A Witch at Midnight - Chapter 22

Published at 29th of May 2024 06:50:01 AM

Chapter 22

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On the screen, one could see young Tav running around the living room for a moment, before picking a barely used extinguisher from behind a closet’s door and spraying it wrong at the growing fire on her floor.


Blanco stared, amused, as the little baby steps this Bastard Mage was taking into The Art. The flames of Tav’s first (or well, maybe second) spell were beautiful, healthy, full of emotion… He saw potential on the Bastard, at least a little bit. Potential for greatness, but also potential for a lot of mayhem.


Out of mere mockery he took a picture of the moment where the panicked Tav took her books off the table, trying to protect them from the flames she failed to extinguish.


“They have to see this.” The vampire said with a wide, wicked smile. “Let’s see… send!”


The creature chuckled, visibly entertained as he sent the picture to the two mages he confided in, just to see if he got any reactions from them.


To nobody’s surprise, Giovanni immediately chastised him for laughing at other people’s misfortune.


Meanwhile, Mustafá sent him no answer… huh, not even going to humor him this time, huh? Fine, he didn’t need her. Giovanni’s righteous indignation was enough for him to smile and chuckle a bit more.


Maybe the woman was busy or something. He didn’t really care.


The old man sent him a message, even!


Ventotto: That better not be Tav killing herself, Blanco! I told you to watch her!

[] : And I am watching her and it is hilarious.

[] : :3

Ventotto: Do something!

[] : Ah she has that covered, old man. No need to fret.

[] : 8)

[] : Oh by the way she totally has forbidden knowledge on her hands

Ventotto: qué.

[] : Yeah. She holding a book, old, leathery.

[] : It’s FULL of runes.

Ventotto: How full.

[] : I didn’t see a single word written in there, only runes in long rows.

[] : :o

Ventotto: … it’s written in the Language of the Gods…

[] : Can I spook her now?

[] : >:)

Ventotto: Not yet. I have a feeling…

Ventotto: I’ve seen this, in a dream.

[] : Oh you and your dreams!

Ventotto: I’m serious! Just, make sure she’s safe.

[] : Yeah yeah, I will.

[] : >:(


Blanco stretched his arms lazily and simply laid back for a moment with a yawn. ‘Look after her’, yeah right. It’s a Bastard Mage! She barely knows how to read the runes.


What’s the worst that could happen now?




Fire! The books! My computer! MY HOUSE! I have no idea why the extinguisher isn’t working but, it just isn't! The fire burns right through the chemical powder, somewhat bothered but always roaring back up with enough time!


In a panic, I decide that mundane methods will NOT save me right now. So, I try to remember. Do I know any other trick!?


“You don’t know the word for ‘snuff’ or anything. You’re doomed. This is it.”


Saints damn it all! I can feel tears escaping me as the fire just grows, and grows, like a pillar of flames bursting from the piece of paper. If this really is inextinguishable by regular means then the whole building is doomed too! Urgh!


But then, something hits me.


Don’t I know the word for ‘No’?


I immediately point at the flames, yelling.




I try pronounce it like “Hoh”. Nothing happens.


Maybe I am pronouncing it wrong!? I try again, this time pointing at the paper on the floor.




Nothing. It still burns. I pull my hair and try not to just break down sobbing as I think.


And then, it hits me again. Maybe just yelling ‘No’ is not enough! Lucia said I had to write the thing! I can’t really write on the circle without burning my hands. So maybe…


I quickly put my books down, grab a piece of paper and scribble a combination, then I seal it in a circle. Not a full circle though, just like the words in the book.

Begging for this to work, I hold the paper with my hand, point it facing the fire and breathe in to yell.




The paper on my hand shines in octarine light immediately… and the fire snuffs in an instant. All that’s left is a slowly rising spire of smoke.


I stare at what I’ve done for a moment… I messed up, yeah, but I was able to control it! Sorta! A smile begins creeping on my face. I did it? I really did it!


“Quick, open the windows!”


Oh, right! I trot over to the windows and open them, letting the smoke out of the living room with a sigh. People will complain about this, and it will be annoying… but that didn’t take away my merit…


But now, more questions came to my mind. I still remember, and insist on remembering, that the meaning of ‘Golthoi’ is not only ‘Ignite’, it also means ‘Turn on’! And this is important… because maybe I can use it in more creative ways, then?


“Or maybe you shouldn’t, and maybe you should read a bit more before risking it…?”


“I hate to say it but I agree with her. Restrain yourself, damn it.”


Not yet… There are things I wish to try. Still holding the paper in my hand, I pointed at the lit lightbulb on the room. If I focus on the message I want to send, point my finger at it and then pronounce the spell as if it was an order.






The light was off.


Marveled by my sudden power over electronics, I run over to write another ‘On’ rune on a paper and point at the lightbulb, begging to the Saints that it didn’t simply burst into flames.






The light was on.


My smile was back on, trembling and hurting my face from how wide it was.


“Do NOT try this on the computer!”


Yeah no, absolutely not. I suspect turning off my computer suddenly would not do anything good to it…


But I had to go and tell someone about it!


Now that the smoke had cleared, I closed the window and trotted back to my computer, ignoring the burnt stain on the floor to immediately start typing.


xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: I DID IT! O.O

Jeepers creepers man: hmmm? what did you do?

xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: I have learned MAGIC! My power is LIMITLESS!! O.o

GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: I guess that means things are going well huh? lol

xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: I can turn lights on and off with my mind!

Jeepers creepers man: wait what?

GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: I thought you couldn’t do that

xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Huh? o.o

Jeepers creepers man: magic and technology don’t really get along well

GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: yeah, careful there! you can’t really know when something will explode!

xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: I will be careful! n.n


I can’t help but feel that these people are exaggerating a little bit, but I have seen many shows in which the nervous and eager apprentice starts doubting their superiors and then chaos ensues.


So I better refrain from that and instead focus on what they have to say… for now, at least.


“That hubris will be the end of us all, you know?”


Oh sillyness! What’s the worst that could happen now?




The alchemist was bored. Bored out of her mind. Floating gently around Universe Gamma, all while watching Socrates and Plato frolic about in their enclosure, wasn’t as exciting as it had been in the past. She loved her crabs all the same, even if she would never admit it to anyone (not even herself), but to be honest, it simply didn’t stimulate her! Nor did the silly tasks the Brotherhood sent her way.


Solving riddles, making calculations, performing commission spellsmithing for them… it was frustratingly boring.


And then, there was the damn Second Sacrifice coming. She had been knocking her head on the wall that was that conundrum for years now, and even if she had made a few interesting advances in the past, right now she was stuck. Trying to get unstuck was terribly frustrating, too…


So really, she was just sulking.


Mustafá was getting ready to actually let the day pass and simply go to sleep, when suddenly her phone vibrated. A message? Who even has her number? The alchemist rolled her eyes and opened the old device, checking the screen only to see a picture of some fool crying in panic over a fire.


Blanco often sent her the most bizarre things while he was awake, so she wasn’t fully surprised. It didn’t make it less annoying though.


She was more than ready to just disregard the message and simply erase the picture, when suddenly something in the background bothered her. Something familiar.


Moved by instinct she connected the phone to her computer, and immediately zoomed as much as she could on the books this fool was carrying. An old notebook, an awfully bound tacky book… and then, a leather bound tome. One carrying the very same patterns she had seen not too long before, in a vision.


The alchemist stared long and deep at the image before her until she was fully convinced that this was, indeed, the very same tome. But how! How did it end up in the hands of a bastard!?


This had to be corrected, post haste. That book had to be the key to what Humiko was trying to tell her, to the Second Sacrifice, to everything! She had to grab it quickly, before any members of the Brotherhood could find it and burn it.


Ignoring her disdain for the damn Forum, Mustafá sat at her computer and with one hand began directing the keyboard and the mouse … while the other summoned forth one of her many tomes and searched through the pages for the correct glyph.


There was a very specific reason why she always asked for the people’s emails, and it wasn’t just because of protocol. She needed a way to contact them directly, a way to create a connection between her computer and theirs. With some luck, this Tav would still be by her computer.


“And… send.”




xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: I mean, if you don’t see the gay undertones in Meduka, I am not sure how to help you man -w-

ケンジー・イズ・マイ・ワイフ!!!: RIGHT!? xD

ケンジー・イズ・マイ・ワイフ!!!: People are coping so hard trying to say ‘NOOOO MEDUKA AND HAMERU ARE JUST FRIENDSSSSS’

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