Published at 19th of April 2020 02:07:47 PM

Chapter 41

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Chapter 41: Badger Game? 

One couldn’t help but realize that there were indeed some similarities between the students in this class. For example, the fact that some of them would act like nothing happened after a shocking incident close to them occurred, such is the case with Ji Bai and Lin. The two, who had each sat an equal distance away from each other on both ends of the classroom, just took a cursory look at the troll and didn’t care about it anymore. Whereas, the swindler was badly frightened and was dancing on his feet in fear. 

As for Ji Bai’s reaction when he saw the troll? He merely kept his vigilance as befitting of a knight, he was already unfazed at these strange sights unfolding before him as he was slightly getting used to them. While Lin, on the other hand, was no different from before. She had a look that suggested she was no stranger to these common occurrences.

As he saw the classroom’s door change beyond recognition, Ji Bai, who was holding his hands, was hesitating whether or not he should call for a few SWAT officers to reinforce the door1.

Just when this idea had suddenly befallen in Ji Bai’s head, he saw that the red-haired troll, who had just entered into the classroom, suddenly snapped its finger. Following hereafter, a scene that seemed as if it had come from The Arabian Nights occurred. 

It was a scene that was extremely similar to time moving backward. The scattered tiles, bricks, as well as the door that crumpled to the floor like a dead corpse, was slightly shivering as if they had been controlled by a force. In a way that defied physics, specifically Newton’s laws, and fluid mechanics, they began to follow the trajectory they came from when they were destroyed, all the materials seamlessly assembled and combined like a jigsaw.     

In an instant, the previously demolished door was now patched up and was as good as before. 

This performance happened all at once, and was unexpectedly smooth, almost like water flowing down a stream. However, the troll didn’t even turn its head to watch what it was doing. Its crude and wrinkled-filled face was filled with irrelevance, as though this event was something normal and nothing for people to ‘pogchamp’ about. As its beast-like eyes loftily swept his surroundings and went past Ji Bai, a smile that had a smidgen of contempt formed at the side of its lips. Without saying anything, it sat on a… table in the middle of the classroom. 

‘Well, I guess it can’t be helped seeing as its butt is too big.’

Ji Bai pitifully looked at the slightly trembling table legs, which were under the tall, sturdy, and tiger-like body. He merely placed his hands over the pits of his stomach and offered a silent prayer by murmuring the word ‘Amen’.

As the various deities and immortals outdid each other with their unique characteristics, the classroom had now turned into a pond filled with submerged dragons and entered into a state of silence. Even the swindler that peddled fake medicines had gloomily scattered into a seat close to the front. As he looked at the three people that were seemingly nursing a big grudge in their hearts, he couldn’t help but uncontrollably swallow a mouthful of saliva.

“Blowing bubbles~ Blowing bubbles~ Wulawulawula~” Just when the environment was currently in a state of awkwardness, a series of lively voices that was melodious as a silver bell, and as refreshing as warm spring water resounded. Like a bamboo stick piercing through a tranquil water surface, it interrupted the silent atmosphere in the classroom. 

From the ‘pitter-patter’ noises her heel made as she bounced around, as well as the lively tune she was humming in an extremely delighted mood with her suave and melodious voice.  

The expressions of the people who were sitting inside the classroom had revealed somewhat subtle expressions, only Lin still maintained her indifferent →_→ expression as she looked at watercolor paintings on the wall.   

Ji Bai, who was propping his head with his elbows, furrowed his brows. He had an inkling feeling that this voice was somewhat familiar as if he had heard it somewhere before…  

Before Ji Bai could recollect precisely where and when he heard this familiar voice, an exquisite gold-colored figure flashed past and squeezed its way into the classroom, almost like a beautiful butterfly.  

“Hmp-hmp~” It was a girl who was adorned with accessories, she had a white long skirt with gold frills that had numerous sophisticated decorations on it, like a butterfly that was dancing lightly and gracefully in a shrub of flowers. She possessed a series of supple and golden hair that resembled top-grade fabric while an adorable white maiden hairband rested on her head. Her small adorable face that was as delicate as an ice sculpture was filled with happiness.

“Bang!” After recovering from his sluggish stupor, Ji Bai suddenly slapped his thigh and unbelievably rubbed his eyes.  

‘No wonder! …No wonder she was so familiar. Isn’t this loli that’s bouncing around in a rather joyous mood the girl that was asking me for donations at the bus stop?!’  

What’s going on? …Is this her twin?’ This sort of contrived probability was something he would definitely not believe. 

In that very instant, Ji Bai felt his face frantically twitch as a terrible sense of stomach pain enveloped him.

‘Numerous laces and accessories, specially-made fabric that shoots out a dazzling radiance under the light and shoes that are made up of top-notch leather and radiates a bright sheen… What a bright and gorgeous appearance.’

Ji Bai looked at himself and pulled at the cheap T-shirt on his body, just this simple action alone caused wrinkles to fill the cloth in an instant. His sleeves and trouser legs were washed so frequently that it already turned white, no matter who looked at him, it would definitely cause one to feel a suffocating amount of poverty. 

‘What is this something that’s covering my eyes right now?? Ah, it’s poverty!’

‘No, that’s not the main point. The main point is… I have only now realized that it was a badger game!!’

‘My mom really needs the money…’

‘I’m so poor…’  

‘Screw you! If you’re poor, then what am I? I’m really such a freaking id*ot! I’m countless miles away from being prosperous, yet I have dimwittedly fished out my money to sponsor an asset-rich tycoon! I must have been born from a dog to do that!’  

While he saw the girl was showing off her clothes on the podium in a proud manner, Ji Bai was so angry. With a ‘whoosh’ sound, he stood up and strode in large steps towards the golden-haired girl, the one that deceived his feelings, he quickly grabbed her wrist.

“Hey! Hey! Who are you uncle? Hurry up and let go of me~! If you dirty my clothes, you wouldn’t be able to compensate for it even if you sold your entire organs, you know?! Hurry up and let me go!” The golden-haired girl was thoroughly anxious at this point. She wanted to get rid of the pincer-like hand that was tightly grabbing onto her wrists, and yet, she was also afraid that her clothes would be torn in the process. As such, she didn’t dare to act indiscriminately and could only stay still in a deadlock position. 

“Clothes? Haha, do you still recognize who I am?” Ji Bai grimly laughed, he looked down at the little ginger cat that was angrily looking at himself. 

“You? …Who are you? I practically don’t know you at all alright?! Who would actually be tangled up with a poor loser like you! Can you stop trying to wantonly make up stories about our relationship?!” The girl puffed up her cheeks. She then forcefully denied the allegations in a seemingly just manner to the flat block of steel gripping her wrist.   

‘Hmm, she’s very confident.’ If Ji Bai hadn’t noticed the fluster flitting past the girl’s eyes, he would have believed her.   

“Haha… are you really refusing to admit it? Save it! Not to mention changing the rag garments you wore that day, even if you turn yourself into an urn of ashes, your granddaddy here would still be able to tell if it’s you! And you dare think I am dirty? Fine! Since I am dirty, I want to see how clean a little swindler like yourself is!” 

‘You had cheated someone in such a bold and self-righteous manner, yet you’re wearing such a beautiful dress… How repulsive! Even for me, I had rarely worn this type of…Cough, cough! No! In short, scamming people is extremely wrong! Not only that, seeing how undaunted her appearance is, it’s clearly not her first time doing such antics!’

As he grabbed onto the girl’s wrist in a death grip, Ji Bai’s other hand reached toward the girl’s hemline in a perverted manner. 

‘Uhu~ Stop, stop it! Wah! This obscene middle-aged man is bullying an innocent loli!”

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