Published at 24th of June 2024 10:04:22 AM

Chapter 487.2

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Li Cangshan affirmed, “It’s impossible. I often patrol the back, and I’ve never seen the people or robots you mentioned. This place is like a forgotten space, with nothing in it.”

Bai Lixin: “Then it’s very likely that we’re still in the virtual world. In the scenes I saw behind the firewall, there were people in white protective suits and robots. They would inject something into the people lying in the honeycomb structures, presumably to provide the necessary nutrients to sustain life.”

“But look.” Bai Lixin rolled up his sleeve. “There’s not even a needle mark on my arm, but I saw someone injecting me yesterday. And there are no people in protective suits or robots here, which is different from what I saw.”

Li Cangshan, who first proposed this conjecture, now raised doubts. “But can’t you take things out of your backpack?”

Bai Lixin explained, “But they can only appear in my hands for a few seconds, right?”

“People sometimes encounter dreams within dreams when they fall into a deep sleep. They dream of something terrible and suddenly wake up. They think they’re awake, but they’re still in the dream. It takes several awakenings to truly wake up.”

“Why can’t the virtual world be set up as a hierarchical virtual world?”

“What I’m saying now is just a hypothesis.” He pondered for a moment and analyzed, “What if the virtual world is progressively deepening. The world I first stayed in is the deepest level of the virtual world. In this world, because it’s too far from the real world, the props in my backpack can’t be taken out at all. When I say this, I’m not saying that the prop I took out just now is a real prop. Listen to me slowly.”

“Because I fell too deep in the virtual world, my consciousness will gradually be detached and become mediocre and uncontrollable. So when I was in the previous world, not only could I not take things out of my backpack, but my strength was also no different from an ordinary person.”

Bai Lixin’s eyes gradually glazed over and his thoughts were completely immersed in the crazy brainstorming. “The further I go, the clearer my consciousness becomes.”

“A conscious mind after waking up will be more creative and controllable, and I’ll become more like myself in reality.”

“My strength has returned, and the props in my backpack can be taken out for a short time.”

“But the props I take out are not real props, but products processed by my consciousness.”

“But in the end, I’m still in the virtual world after falling asleep. The processed propd are unstable, so although they can appear, they can only appear for a while.”

Li Cangshan was speechless.

Bai Lixin snapped out of his reverie and smiled at Li Cangshan. “Of course, all of this is just my speculation.”

“Maybe this is the real world, and what I just said was just nonsense from my brainstorming.”

“There are too few clues, so theoretically, it’s hard to stand up.”

Li Cangshan licked his dry lips. “But, what if your speculation is true?”

He looked a bit hesitant. “Actually, I didn’t tell you just now. Whenever I fall asleep, I always feel like I dreamed of something very important, but I forget it when I wake up.”

“I always feel like it’s something very important.”

Bai Lixin: “You can’t remember anything at all?”

Li Cangshan frowned. “I seem to always have the same dream, and when I wake up, I have this awareness, but I can’t remember what it is. This has been bothering me because I rarely dream in the real world, or hardly ever.”

“How can we prove that this is a virtual world and not the real world?”

Bai Lixin: “By finding discrepancies from the real world.”

“In the previous world, I found many benchmarks, and besides the benchmarks, the water pressure reminded me.”

“But here, none of those can be used because this is space.”

“Even if the spaceship simulates gravity, there may still be fluctuations in gravity at certain times. And it’s pitch black all around, with only a dozen or so people awake on the entire ship. This ship is an abandoned space prison, not connected to any signals from the outside world.”

Li Cangshan frowned, “So there’s no way to prove it?”

Bai Lixin: “There’s one more way, and it’s even more credible than those few methods.”

Li Cangshan: “What is it?”

Bai Lixin: “Find the firewall.”

“Not only can we determine whether this is a real or virtual world, we can also leave here and go to the next level.”

Li Cangshan stood up from his chair, “Then let’s go find it quickly. What does the firewall look like? Tell me, I’ll help look for it too. How did you find the firewall in the previous world?”

Bai Lixin explained, “The firewall in the previous world was invisible, blending with the air. But that doesn’t mean every firewall in every virtual world is like that. You’ve been on this ship for so long, have you noticed anything particularly strange or unusual?”

Li Cangshan: “There is such a place. I’ve been wanting to go in and take a look, but I’ve always been blocked from entering.”

Bai Lixin: “What place is it?”

Li Cangshan: “The captain’s cockpit.”

“God Xin, take this.” In the winding corridor, Li Cangshan came out of a room with two guns in his hand. He handed one of them to Bai Lixin. “It can be used for self-defense.”

Bai Lixin looked at the familiar gun body and the complex buttons, and had to be honest, “I don’t know how to use it.”

Earlier when he played the “welcome ceremony” with those people, he grabbed a gun, but he really didn’t know how to use it. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have just dodged instead of fighting back after grabbing the big guy.

There was no way, the technology didn’t allow it.

If he had shot directly at that time, he wouldn’t have realized until the end that those people were “playing games” with him.

Li Cangshan stopped playing with the laser gun, his expression seemingly smiling but not smiling, “So there are things in this world that you don’t know how to do.”

Bai Lixin shrugged, “The world is so big, there are actually many things I don’t know how to do.”

“Don’t think of me as an omnipotent god. Even a god has many things he doesn’t understand.”


In the live broadcast room.

[No! You are an omnipotent god in my heart! You are even more divine than a god!]

[God Xin! You are God Xin, don’t be modest!]

[If conditions permit, I would have hung God Xin on the wall now.]

[God Xin: ??? I’m not dead yet!]

[Hahaha. If conditions permit, you guys would really hang him up, it seems like you guys really don’t see God Xin as a person. Would God Xin have a heart attack if he saw the barrage?]


Li Cangshan only taught once, and Bai Lixin learned how to operate it.

Seeing Bai Lixin’s skillful movements, Li Cangshan couldn’t help but sigh towards the other party’s cleverness.

After teaching Bai Lixin how to use the laser gun for self-defense, Li Cangshan led him through the long corridor.

“The captain’s cockpit is locked from the inside. I’ve tried many methods to try to open that room, but all failed.” Li Cangshan said as he walked, “Ultra high-temperature flames, freezing, shooting with a laser gun, smashing with the most primitive hammer, I’ve tried every method I can think of.”

“I don’t know what material the door is made of. No matter how I attack it, there is not a single trace on the door.”

Bai Lixin asked, “Is there a captain on this ship?”

Li Cangshan shook his head, “I don’t know, but every time I come to the door of the captain’s cockpit, I’m reminded to verify my identity. Only the captain’s identity can open the door, but we are not the captain, and I haven’t seen any captain either.”

From time to time, a room would appear on both sides of this corridor.

When they reached one of the rooms, Bai Lixin stopped.

The door was closed, and there was a square plaque on the metal door that read “Data Room.”

“Is this where you found information about this spaceship?” Bai Lixin pointed to the plaque on the data room’s door, turning to the muscular man beside him.

Li Cangshan nodded, “Yes, there are many books inside. Not only about the origin of this spaceship, but also construction diagrams, room layouts, data, and so on. But these things are too specialized, and I can’t understand them.”

Bai Lixin noted this room and continued walking forward with Li Cangshan.

After they reached the end of the corridor, a bright silver metal door blocked their way.

As soon as the two stood in front of the door, a blue laser scanning beam lit up above the door.

A robotic female voice rang out, “May I ask if you want to enter the captain’s cabin?”

Li Cangshan shrugged and replied casually, “Yes.”

“Okay.” The robotic female voice continued after getting the answer, “Identity verification will begin now. Applicants for entry, please remain still and look straight ahead.”

A faint blue light fell from the top to the bottom, scanning all the way to the toe, and then scanned from the bottom to the top, scanning to the top of the two.

“Sorry, the identity of the applicants cannot be recognized, and you two cannot enter the captain’s cabin.” The robotic female voice said coldly, “The captain’s cabin is an important area of the spaceship, and only the captain has the right to enter the captain’s cabin. Please leave as soon as possible.”

Li Cangshan was already accustomed to this answer. “You see, it’s like this, we can’t get in at all.”

Bai Lixin silently took a step forward to the door, and he placed his hands on the door surface, sliding his palms left and right, as if looking for some mechanism.

Li Cangshan sighed, “It’s useless, there’s nothing on this door, no mechanism at all. I’ve searched every corner of the door. Let’s try something else…”


There was a sudden metallic noise, and the tightly closed metal door slowly opened from the middle.

Li Cangshan stood there with his mouth wide open, the words he hadn’t finished still hanging on his lips. He swallowed them back, turned a corner in his throat, and changed the content, “It, it opened?!”

“How did you do it?! God Xin!”

Bai Lixin retracted his hand and answered honestly, “By poisoning the door.”

“Hahaha.” Li Cangshan laughed heartily as if he had heard a funny joke, “Stop joking, you’re not some kind of Trojan virus. How could you poison this door with just a touch?”

Bai Lixin: “…”

Li Cangshan looked at Bai Lixin with bright eyes, “Did you find the mechanism on the door?”

Bai Lixin: “Yes, I found the mechanism.”

Li Cangshan: “I knew it! You must have found the mechanism. You’re too awesome, God Xin. What’s the mechanism? I’ve searched many times, but I haven’t found anything.”

Bai Lixin: “…”

Some people don’t believe others when told the truth and always like to listen to others tell lies.


In the live broadcast room.

[Hahaha, isn’t it possible that it’s really a Trojan virus?]

[God Xin: I’m telling you the truth, but you think I’m telling a joke.]

[God Xin: When I was making up nonsense, you thought I was telling the truth.]

[God Xin raised his head to the sky and howled: Why doesn’t anyone believe me!!!]

[Hahaha, mainly because it’s too bizarre. I’m dying of laughter, who would have thought that a good person would turn into a Trojan virus.]

[Sisters! I have a hunch, there must be a surprise in the captain’s cabin!]

[What surprise?]

[I guess it’s the big boss.]


[How is that possible, how can the big boss stay quietly in the captain’s cabin? Is he Sleeping Beauty?]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!