Published at 9th of May 2024 12:57:04 PM

Chapter 410: Chapter 410: Dont Play With Fire

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Chapter 410: Dont Play With Fire


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Li Yu smiled and looked at Jiang Linger ambiguously.

He said, Linger, dont play with fire in the car. You could easily get caught up in it.

Jiang Linger blushed and glared at him.

Hurry up and drive properly, she said.

Li Yu smiled teasingly, kissing her when she wasnt paying attention.

Roger that, Your Majesty, he replied.


As soon as Jiang Linger returned home, Little Leopard walked over from afar and kept meowing.

She smiled helplessly. Every time she came home late, he would greet her in all kinds of cat language.

She quickly picked him up and said, Im sorry. I didnt mean to come back late. I was just eating outside. Dont keep meowing, okay?

Little Leopard seemed to understand and instantly fell silent.

When Li Yu saw this, his face immediately turned ugly.

Little Leopard seemed to be more upset than him.

This was the first time Jiang Xian had seen a cat so agitated.

Linger, whats going on? Why is he so agitated? he couldnt help but ask.

Brother, Jiang Linger said with a smile, Ever since I started raising him, he would always act like this whenever I dont return by 8 p.m.

Jiang Xian said with a smile, Thats good; your cat has a good temper.

Jiang Linger was a little depressed. No matter what, he was raised by himself. Thus, he had a bad temper and needed appeasing.

She looked at Little Leopard and said, Be good. Li Yu hasnt eaten yet, so Ill go make him something to eat. You can play by yourself. Ill carry you when Im not busy, okay?

Little Leopard immediately stretched its neck and meowed non-stop, as if it was cursing.

Seeing this, Jiang Xian couldnt stop laughing.

She helplessly replied, Okay, okay. If you listen to me, we can sleep together tonight, alright?

When Little Leopard heard this, he immediately jumped out of Jiang Lingers arms and onto the ground.

What a dumb cat, just roast it, Li Yu said with an upset look.

Hearing Li Yus words, Jiang Xian laughed again. Every time he thought about how he fought over this cat for and lost, he felt embarrassed.

But now that he saw Li Yu doing it as well, he found it even more silly and childish.

Jiang Linger was speechless and pretended not to hear what Li Yu said.

She looked at Jiang Xian. Brother, why havent I seen Grandfather and Dad today? Jiang Linger asked. Are they all in the study?

Jiang Xian shook his head and said, No. Grandpa brought some people to visit his old comrades. Meanwhile, Dad went to accompany a client. When you cook for Li Yu, bring me some food as well. I havent eaten yet.

Sure, Jiang Linger said with a serious expression. However, you guys should eat whatever I cook. Dont be picky!

Li Yu and Jiang Xian nodded.


Half an hour later, two servings of beef noodles were placed in front of Li Yu and Jiang Xian.

Linger, tomorrow is your rest day. Do you have any plans? Jiang Xian asked while eating.

Why are you asking? Jiang Linger asked while hugging Little Leopard. Is there anything you need?

No, I was just asking, said Jiang Xian.

She went on, I dont have any plans except for shopping with Nuannuan. I probably wont be back for lunch.

Wait a minute, what did you say you were going to do tomorrow? Li Yu asked, confused.

She was stunned. I said Im going shopping with Nuannuan.

Li Yu immediately felt like he had been hit hard. He lowered his head and looked at the beef noodles in front of him, elegantly eating.

Jiang Xian smiled.

Even Little Leopard looked like it was watching a show.

So, Linger, did you already tell her about it? Li Yu asked again after eating the noodles.

Yes, Jiang Linger replied. We already planned it before the hotpot.

Ill go as well, he said.

Jiang Xian and Jiang Linger looked at each other as if there was no need for that. Besides, Wen Nuan was a girl.

You want to go? Jiang Linger asked awkwardly. Dont you have work?

Its your day off, so Ill take a rest day as well. said Li Yu.

She said, Its good to take a day off, but didnt you complain that shopping was too tiring before?

I have to go this time! Li Yu immediately said.

He snorted coldly in his heart. No matter what, he had to accompany her when she went shopping.


Wen Familys residence.

Wen Nuan was in the middle of working out, drenched in sweat. She suddenly felt a little cold and subconsciously glanced at the air conditioner.. Was the temperature set too low? No- it was only 25 degrees!

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