Published at 24th of June 2024 10:09:20 AM

Chapter 493.2

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“They fear direct gazes,” Dijia said in a solemn voice. “Originally, I was not the only one on this spaceship, there were more than a dozen astronauts. My duty at the time was just to pilot the spaceship. By the time I realized there was a problem, things had already gone out of control.”

“In order to drive away the invading killers, the astronauts and the space creatures engaged in a desperate battle, and you should be able to guess the outcome. None of the astronauts survived.”

“The protective suits hanging on this wall are the suits worn by those astronauts.”

“These are the safeguards and talismans they left for you.”

Everyone fell into silence.

“Although they didn’t kill the space creatures, their sacrifice was not in vain. During the confrontation with the space creatures, I kept analyzing and finally found the weaknesses of the space creatures.”

“Space creatures cannot attack when they transform into other creatures in order to deceive others. They can only attack when they return to their original form. It is during this transformation period when the space creatures are most vulnerable. In order to perfectly mimic living organisms, they even replicate the internal organs of the opponent. At that time, as long as you attack their vital points, you can kill the space creatures.”

“But there’s a catch, you have to make sure the opponent is indeed a space creature.”

“Victory or defeat happens in a split second, either you identify the opponent, or they seize the opportunity to kill you.”

“Also, when space creatures transform back from disguise, it only takes a few nanoseconds, a speed that the naked eye cannot capture. If you want to find and attack them at the moment of transformation, forget about it, that will only harm you.”

“So, the secret code might only be useful in the early stages,” Li Cangshan analyzed calmly. “If the code doesn’t match when we first enter, we can be sure it’s a space creature. But you said they can learn, so as we progress deeper, they will definitely learn the content of the code. Using the code to identify whether the opponent is a space creature will be useless.”

“Wait a moment, what does ‘fear direct gazes’ mean?” Bai Lixin remembered a point Dijia hadn’t mentioned and asked.

Dijia: “After they change their voices, they will enter a period of visual fear. As long as you keep staring at them, they cannot transform. To a large extent, this can protect you from sudden transformations and attacks when they get close.”

Li Cangshan: “So, no matter who we encounter, the first thing is to stare at each other. Not even blinking?”

Dijia: “If you can blink at the speed of their transformation, then yes.”

Li Cangshan: “Oh, I see, don’t blink…”

Pink Hair: “What do those monsters look like?”

Dijia glanced upwards, “Look up.”

The crowd looked up in confusion, and several people instinctively raised the weapons in their hands.

At some point, a bizarre-looking creature had been sticking to the ceiling, overlooking them.

The creature had no fur on the outside, only a skin that appeared to be between hard and soft, with a black-brown color.

It was not very large, only about one meter tall.

It had a triangular head, a long neck, a streamlined body, and arms long enough to easily reach the ceiling.

Its palms didn’t look very dexterous, and they were a bit short, with only three fingers.

Compared to its relatively slender arms, the creature’s legs were well-developed.

Each thigh was as thick as a waist, and the shape of the legs resembled those of a grasshopper’s hind legs, indicating strong jumping ability.

Six or seven black-brown tentacles protruded from its back, swaying in the air. The tips of each tentacle were particularly sharp, resembling sharpened bayonet tips.

This was what Dijia referred to as both soft and hard.

Almost instantly, everyone understood what the thing on the ceiling was.

Bai Lixin was the first to notice the issue. Although the space creature looked realistic, it remained motionless on the ceiling, like a statue.

Seeing Dijia’s indifferent attitude, he quickly realized, “This is a holographic projection, not a real space creature.”

As if to confirm Bai Lixin’s words, the space creature jumped down from the ceiling and landed steadily on the metal table. Its body was heavy, but the table remained undisturbed.

Everyone instinctively took several steps back, as if facing a formidable enemy.

However, the space creature behaved like a puppy, just standing there quietly without any intention of attacking.

Li Cangshan bravely poked the space creature with the barrel of his gun, but it was futile. The barrel passed through the creature’s leg and reappeared on the other side.

Dijia: “The holographic projection in my spaceship is very realistic and can perfectly reproduce the original objects.”

“This is what the space creatures look like, and the swaying behind them is the weapon they use to attack.”

“You have three days until the arrival of the solar flare fragments to consider and tell me your answer.”

“If you go in to retrieve the solar flare fragments, it’s a gamble with your life.”

“If you do nothing, the ship will be destroyed in three days and everyone will die.”

“Whether you want to enjoy the last three days of happiness and then die in an instant without pain, or endure the torment of fear and death and struggle to live, it’s up to you.”

Perhaps because of his identity as the control system and captain of the spaceship, Dijia talked a lot today, and he explained it in detail.

After telling everyone about the potential dangers, Dijia issued an ultimatum: “24 hours is a day, you must tell me your answer within 48 hours from now.”

After saying these words, Dijia looked at Bai Lixin, his eyes suddenly turning from indifferent to passionate, “Master, let’s go.”

Bai Lixin: “Where to?”

Dijia: “Of course, to retrieve that treasure that only you are worthy of using.”

Bai Lixin: “…”

‘I swear, I didn’t have any improper thoughts!’

Bai Lixin and Dijia returned to the room where he had been sleeping.

As Dijia stepped in, the lights in the room all turned on instantly, and the neon-like colors added a strange warmth to the empty room.

Dijia looked around, held his chin and muttered, “It seems like something is missing in the room.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the floor and walls of the room began to deform and fold.

Like magic, one piece of furniture after another appeared in the room.

A silver table.

A jet-black leather sofa.

A table made of crystal glass.

A dining table and chairs leaning against the wall.

A small bar, a liquor cabinet filled with alcohol, and even a semi-open kitchen.

A separate bathroom, wardrobe, and a large bed covered with soft and comfortable quilts.

“Do you still like this style of decoration, master?” Dijia looked at Bai Lixin expectantly, with a hint of excitement in his tone.

“It’s a very beautiful style, I like it a lot.” It wasn’t just flattery; Bai Lixin genuinely thought the room’s arrangement was nice at the moment.

When the arrangement in the room was finished, Dijia walked to the bedside and pulled out a black, hard, rod-shaped object from the bedside table. “Master, this is the treasure I said that only you can use.”

Bai Lixin: “…”

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