Published at 24th of June 2024 10:11:03 AM

Chapter 498

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The room was a hyper three-dimensional simulated training room, where various scenarios can be simulated without leaving the premises for training.

According to Dijia, it was possible to complete this collection task using remotely controlled drones, but in case of special circumstances, loss of remote control for even a tenth of a second could cause the final collection task to fail.

Compared to remote control, having real people in action was safer.

The aircraft was not large and could accommodate two people.

Finally, it was decided that Bai Lixin and Li Cangshan would personally operate, with Dijia assisting remotely.

Over the next seven hours, they trained repeatedly in the training room to manipulate the claw to grasp the fragments of the solar flare. They only took short breaks and rests in between.

As for the others, although they initially had the energy to stay with them, they became too tired later on. One after another, they went back to their rooms to rest.

Bai Lixin had a physique that surpassed humans, and he had unlimited energy. It didn’t matter if he didn’t sleep for a long time.

As for Li Cangshan, it was his professional characteristic. They often faced extreme challenges, and it was common for them to go without sleep for several days in a row while on missions.

The two of them focused on training, striving for precision and accuracy every time.

The audience in the live broadcast room were stunned.

[I only knew God Xinhad strong endurance, but I didn’t expect Li Cangshan to be just as strong. What kind of monsters are these two, it’s terrifying.]

[How can you call them monsters? Clearly, they are gods.]

[So amazing! They were training even before entering the warehouse. I barely saw Li Cangshan resting. While others only need to use their own weapons, Li Cangshan also had to teach everyone else. At that time, the training lasted for about a day, then they spent ten hours in the warehouse, and now they’ve trained for seven hours. They’ve gone without sleep for a full forty hours, and most people wouldn’t be able to bear it. And yet, he’s been engaged in high-intensity activities all along.]

[As expected, those who shine in copies have extraordinary qualities. God Xin is like this, and so is Li Cangshan. With this momentum, Li Cangshan might become the next God Xin.]

[The future looks promising. It’s the first time I’ve seen the two of them team up in a copy. They’re so powerful]


After seven hours of training, Bai Lixin and Li Cangshan were able to guarantee the interception of the solar flare fragments with a hundred percent success rate.

With three hours left, they had enough time to reach the location where the solar flare fragments would pass.

The two of them put on special insulation space suits, and Dijia also helped them equip tools such as the claws and box in the aircraft.

Before the two of them boarded the aircraft, Dijia earnestly reminded them, “Although you have simulated the scenes of solar flare fragments passing through tens of thousands of times, I still want to remind you that there is a huge amount of energy contained within the solar flare fragments. There will constantly be fragments flying out from it, and the speed of these fragments may be very fast under the impact force. I cannot perfectly simulate the direction, angle, and quantity of the fragments ejected, so there will be uncertainty in this area.”

He paused, his deep gaze falling on Bai Lixin’s face. “If I could, I would rather be the one accompanying you. But I can’t leave this spaceship.”

“Stay calm. Do what you can and accept fate. Even if you can’t capture it, it’s okay. In the last moments of our lives, I hope to be by your side.”

Bai Lixin nodded solemnly.

When he entered the aircraft and the cabin door was about to close, the young man suddenly stood up, stretched out his arm, grabbed the man’s collar, and to the man’s surprise, forcefully kissed his lips.

It was a hot and passionate kiss, without any shyness or reservation, as if there was a collision between their souls.

The man’s lips were a bit stiff and cold.

Bai Lixin used his warmth to melt his coldness, invading him with his breath.

At first, Dijia was stunned, but then he reached out and grabbed Bai Lixin’s neck, intensifying the kiss.

The sound of kissing could be heard nearby. Li Cangshan shrunk into the driver’s seat, wishing he could find a hole to hide in.

The intense kiss soon stopped.

The man breathed heavily and suppressed his voice, saying in a low tone, “I’ll let you go for now. I’ll wait for you to come back.”

Bai Lixin gave the man a thumbs-up before closing the cabin door. Just as the transparent cabin door closed, the thumbs-up quickly turned into a middle finger. The young man laughed at the man’s dumbfounded expression, and he flew out with a long tail.

The man stood there for a long time, unable to hide the worry in his eyes.

He looked in the direction where the two had left for a long time, and then turned and walked away.

The man returned to the now very homely cockpit.

The semi-circular pilot’s seat floated quietly behind him as he looked out of the huge floor-to-ceiling window into the darkness outside. It wasn’t until his eyes caught the flying aircraft moving towards its destination that he slowly sat in the pilot’s seat.

As soon as he sat down, the man’s eyes turned into reflective white, and his expression and gaze became detached.

—“Can you hear me?”

The two who were driving the aircraft looked at each other, and Bai Lixin said to the air, “Yes, we can hear you.”

—”I have connected my spirit to the aircraft. I will assist you through remote control.”

Outside the floor-to-ceiling window, a small aircraft with a tail had already entered the asteroid belt surrounding the spaceship.

The aircraft maneuvered agilely through the asteroid belt effortlessly.

—“It seems that Pilot Li’s flying skills are excellent.”

Li Cangshan, who was carefully piloting the air raft, showed a proud smile. “Of course, not to boast, but I am the national champion in aerial obstacle courses.”

—“In comparison, Pilot Bai Lixin seems quite idle.”

Bai Lixin, who was suddenly mentioned, smiled dryly. “No need for me.”

—“Then let’s chat while you’re idle. How about discussing the gesture just now?”

Bai Lixin: “Heh heh.”

Li Cangshan: “…”

‘Save me, save me.’

Even though there were only the two of them in the aircraft, he felt the presence of a third person.

The presence of this third person was incredibly strong.

He shouldn’t be in the cabin; he should be in the cargo hold.

After making a couple of jokes, Dijia fell silent.

He knew when to get to business.

Under Li Cangshan’s piloting, the craft soared through the asteroid belt like an eagle with cheat codes, its tail constantly weaving through the rubble. In just half an hour, they flew out of the asteroid belt.

Although there were fewer obstacles ahead, occasional obstacles appeared in the sky, so their flying speed remained slow.

During training, Dijia had simulated their route countless times. After more than an hour of slow movement, Li Cangshan finally stopped at the designated location.

The energy stored on the aircraft was also not abundant.

As a precaution, Li Cangshan had been using low-energy mode. Now that they had reached the designated location, he switched the aircraft to the lowest energy consumption mode.

The two quickly checked the equipment, confirmed everything was normal, and then began the long wait.

The surroundings were as silent as death.

All that met the eye was darkness.

Sitting in the small aircraft and looking around, the unchanging silence and darkness seemed capable of swallowing everything.

It was too quiet.

It was so quiet it seemed as if all life in the universe had vanished, leaving only the two of them barely surviving.

Li Cangshan remembered something and suddenly felt a bit anxious.

To distract himself, he turned to the young man sitting quietly beside him. “God Xin, what are you thinking about?”

Bai Lixin turned his head. “I’m thinking about how to capture the solar flare fragments later.”

Li Cangshan: “How long have you been playing this game?”

Bai Lixin recalled, “About three years.”

Li Cangshan: “So, you’ve been here for so long. Do you miss your family?”

Bai Lixin’s eyes dimmed slightly. “Of course, I miss my family very much.”

Li Cangshan smiled. “Me too. Although I’ve only been here for a few months, I haven’t seen my parents for two years. Two years ago, I participated in a multinational project and didn’t go home for two years. At that time, I also dreamed of seeing my family.”

Bai Lixin was stunned for a moment before saying, “So, were you chosen by this game because of that?”

Li Cangshan also seemed stunned, then chuckled foolishly. “Probably, I missed home too much, but as a result, I ended up farther from home.”

Bai Lixin: “You’ll go back, you’ll definitely see your family.”

“But coming here isn’t entirely a bad thing.” Li Cangshan blushed slightly as he thought of something. “If it weren’t for being here, I wouldn’t have met my goddess.”

His eyes dimmed again as he spoke: “Unfortunately…”

Bai Lixin: “Unfortunately what?”

Li Cangshan pursed his lips. “Unfortunately, when we return to the real world, we will lose the memories here. If I return to the real world, I might not even remember that I once liked someone so much. I feel it’s a pity, for the future me in the real world.”

Perhaps due to the hollow darkness around them, Li Cangshan looked a bit downcast. Bai Lixin comforted him: “Maybe the game will be updated later, and we’ll still remember what happened here when we go out. Until the end, everything is unknown and everything has a turning point, so cheer up.”

Li Cangshan slapped his face to lift his spirits. “By the way, God Xin, you’re really fierce.”

Bai Lixin tilted his head. “Huh? What do you mean by fierce? Physique? I’m not as strong as you.”

“No, I’m not talking about that.” Li Cangshan waved his hand. “I mean, you were so direct and affectionate just now, even in front of others. If I were half as relaxed as you, I would have confessed long ago.”

Bai Lixin: “Hah, I’m too familiar with him. What’s there to be embarrassed about? Your own feelings are centered around you and your lover. What does it matter to others around you?”

“Besides,” Bai Lixin paused, his expression twisted, “more outrageous behavior has been done in the live broadcast countless times before , who knows how many people have seen it. What do I still have to be shy about?”

Li Cangshan: “…”


So are you just being reckless now?’


In the live broadcast room

[Hahaha, I’ve never seen God Xin mention this kind of thing in public before. I thought he didn’t care, but it turns out he doesn’t mind at all.]

[What does the big boss’s mistakes have to do with our God Xin?]

[I dare to speak recklessly, I hope the boss makes more mistakes.]

[Your idea is dangerous, but I like it. Smirk.jpg.]


More than an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

And their radar display showed a huge energy source.

—“The solar flare fragments are about ten minutes away from your location. Get ready.”

In fact, before Dijia reminded them, the two had already started adjusting the equipment.

Li Cangshan and Bai Lixin looked out through the transparent window. At the end of their sight, they could already see a small red dot rapidly enlarging.

The stellar flare fragments were moving very fast. Even though it was the vacuum of space, as it approached, they felt the surrounding area heating up.

Dijia helped them open the protective shield outside the aircraft.

The protective shield was composed of quantum collision energy and could withstand all external attacks, including close-range energy storms.

The two were on high alert. Li Cangshan manipulated various buttons in his hand, constantly providing verbal reports.

“Protective shield open, normal.”

“Claw spring confirmed normal.”

“Container switch, all normal.”

As the solar fragments approached, the small red dot gradually turned into a large fireball.

Around the fireball were many smaller fragments, constantly falling off and scattering rapidly in all directions.

Each small fragment was like a bullet, and if just a little bit even touched the aircraft, it could cause damage.

Although there was a protective shield outside taircraft, the claws they were about to throw out did not have one.

The structure of the claw was somewhat similar to a claw machine. In the vacuum of space, there wasn’t much assistance, so they had to use the spring propulsion to shoot the claw out.

They only had one chance the moment their claws touched the solar flare fragments.

Three claws needed to grab three points of the solar flare fragment respectively. When the claws firmly caught the fragment, the aircraft would be carried forward by the flare fragment for a distance.

At this time, they had to use the aircraft’s momentum to make the solar fragment deviate from its orbit.

Only a slight deviation was needed, and the solar fragment would be held in place by the gravitational pull generated by the aircraft. This would need the aircraft to exhaust almost all its energy to create the pull. Even so, the aircraft’s energy was limited, and it could only maintain it for a minute.

The time to seal the flare fragment in the iron box was within this short minute.

Bai Lixin and Li Cangshan had trained countless times and they had completed it almost perfectly in one minute.

From throwing out the claw to sealing the flare fragment in the box, they had to complete it within two minutes.

Thousands of sleepless training sessions were just for these two minutes.

And it was two minutes that concerned the lives of everyone on the spaceship.

There was no room for stage fright or failure; they had to succeed!


In the live broadcast, the audience held their breath, more nervous than Bai Lixin and Li Cangshan in the copy.

They were only facing a screen, but when the fiery red color almost occupied the entire screen, they felt as if they were being burned.

[I’m so nervous, I feel like my heart is about to jump out of my throat.]

[Strange, I’m just watching a live broadcast, but it feels like the room is about to catch fire.]

[! Me too! I thought I was the only one feeling this way. It’s too immersive.]

[If we feel this way just through the screen, how hard it must be for God Xin and Li Cangshan on the scene.]

The faces of the two on the screen had turned fiery red under the reflection of the flare, and their whole bodies seemed to be coated in gold.

To prevent their eyes from being injured, the glass cabin door had already turned dark.

[Come on, you must succeed.]

[Don’t have any accidents.]

[Hey, don’t jinx it.]

[Come on, God Xin, come on, Li Cangshan!]

[Come on!]

[Come on!]

Countless encouragements scrolled across the right side of the screen, densely covering it and surprisingly dimming the impact of the red on the screen.

Bai Lixin and Li Cangshan in the footage remained solemn. The two of them, and Dijia in the rear, worked together.

The audience’s breathing slowed down, their eyes glued to the screen, afraid to miss any detail.

Li Cangshan manipulated the aircraft to find the right position, while Bai Lixin and Dijia cooperated to throw out the claws.

The claws had only a dozen seconds to reach the solar fragment under the force of the spring. However, the audience felt these seconds were unusually long.

It wasn’t until they saw the three claws grab the three points of the solar fragment simultaneously that the audience realized they had been holding their breath and were almost suffocating.

They breathed heavily while using the barrage to relieve their pressure.

[I was scared to death, I was afraid the claws wouldn’t grab it. I thought something unexpected was going to happen again.]

[They’ve trained so many times. If it were someone else, they might encounter accidents, but it’s these three are the operators.]

[Think about it differently, maybe they encountered a situation they hadn’t encountered in the training room, but because all three of them have rich on-the-spot adaptability, they easily resolved it, which seemed smooth to us.]

[Yes, well said!]

[Everyone, don’t celebrate too early, they haven’t finished yet. Don’t forget, they still need to put the flare fragments into the box.]

[Damn, my heart is racing again.]

[Friendly reminder, you can breathe while watching the live broadcast.]

In the footage, the fiery red flare fragments continued to spray outward.

The fragments collided with the aircraft and were quickly melted by the protective shield. Although they didn’t cause substantial damage to the aircraft, the impact force still made the aircraft sway.

Moreover, the aircraft also had to resist the traction of the flare fragments.

The aircraft holding onto the flare fragment was like a child walking a large dog, being dragged around by the crazy dog, shaking and swaying.

It looked like it was about to fall over at any moment.

However, the child was a determined child. Even when being dragged by the large dog, he still firmly held onto the reins without letting go.

Just when it seemed like the child was about to be dragged away, the crazy dog-like flare fragment suddenly froze in place, as if under a petrification spell, standing still.

The black metal box flew out instantly. At the same time, three claws dragged the flare fragment closer to the metal box.

The distance between the two gradually narrowed.

The audience watched as the countdown timer started on the screen.

[45 seconds.]

The distance between the two shortened significantly.

[30 seconds.]

They were just a little bit away from each other.

[25 seconds.]

They finally met, and the flare fragment began to slowly tighten into the metal box.

Because there was no traction, the flare fragment entered the box slowly.

[20 seconds.]

The flare fragment had entered one end of the box.

[10 seconds.]

Half of the flare fragment’s body was inside the box.

[5 seconds.]

Most of the flare fragment was inside, but there was still a lot left outside, and time seemed to be running out.

[1 second.]

There was still a bulge of the flare fragment outside. Beads of sweat appeared on the audience’s foreheads, and their backs were soaked.

Bai Lixin suddenly pressed a switch. The claw, which had been slowly floating in space, suddenly retracted backward, returning to the aircraft. With this momentum, the flare fragment completely entered the box and the lid was closed just in the last second.

[0 seconds!]

They did it!

When the metal box trembled a few times and gradually quieted down, the audience knew they had succeeded!

In these tense two minutes, neither of them made a mistake, demonstrating their strong hearts and superb skills!

The audience shouted and roared in front of the screen. They breathed in fresh air, wiped the sweat off their foreheads, and fanned their backs to evaporate the sweat.

The barrage once again occupied the screen.

[Wow, awesome! God Xin is truly amazing, as expected of a boss, and Li Cangshan too!]

[This is more thrilling than playing games myself, my heart is about to jump out.]

[Hahaha, if they were a second later, I would have felt like I was suffocating.]

Inside the aircraft, Bai Lixin and Li Cangshan smiled at each other, relaxing the tense muscles in their bodies. They used the last of the energy to return to the spaceship.

This trip went very smoothly.

Or perhaps it was because they treated every training session as if it were real, and because it was them, everything went so smoothly.

When they returned, Dijia was already waiting in place, with several transport carts behind him.

The spaceship’s energy was about to run out, so Dijia just greeted the two hastily before swiftly leaving with the energy.

The time afterward was spent on Dijia converting the flare fragment into usable energy for the spaceship. They could only wait patiently on the side.

Soon, Dijia walked out of a room. There was no wave of emotion on his calm face.

He strode up to Bai Lixin and embraced him tightly.

“It’s done, the energy crisis of the spaceship has indeed been resolved.”

This was probably the best news they had heard in these few days.

The long-term tension relaxed in an instant, and Li Cangshan felt a wave of fatigue surging from the depths of his body.

He yawned and staggered, holding onto the wall, about to go back. “I’m so tired, I’ll go rest.”

He had barely taken two steps when everything started spinning, and the next moment, he lost consciousness.

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