Published at 19th of April 2020 02:07:47 PM

Chapter 40

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Chapter 40: The scary student

Two streams of cold stares filled with killing intent collided in the air, giving off sparks in the process. With either stare unwilling to back down for the other, it was almost as if time froze at this instant.     

“You… why are you here?” Ji Bai’s eyes were narrowed into slits as he sized up the silver-haired girl, the latter was currently sitting in the back seat with her legs crossed and her hand propping her head. His eyes filled with blatant hostility.

When it comes to demons, particularly vampires, Ji Bai had never skimped on revealing his hatred or enmity towards them.

However, Lin cast her head aside. With a →_→ expression on her face, she gazed into the distant blue skies outside the window, it seemed she had zero intentions in responding to Ji Bai’s question. 

“…Don’t tell me that such a vile vampire like yourself is going to be in the student roster from now on?” Seemingly as if he had recalled an unpleasant memory, Ji Bai subconsciously moved back a step as his complexion turned green.

“Can you stop talking? I also feel sick seeing cockroaches this early in the morning.” Lin turned her eyes in disgust as if looking at Ji Bai would seriously contaminate her eyes.

“A cockroach is much better and stronger when compared to some dirty and disgusting parasite.” Ji Bai was unwilling to be outdone as he stubbornly engaged in a battle of words with Lin.

“Oh my. A missy from the royal vampiric family, one who led an opulent lifestyle throughout her life, has actually fallen to the point where she has to beg for alms in human society just to eke out a living? You couldn’t have been abandoned or betrayed by your kind, have you? Haha, that would indeed be a sad story.” Ji Bai provoked her in a tone filled with ridicule while wearing a sneer on his face.       

Lin’s brows were slightly raised and furrowed after she heard Ji Bai’s words. As she unconsciously set her slender and white legs on the floor. She locked her eyes that were like a pair of tranquil and waveless springs with Ji Bai’s eyes.   

“Seeing how the domineering and arrogant granddaddy knight is, why aren’t you going door to door to ‘levy donations’ or be waited upon by your flunkies in the Chivalric Order, oh my~ did your unlikeable appearance and personality get you chased out of the order? What a shame.” A trace of a cold arc hung on the corner of Lin’s mouth.   

“You dirty and despicable parasite, you’re the scourge of the world! Sooner or later, I’ll send all of you to your ancestors!”  

“And you robbers that yell for justice have no right to say these words to us.”   

For a moment, there was an abnormally thick tension lingering in the air of the classroom. Like a barrel of gunpowder, it seemed that just a single spark was needed for it to instantly explode.     

During their previous confrontation, the vampiric girl in front of him was mostly just probing his abilities. Let alone her full strength, she was using her briefly using her magic and treated it more as a symbolic gesture. As such, Ji Bai didn’t believe that this vampire only had these abilities under her repertoire. As he recalled, it had taken a substantial effort for him to kill a duke that had the distant bloodline of the royal family in him. Therefore, it goes without saying that this girl, whose bloodline was extremely close to that of the royal family, wouldn’t be eliminated so easily. 

With this being said, that didn’t mean that Ji Bai was afraid of her. The main reason why he hadn’t made a move yet was that he was poor, extremely poor…

Ji Bai hadn’t forgotten that his economic lifeline was currently under the hands of someone else.  If he was to wreak havoc in heaven1 once more, he would probably have to become a prostitute or sell himself into slavery. 



Lin was also apparently unwilling to come to blows. The way she saw it, people who used every slight pretext to fight and kill each other were barbarians with under-developed brains. She hated violence, and unless it was really necessary, she didn’t want to dirty her hands.

Thus, the two gazed at each other and eventually decided to go their separate ways. As their views were utterly irreconcilable, the two of them turned their heads respectively to the side, they both wore an expression that suggested they wanted to neither see nor talk to each other. 

Ji Bai sat on the window-seat located on the left side of the classroom. As much as possible, he wanted to maintain distance from Lin, the latter was sitting at the right edge of the classroom.

“Oh god, I expanded a lot of effort and finally found this place. Let me just give myself some of this otherworldly asthma, coughing fixing pills2 first.” Outside the door, a series of urgent footsteps accompanied by a sharp male voice arrived. In less than the amount of time it takes to drink a cup of tea, a slim and tall man arrived at the entrance. With a small ponytail tied to his head, a pair of black and circular lens spectacles were hanging on the bridge of his nose, alongside a shoulder bag hanging on his body. His appearance was the spitting image of a fortune-telling swindler on the street. 

“Ehhh? Is this the place? I didn’t take the wrong road somewhere, right?” The man puzzlingly scratched the back of his head and extended his head into the class. 

“Eh? I thought I went the wrong way. Isn’t there someone here right now? Hey, this silver-haired lady, this junior has an idea, I wonder…”  Lin’s eyes, which were shut tight, snapped open. She coldly swept a glance at the man who was dressed up as a conman.  

“Eeeehhh… Is this lady possibly on her period or something? She doesn’t seem to be in a good mood…” Despite the fact that the man was silently muttering to himself, his voice had faithfully arrived at the ears of the two people who were sitting in the classroom.  

“Pfft…” Ji Bai shifted his head outside the window. His incessantly twitching lips showed that he was doing his best to hold back his laughter. 

“…” Lin raised her eyebrows. Even though she heard Ji Bai’s laugh, the cockroach obviously made no attempts to conceal it, she didn’t say anything. She simply closed and relaxed her eyes once more.  

“Hey, little friend. I see that you have a body filled with boundless potential3, an auspicious face4, you’re truly an existence that stands out from the crowd!  Your potential is as limitless as the golden carp leaping through the dragon gate, while your appearance is as mighty as the dragon galloping through the skies! In the future, you will achieve meteoric success, and you will definitely become someone great…” It was unknown when the guy had managed to scuttle onto Ji Bai’s side. After putting his hands together, he was babbling an unceasing torrent of words that were akin to a waterfall. 

“Stop, just get straight to the point.” Ji Bai waved his hands.

“Oooh! You want to get right to the point, right? You, little friend, are indeed a straightforward person! Well then, seeing as a straightforward person does not resort to insinuations, I have a prescription right here that uses the Tianshan Snow Lotus as its primer, it was created by the passionate feelings of the Great Philanthropist, Wu Renji5  and the friendliness of Xiong Fengshan6, it treats your symptoms by its root cause. It’s guaranteed to cure all diseases! Even if you’re well, it can strengthen the health of your body! I’m selling it at a discounted rate, a rate that’s fair to children and adults alike! If you buy 10 boxes, I will throw in a free pill! Do you want…”  

Ji Bai’s mouth twitched a little. According to the man’s earlier words, Ji Bai was willing to vouch that he heard him saying he was currently looking for this class. If that was indeed the case, he was probably one of the students here.

He turned his head to stare at the vampire, who was currently resting her eyes, and then he looked back at the experienced swindler that was still jabbering in front of him. Ji Bai felt an utter sense of despair, it was as if all his hopes had turned to dust. 

‘Who exactly are the people in this class?’

“Boom! Boom! Boom!” A series of fierce noises accompanied by the earth trembling interrupted the introductions of the experienced swindler. The sound of the trembling building was gradually coming closer and closer towards them.  

‘What is happening? There are no hostages here that require saving right now, so why is that man coming over here?’   

Before the stupefied Ji Bai could reconstruct what just happened, a crisp breaking noise arrived from the door frame. He turned his eyes to have a look, and he saw that the iron door to the classroom was lying down on the floor like a dead body. Thanks to that, the size of the classroom door was now two times bigger.     

As he stared at the blue-colored skin and approximately 3-meters tall body before his eyes, with its sturdy explosive and inhuman-like muscles, as well as its coarse, wild, and red-colored hair, this alone had intuitively told Ji Bai that the creature he was seeing wasn’t a human. 

A troll…

The corner of Ji Bai’s mouth had twitched to the point it was impossible to stop. 


It refers to Sun Wukong, from Journey in the West that had created a big uproar in heaven by stealing the peaches of immortality by the Heavenly Empress and stealing a feast intended for guests.  This is a product of Wu Renji. More on that on the later TL note. The original text is an astonishing skeleton. What this means is that the person has a good body to practice martial arts on.  The original text is a shining ophryon. It can mean a lot of things, like how one is healthy, all the way to how good their luck is.  To make this simple, these two are practically con men that are known to paddle fake health products. They are suspected to be the same person, as their looks are practically the same with the exception of their voice. You can check out their video here, keep in mind that it isn’t translated.  Wu Renji called himself the Great Philanthropist while Xiong Fengshan likes to claim he is the descendant of a royal physician. 

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!