Published at 24th of June 2024 10:07:09 AM

Chapter 491.1

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The noisy room suddenly quieted down, leaving only the sound of heavy breathing.

After a moment, a beam of light suddenly lit up overhead, followed by more and more lights illuminating the previously dark room, filling it with brightness.

This was a room filled with wires of varying thickness. These seemingly lifeless wires now writhed like living snakes on the ground, some even rising into the air and forming shapes resembling chrysanthemums as they snaked along the walls.

Among the several tangled wires, two figures grappled with each other, each refusing to yield an inch.

The young man trapped inside grabbed the other party’s strong upper arms with one hand and pulled him by the neck with the other

Meanwhile, the man outside grabbed the young man’s firm waist with one hand, and slowly moved his other hand up the young man’s collarbone.

The tense atmosphere suddenly turned ambiguous.

The young man stared blankly at the tall figure before him.

The man had long black hair, and if you looked closely at his angular face, you could see something different from normal people in his deep black eyes.

At first glance, his pupils seemed no different from those of ordinary people, but when they contracted, they did so with mechanical precision.

Bai Lixin’s hand happened to be on the other’s neck, and he instinctively slid his fingertips over it, finding that it was not that different from human skin although it felt a little cool.

His assessing gaze traveled downward from above.

The man was dressed in all black, a handsome black suit under a large black overcoat.

As he scrutinized the man, the man across from him also scrutinized him.

It was hard to tell what the man was thinking from his expressionless face, but his pupils were contracting at a high frequency, indicating some form of confusion.

He stared at the young man he had pressed against the wall, and his calloused fingers slid from the young man’s slender, warm neck, moving upward along his collarbone and finally pinching his chin.

The man’s fingers exerted a slight force, causing the young man against the wall to tilt his head upward.

As their two eyes met in mid-air, the man’s pupils contracted even more rapidly.

Behind them, the wires stretched and twisted, crackling with the sound of electricity, and the exposed metal wires emitted dazzling flashes of blue.

Like roaring beasts trapped in confinement, eager to release their pent-up instincts.

Bai Lixin’s fingers slid from the man’s neck to his cheek, tracing the contours of his face and jawline as if sketching a delicate piece of artwork.

The man’s body tensed slightly, allowing the young man to fiddle with him without making any attempt to stop him.

On his expressionless face, his pupils contracted even faster.

The wires behind them became more vigorous and distorted.

Suddenly, a look of joy flashed in the young man’s eyes, and his arms suddenly wrapped around the man’s neck, embracing him tightly.

The man’s body stiffened in place, and his pupils, which had been rapidly contracting, suddenly stopped at a certain moment.


A thunderous sound of electricity erupted behind them, sparks flew everywhere, and the brilliant flashes of blue and bright yellow light intertwined in mid-air, forming the brightest sparks in the world and composing the most unique romance.

Under this brilliant fireworks, the man reached out, encircling the young man’s waist with his arm. “You’re here.”


In the live broadcast room.

[Big boss, our big boss!]

[Another day to cry for beautiful love.]

[Let me tell you, no matter what, the big boss is still very romantic. Look at this electric fireworks, how many people can do it?]

[From the brightness of this light, these wires are all high-voltage. A touch and you’ll be fried on the spot. Other people’s romance costs money, the big boss’s romance costs lives.]

[??? Friend, are you allergic to romance, friend?]


The four robots that burst into the room disrupted the rare ambiguity, and although the man’s face remained expressionless, it was clear that he was displeased. He just glanced lightly at the four robots, and they began to stagger as if infected by a virus, fighting each other.

Robots were ruthless to themselves, but even more so to their own kind.

They pulled each other’s arms and bodies, and in just a moment, a pile of mechanical limbs appeared on the ground.

Robot arms fell to the ground, their torn ends crackling with electricity as they tried to crawl toward Bai Lixin with their five fingers.

The man’s eyes narrowed dangerously, and a wrist-thick wire suddenly stretched out from the room, directly coiling around one of the mechanical arms. With a “click,” the arm broke into several pieces, completely devoid of any mobility.

The man glanced at the mechanical limbs on the ground, and several wires immediately stretched out and turned into brooms, sweeping the ground clean and revealing a clear path.

After completing everything, the man looked down at the young man in front of him, took his hand and carefully examined it. “Is your hand okay?”

“What?” Bai Lixin was puzzled. “My hand isn’t injured.”

The man: “The lock is so heavy, did you get tired just now?”

“Don’t do this kind of rough work in the future, leave it to me.”

As he spoke, the man hooked Bai Lixin’s fingers and rubbed them carefully in his palm.

Bai Lixin: “…” ‘Just opening a lock, there’s no need for this!

Bai Lixin’s eyes moved from the man to the room. He surveyed the room and asked, “Were you locked in here?”

The man was stunned for a moment. Although his face was expressionless, Bai Lixin suddenly felt the grievance from the other man.

Staring at Bai Lixin with clear and clean eyes, the man said aggrievedly, “Yes.”

Bai Lixin’s anger flared up instantly. “Who did this?”

‘How dare they lock up my old gong? This must be avenged!’

The man looked even more aggrieved and his black eyes contained accusations, “You.”

Bai Lixin’s rage plummeted into negative values.

“That’s impossible,” Bai Lixin protested. “We’ve only just met in this world.”

He felt that the other person was either joking or deceived by someone pretending to be him.

The man quickly accepted Bai Lixin’s words without any rebuttal, simply saying, “Mmm, you’re right. It’s our first time meeting like this. So, do you need me to introduce myself?”

Bai Lixin: “Yes.”

Taking a step back, the man gracefully performed a gentlemanly gesture towards Bai Lixin.

“Hello, Master. I am your personal AI robot, named Dijia.”

“Anyone and anything in the world may betray you, but I won’t. I will always be by your side, serving you every step of the way.”

“Your importance to me ranks as NO.1, an absolute position.”

Bai Lixin was taken aback.

From the mechanical contractions of Dijia’s eyes and those wires, he had guessed that Dijia was probably no longer a mere human in this world, but he never imagined that Dijia had become an AI robot, and his personal one at that.

This was too exciting .

“My position is NO.1, then who else is ranked?” Bai Lixin asked.

The man lifted his eyelids. “NO.2 is Bai Lixin, NO.3 is Bai Lixin, NO.4 is Bai Lixin… NO. Infinity is still Bai Lixin.”

He spoke frankly, causing Bai Lixin to blush.

‘Damn it, in becoming a robot, the old gong has become even better at saying sweet things than when he was a human!’

‘Did you take a romance course on your own, you bastard?’

“Let’s, let’s leave here first,” Bai Lixin blushes and looked down, his voice a bit stuttered.

“Okay, master,” the man responded, seemingly unaware of how stimulating his words were, immediately agreeing whenever Bai Lixin spoke.

Bai Lixin turned to leave.

His left foot had just lifted off the ground, not yet landed, when his body was lifted by some force and landed firmly in the man’s arms the next second in a princess carry.

Bai Lixin’s face grew even redder, and he stammered, “What, what are you doing?”

The man remained composed, his beautiful black eyes calmly meeting Bai Lixin’s. “This road is too long. It would tire my master’s feet. Let me handle this physical work.”

Bai Lixin’s cheeks burned as he buried his head in the man’s chest.


What kind of weird play is this?

It’s so embarrassing!’


In the live broadcast room

[I’m blowing smoke.]

[The AI big boss is awesome! If I can’t love to death, I’ll spoil you to death.]

[I haven’t stopped grinning since the big boss and God Xin met. Who can understand, is this a master-servant CP this time?]

[Hehehe, so exciting. Not only is it a master-servant CP, it’s also a servant messing with the master, saliva dripping everywhere.jpg.]

[….I feel like I suddenly got onto the expressway. No, let me off, I’m still a child!]


The journey through the corridor with Dijia was quite subtle.

How was it subtle?

The winding corridor was pitch-black, but whenever Dijia reached a spot, the overhead lights would turn on, gradually dimming as they moved away.

With Dijia standing at over six feet tall and him at nearly six feet, being carried like this felt a bit embarrassing. If he had been injured or fainted, it would be understandable, but he was perfectly fine.

However, the man’s expression as he held him was too nonchalant, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. On the contrary, Bai Lixin even felt like it was him who was overthinking things.

He had tried to get down several times, and he tried several methods each time, but…

He jumped down without saying a word, but as soon as his body shifted, he was wrapped in the man’s arms again.

When he asked the man to put him down, the man acted as if he hadn’t heard and continued walking forward.

When he tried to command him, the man only said, “just leave the physical work to him.”

Was this really a personal AI robot?

It seemed like he only listened to commands selectively. Isn’t he only obeying the ones he liked?

This was obviously a male dog in the shell of an AI robot!

Bai Lixin gave up after several attempts to break free from Dijia’s embrace and just went with it, staring at the innocent looking man and silently conceding defeat.

Seeing Bai Lixin like this, the man’s eyes flashed with a hint of cunning, but it was quickly submerged beneath the icy façade of machinery.

As they passed by the laboratory, Bai Lixin remembered something and suddenly stopped Dijia. “Wait, I want to take a look inside this lab.”

Dijia, who had been “deaf” since earlier, stopped immediately and asked, “Do you want to visit?”

“…” Bai Lixin said, “So your hearing’s fine after all.”

Dijia replied with a tone full of grievance, “It’s not my fault that I am an old AI robot that has been in disrepair for a long time. It’s only natural for my master to despise me.”

“…” Bai Lixin was speechless.

Why did he suddenly feel that since becoming a robot, a certain person’s thick skin had only gotten thicker?

Dijia glanced at the white door ahead, and it opened in response.

It seemed like robot Dijia was playing a new game, called “Never let my master’s feet touch the ground.” So when the iron door opened, Dijia didn’t show any intention of putting Bai Lixin down. Instead, he carried Bai Lixin into the laboratory.

Bai Lixin felt speechless but had no choice but to accept.

In a daze, he felt that their relationship was not that of “master and loyal AI robot” but rather that of “doll and dresser.”

‘Damn it! After the old gong turned into a robot, it seemed that he was not calmed down by the “obey orders” program, but instead became more and more perverted.’

Bai Lixin suddenly felt a chill down his spine.

‘My life is in danger!’

“What do you want to know, my master?” The man’s calm robotic voice brought Bai Lixin back to reality. The man stood at the entrance of the laboratory, holding Bai Lixin in his arms. “I know this lab quite well. Do you want me to tell you something?”

Bai Lixin’s gaze swept over the somewhat faded laboratory.

In the center were two operating tables that still had some blood stains, and surgical instruments were scattered on the floor. Besides that, there were some metal limbs piled on shelves nearby.

The operating tables were connected to many severed wires, and the other ends of the severed lines extended to a control panel with numerous buttons.

Bai Lixin stared at the blood-stained operating table, momentarily unsure of which question to ask first.

According to the Third Duke, Dijia was a member of the Royal Family of the Fair District.

But why had a member of the Royal Family become an AI robot?

Upon closer inspection, a somewhat cruel guess came to Bai Lixin’s mind.

Because this guess was too cruel, Bai Lixin felt his throat was dry, and he was unable to open his mouth.

The models outside and the plaque on the wall had already shown him what this abandoned laboratory was for.

It was to merge humans and machines, creating so-called new humans.

Dijia had transformed from human to robot, and it was clear that he had also been modified by this experiment.

To replace a healthy body with mechanical parts, you have to endure not only physical pain but also internal pain.

And the success rate of this experiment was probably very low.

Judging from the four rampaging models outside, it seemed that the human part had not been retained.

Whether due to natural death over time or rejection between human and machine, the human mind was long gone, leaving only a body powered by electricity and programming.

No thoughts, just a cold, mechanical shell.

This was the cyberpunk world of the far future, yet it felt like a zombie apocalypse.

In the end, Bai Lixin didn’t ask any questions, simply saying, “Let’s go.”

The man didn’t take the initiative to say much either, continuing their game of “I lose if my master’s feet touch the ground” as they left the laboratory.

Once on the aircraft, Dijia finally released Bai Lixin, settling him into his seat.

“Master, let me help you with your seatbelt.” The next moment, the man’s arm reached across Bai Lixin’s body, his firm chest almost touching Bai Lixin’s.

They were so close, yet Bai Lixin couldn’t hear the man’s heartbeat.

“Where do you want to go, my master?” The man suddenly tilted his head towards Bai Lixin while adjusting his seatbelt, and the half pulled seatbelt halted at Bai Lixin’s chest. His fingers rested lightly Bai Lixin’s chest, his eyes pure. “Just leave the physical work of flying the aircraft to me.”

With their proximity, the man’s words seemed to carry a breeze. A cool breeze brushed past Bai Lixin’s ear, cascading down his collarbone.

Though the air was cool, Bai Lixin felt a fiery heat where it landed.

He instinctively looked away, giving the man a side profile flushed with embarrassment. “I haven’t decided yet. Just fly wherever.”

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!