Published at 20th of October 2020 10:26:54 AM

Chapter 94

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Chapter 94: Protect him like your daughter, alright?

He could only blame his past self for being too young and ignorant. After casually cutting down a few red devils, he had begun to look down on demons. Greatly overvaluing his own abilities, he had daringly fought his way towards a vampire lair while bringing only a few thousand men with him.

Not only was that unbearable piece of dark history filled with humiliation towards himself, but it had also brought with him terrifying consequences.

Now, whenever he saw a vampire styled building, a vampire’s coat-of-arms, or a two-faced yandere loli with a pair of canine teeth (especially if she had silver hair), his heart would uncontrollably palpitate to the point that he would swiftly run away.

He would probably be unable to wash away the psychological trauma a certain two-faced loli had given him in his entire life.

“Sorry for interrupting.” Ji Bai walked quietly on tiptoes and opened the front door. Stretching his head forward, he looked around the inside.

“…” No one responded.

The decoration and furniture inside the house were completely different from their outward demeanor.

After stepping through the door, the first impression that came to Ji Bai’s mind was: Messy.

Potato bags that lay scattered on the floor, coke cans that were casually thrown about after drinking, television that had been left unattended after turning it on, and USB cables that had been tangled up into a ball.

‘What sort of sloven existence could be this boorish to allow themselves to live in a garbage dump?’

As he breathed in the air that was quickly congealing its way into the essence of a die-hard otaku’s smell, Ji Bai’s eyebrows couldn’t help but twitch a few times.

‘Only cockroaches can live in such a disorderly and extremely sloppy environment, right?? Even though the me from before was even worse than this.’

In his heart, his impression of the Chivalric Head he hadn’t met before was deteriorating extremely rapidly.  

‘Did the Chivalric Head leave this place? If that’s the case, then why did Lan Yi still call me here? That couldn’t be…’  

Closing the door, Ji Bai realized that there also weren’t any indoor slippers for people to change into on the ground.   

‘What does that mean… Do they want me to enter just like this? Damn it, don’t they know how unhygienic that is?’  

Helpless, Ji Bai could only take off his shoes and step inside on his bare feet. 

The interior of the building was pretty spacious, roughly half the size of a library. The sofas and furniture were somewhat neatly arranged while the stone carving of a malevolent looking-vampire was placed near the end of a staircase. 

‘This Chivalric Head truly has a magnanimous heart. Isn’t she afraid of having stuff like insomnia and nightmares by putting such a thing inside her home?’

“Hey, attack the tower! What the heck are you doing, marksman! Can’t you see the tower?” 

“Mhm?” After hearing something, Ji Bai turned towards the source of the sound. 

He could only see a dainty and delicate silhouette covered in a bedsheet. Sitting on a sofa in a loli-like manner, she was incessantly tapping on and pinching the iPad in her hands while gazing steadily at its screen with rapt attention.

‘So there is someone here. I didn’t notice her presence when I came in… But why a small girl? Could she be the daughter, niece, or somebody related to the chivalric head? It’s really unfortunate that she’s stuck with such an irresponsible family that’s willing to leave a small child alone at their house.’ 

‘Forget it, let’s go and scout out the whereabouts of this Chivalric Head.’ 

As he thought of that, Ji Bai approached the silhouette clad in a sheet on the sofa.

“Wawa! We’re wiped out. Crap, I am going to drop in rank again!” Anna1 was wholeheartedly paying attention to the battle developments. She completely failed to notice Ji Bai approaching herself. 

“How annoying. It’s all the fault of that marksman newbie…” Anna pouted her lips. 

“…Are you playing a carry?” The voice that suddenly arrived beside Anna gave her a fright. 


“Kyaa?! Are you planning to scare Anna to death by noiselessly appearing like that? …Who are you?” 

“If I remember correctly, the hero you’re playing is supposed to play a support role. What is this, a non-mainstream build?” Ji Bai’s eyes were locked on the screen. The question he wanted to ask had long been cast into the winds.   

“What non-mainstream build? You’re an amateur, aren’t you? Can’t you tell when people are playing a support role here?” Anna shot Ji Bai with a scornful glance. 

“Support?? Your team is at a disadvantage and you get a lightning dagger* and a limitless warblade2? You also didn’t buy any boots. That’s soooo amazing.” Ji Bai curled his lips as he caught sight of the dismal ‘0/9’ score on the screen.  

“Isn’t that what a support needs to carry?? Don’t try to lie to Anna, it feels so dang invigorating when you’re fighting with strong attack power.”  

“Do you know why your squadmates are constantly flaming you?” The corners of Ji Bai’s mouth twitched as he saw her ID which was ‘The unparalleled noble and beautiful vampire girl in the universe’ on the screen. 

‘I’m afraid this is another one of those brats in their later stages of chuunibyou.’

“It’s not that I am criticizing you or anything, but there’s a problem with your line of thinking, little comrade. Once you have chosen a support role, you shouldn’t think of stuff like winning or losing. Won’t everything be fine as long as you single-mindedly protect your marksman while they output their damage?  If you play it that way and still lose, consider it as my loss!”  

“Oh my? Being a guardian? Tch, just Anna alone is strong enough! I’m able to carry as long as there’s a chance! Why do I need to protect them! What’s more, I also wouldn’t…”  

“Then you should look at the marksman as your own son and listen to me if you don’t want to lose!  

“…Uhm, is it okay if I look at him as my own daughter?” Asked Anna tentatively.  

‘Why are you struggling over such a question?” 

“Sure, everything is fine! As long as it’s a relative you’re willing to protect; It still works even if you treat him as your granddaughter!” 

“Imagine it for a moment! Someone wants to harm your newborn daughter who is still in her swaddles! What should you do now?” 

“…I want to chop all of their heads down and impale them onto my warspear!” This sentence of her was devoid of any warmth as the killing intent brimming out of it made Ji Bai feel a trace of chilliness.  

“Mhm… Your vigor is excellent, but you don’t have that sort of capability yet, am I right? You need to understand that you and your daughter are currently maldeveloped and unable to defeat the opposite side… The opposite team has a bunch of metagaming assassins. Among you two, one person must die. Do you understand what I mean?”

“Mhm… I understand.” At this moment, Anna didn’t have other emotions other than an extremely terrifying calmness. 

She returned to base and sold all of her equipment, changing all of it into support and tanky types. 

“Mhm.” Ji Bai revealed the expression of a teacher uncovering the potential of the younger generation. 

“Steady, steady. The marksman… Your daughter still hasn’t caught up with you!” 

“Don’t chase! You don’t have any damage-dealing capability, so wait for your daughter to arrive.” 

“Hurry, hurry up, and tank! Your daughter is about to die!” 

“Very good! …That’s exactly the way!” 


As the victory music resounded, Ji Bai and Anna gave each other a high-five and excitedly cheered. 

However, at this time, the bedsheet covered on Anna’s body slipped and fell. 

“…” Ji Bai’s expression froze. 

“Mom-… Li, Lili! Lilias!? Crap!” An extremely terrified Ji Bai fell to the ground backward as he distanced himself from Anna. As his complexion changed from white to blue and then to purple, his breathing was brief and hurried. His trembling hands on the ground were constantly opening and closing, as if they were trying to hold on to something.  

“Y-Y-You… Why are you here!?” Ji Bai shakingly grabbed a piggy bank as he looked at the clueless Anna in panic. 

“What do you mean by ‘me being here’, that question is really weird… Lilias?” Anna had caught on to the main point behind Ji Bai’s words and narrowed her scarlet eyes. 

“Do you know Lilias??”

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