them and I just don’t remember? There’s lots of law students around, maybe they are law students? I can’t see their books from this distance, maybe I need glasses. Would glasses make me look unassuming? I wish people didn’t look at me…


Eventually I reach the shelves without exchanging a single word with these people. I really, really hope I didn’t look like a nervous wreck while walking by, but I guess there isn’t much I can do about that now, can I? Ugh, I can barely focus as I start looking on the shelf itself, trying to find anything out of the ordinary…


“You’re nervous when there’s a lot of people, and you’re nervous when there’s few people. What will it take for you to be happy about something, huh!? Tiresome bitch…”


I sigh loudly. I left my S.O.S. at home, so I can’t really get rid of these voices tonight… I’ll have to brave them.


“It will be a hard time… but you can do it.”


Taking a deep breath, I continue trying to focus on finding that damn ‘golden symbol’ around the shelves, even taking out a few suspiciously out of place books, just to check if the symbol could be carved on the back of the shelf or something…




I spend a good long hour checking each shelf on the first floor as methodically as my body allows… before I know it, I have given up on everything and am sitting on a bean couch at the main hall, letting my eyes close slowly…


… When I open them again, I practically jump out of my chair.


Did I just fall asleep!?


“Oh boy.”


I pick up my phone to check… It's 2 in the morning.


“Oh boy! Who could have guessed things would go wrong, huh?”


I can still feel the sleepiness in my limbs, my eyelids feel so heavy. Saints, help your poor servant!


The lights feel so vibrant here, so annoying and white. I can practically hear them buzz… but then, I notice something else. The smell of decent coffee, recently brewed. I look around, quickly finding the librarian at her desk, serving cups of coffee to the group I saw… I think of going over and taking one but that would probably imply conversation. And I am not ready for conversation! I—


“Oi! You finally woke up!” The librarian catches me instantly with a knowing smirk. “Want a cuppa?”


I freeze. For a moment I think: ‘hey, let’s pretend I didn’t hear her!’, but I don’t have my headphones on and I made eye contact. I am trapped, TRAPPED.


“M-Mhm.” I manage to whimper, nodding my head quickly.


“Then come over, don’t be shy. We’re all night owls here.”


There is a sense of community there that’s quite alluring, but the curious looks of that group of students really feel like cold daggers on my chest. Still, I gather all my courage and robotically walk over to the group, taking a styrofoam cup, and then watching the woman fill it up slowly with coffee as black as my soul. Just like I like it… just with a hint of sugar, though.


“So you finally came around again. I was wondering what happened to you.” The old lady looked at me, knowingly.


“You… you recognize me?” I can’t help but feel a mixture of happiness and abject horror mounting on my back.


“My child, I recognize every single person who comes to my library! I know them all, believe it or not! Including these rascals over here.”


The others laughed. I just looked at my coffee while mixing a teaspoon of sugar in it. She’s probably joking, right? I mean… there’s no way she actually memorizes every visitor, right?


“Maybe she’s a witch.”


Knowing what I know now? I wouldn’t be surprised. I just take a sip of my coffee.


“You’re not here to study for the special tests, are you?” The lady again read me like a saints’ damned book. “You’re looking for something special.”


“It’s nothing that ominous.” I quickly cover. “I am just looking for a particular book, but I am not sure where I could find it in the library.”


“Why not ask for help? I am right here, precisely for that!” The Librarian puffed up her chest. “If I don’t get anything to do, I get bored.”


“Ah, well, you see…” I start getting nervous again. I can’t just tell her the truth! What if I slip and this woman turns out to be a cloak testing me? Or worse, a sleeper! I am quite sure the whole ‘Secret of magic’ is a very serious matter! I could get her and myself in a big pickle!


The woman seems to notice my distress… and instead of trying to reassure me, the damn crone just goes and says:


“Is it poooorn you’re after, boy?~”


Saints help me.


The others are laughing and looking at me all smiley, why!? Why must this lady put me in a situation like this!?


“T-There’s the internet for stuff like that!” I blurt without thinking. “I mean! Ah! Damn it!”


More laughs. At this point my face must be lighting up red and radiating hotter than active uranium.


“I. Can’t. It’s a symbol!”


“A symbol?” One of the other students tilted his head with curiosity. “What kind of symbol? Are we talking chemical or arcane?”


“Nerd spotted. You’re among comrades here, breathe easy.”


It’s hard to breathe easy when people are actively laughing at me, saints damn it!


“It… symbolizes gold.” I finally relented. “I am not sure which one of the many, many interpretations it could be. I thought of the alchemical symbol for gold, or a Sun, who knows…”


“That’s a little vague.” The student said, frowning a little bit and rubbing the back of his neck. “The symbol is in the book? Like, on the cover?”


What am I even supposed to answer to that!?


“I. Think?”


“Well.” The Librarian recovers the reigns of the conversation with a grin. “If that thing you are looking for isn’t here? It may be a literature tome. You know, on the second floor.”


“Y-Yeah…” I sigh. This whole conversation has just been so stressful.


“Well! It could be the Golden Ratio!” One of the girls says. “You know the Golden Ratio?”


“Isn’t that the whole shell inside a rectangle thing?” I blink.


“Yeah! They use the helenian letter ‘phi’ to represent it.”


The girl is nice enough to draw it for me…


I stare at the symbol on the paper for a moment. That’s… actually useful. And it does make sense! It could be this! Suddenly inspired, I stand right up and finish what’s left from my coffee in one gulp, not even caring that it burns my damn throat as I do so.


“Okay, this works. Thank you!” Without even feeling the anxiety attack me again, I bow my head and turn around to go right for the stairs!




When Tav had turned around and moved out, the Leader of the Coven looked at her young apprentice with a frown, shaking her finger slowly at the girl.


“You shouldn’t be so obvious with your hints, young girl.” The woman shook her head softly. “We could have had fun with her for at least another hour!”


“I didn’t feel like being cruel today.” The apprentice said with a sleepy grin, while some of the others ruffled her hair and called her a ‘softie’. “The Bastard needs a way to learn! And it would be sad to see the Overseer waiting for another night…”




I rush past the empty reception desk on the second floor, joging without even caring about the ‘No Running’ rule as I go head first into the wooden shelves of the literature section. And it doesn’t even take me that many attempts to finally see something: a symbol carved on the wooden side of one of the shelves.


Phi. Lower case. Small enough to not be disruptive, but big enough to be noticeable.


My eyes widen, and I immediately approach the symbol with awe invading my body. I don’t even dare to touch it at first, that’s how big my excitement is! Whatever does this mean!? Is this whole building the Elysium? Or just the second floor? Isn’t this place way too public for what they mean to do?


Finally giving up on trying to be cautious, I just touch the symbol. For a moment nothing happens, and I feel the panic starting to take over again.


“Trust the process, maybe it takes a moment!”


I keep my finger pressed on the carved symbol for a moment, taking slow, deep breaths as I try to keep myself from going into a saints damned anxiety attack. But then, something does happen. Octarine, that strange colour, starts filtering from my very veins and into the symbol, filling in the carving before flowing on the air like a river of vibrant purple-green. It advances in front of my eyes, dancing and spiraling before flowing deeper into the library.




“What are you waiting for!?”


“Follow it!”


I don’t have to tell myself twice! My legs don’t have the energy to keep running, but the colour is not flowing super fast, so I can just walk behind it until it reaches an empty wall on the deepest side of the second floor. I put my hand against it and push slightly, this time trying to cause the flow myself! My excitement knows no bounds when the colours flow from my forearm to my palm, and then spread on the wall like vines growing in all directions.


“Idiot! What if someone can see you!?”


Biting my lower lip, I quickly turn around. No one followed me, good! I can focus again on the wall, or in this case the lack of it: where there was a wall now there’s an entrance, a black hole just waiting for me to jump in. With a sigh, I decide to ignore my anxieties and just go into the darkness, being quickly surrounded by it as the wall quickly appears again behind me.


It takes a moment for my eyes to get used to the room, but when they do the way is clear: a spiral stairway going up.


“More stairs… why do people here love their stairs!?”


With a frustrated grumble, I take a step on the stairs, only for them to start moving on their own. Huh. Now that’s convenient! I just let them take me higher and higher, without even questioning how they move without mechanisms or electricity. Magic is just Like That™.


It doesn’t take long until the light hits me: a faint, gentle blue light, like a beautiful night sky. My observation proves right on the money, for what I find on top of the stairway is a tremendous planetarium: a dome of darkness with distant white lights showing the spectacle of the stars right above us.


There are some tables and chairs around, some bookshelves too… and sitting on one of them, was the specter of someone I know. The figure of a certain book vendor.


Miss Pelafina gently brushed some of her dyed black hair behind her ear to look at me with a mocking grin.


“Took you long enough, didn’t it? Kid.”

OrlonDog It's been a long work so far, and we are still far from the end!

Right now I wanted to take a moment to show you all a little experiment I am making: a Discord Server! It's mostly empty right now, but if you people want to join and talk about stories you like and such, the door is open ^^

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!