Published at 24th of June 2024 10:18:45 AM

Chapter 517

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A day after the eldest prince left, a young figure appeared in the palace.

He kept peeking around. He was wearing luxurious attire that could only be worn by royal nobles, and his expression was inexplicably nervous.

As Bai Lixin pondered how to leave this place, he turned and spotted the person hiding behind a pillar, sneakily glancing in his direction.

He didn’t look very old, only around twenty years old, and still had a childlike look on his face.

Bai Lixin waved at him, “Come over.”

His calm demeanor startled the other party, as if this were his own home.

After hesitating for two seconds, the person emerged from behind the pillar.

He appraised Bai Lixin from head to toe, commenting, “You are good-looking . No wonder my brother likes you.”

This person’s way of speaking was much more comfortable than the eldest prince’s. Bai Lixin stared at him for a moment, feeling like his features looked somewhat familiar.

The bone structure of a young person changes noticeably as they grow into adulthood, but even after reaching adulthood, a person’s bone structure can still change, especially with a large span of time, it’s easier for their features to change.

Bai Lixin carefully examined the other person ’s features before tentatively asking, “Prince Simon Coulton-Cones?”

The other person’s pupils widened, “You actually know my name?”

Bai Lixin: “Of course, it was Dijia who told me your name. He also said you’re his favorite brother, he praised you highly.”

The newcomer suddenly became embarrassed, rubbing his hands excitedly, “He really said that?!”

Bai Lixin: “Yes, do you think I would lie to you? He also said that among the entire royal family, only you are worthy of inheriting that position. And in the future, you will definitely inherit that position and lead the Fairness District to a brighter future.”

Of course, Dijia didn’t tell him these things. Apart from doing that one thing with Dijia, they hadn’t done anything else together.

He just recognized the person in front of him as Old King Cones from eighty years later.

The young King Cones suddenly became panicked. He came a bit closer and lowered his voice, “Keep your voice down. The walls have ears. My eldest brother told me to keep an eye on you here, but don’t worry, I won’t treat you like a prisoner.”

Bai Lixin: “How’s Dijia?”

Young King Cones shook his head, “I don’t know. I wasn’t there when it happened. I heard my brother had a big argument with our father, then he was carried out. I heard he had old injuries that flared up during the argument. After that, I haven’t seen him.”

“Prince Cones, I want to go to the palace.” Bai Lixin dragged young King Cones into an empty bedroom, blocking out all the people watching outside.

Young King Cones waved his hands in fear, “No, no, my father is looking for you all over the world and wants to kill you. Won’t you just be a sitting duck if you go to the palace? If I let you leave, my eldest brother will kill me.”

Bai Lixin: “No, trust me, you’ll be fine. Not only will you inherit the throne, but you’ll also live a long life.”

Young King Cones looked anxious, whispering in a voice only the two of them could hear, “Although I really love hearing what you’re saying, please stop. If you keep going, my eldest brother will kill me.”

Bai Lixin smiled, “Does your eldest brother often hit you?”

Young King Cones: “Not really, but I’m really a bit afraid of my eldest brother.”

“Now I’ll give you two options, either help your eldest brother keep an eye on me, or help your younger brother and get me into the palace.”

Young King Cones hesitated, “If I get you into the palace, can you really help Dijia?”

“Of course, otherwise why would I go to my death? It’s good to be alive, I’m not stupid.”

Young King Cones looked conflicted, “Give me some time to think about it.”

Bai Lixin: “There’s no time to think. You have to answer me now. Will you help the eldest brother who always threatens to hit you, or will you help the brother who loves you the most? You can’t let your brother down, Prince Cones. He likes you so much, he beams with joy whenever he talks about you, even making me jealous.”

The young King Cones gradually lost himself in the flattery, “Alright then, I’ll help you get into the palace.”

“Let me think of a way.” He thought for a moment. “We have similar builds. Let’s swap clothes. You can wear my clothes and cloak, and leave. Don’t talk to anyone on the way, just head straight to the aircraft.”

He took off the agate ring from his hand and gave it to Bai Lixin. “Show this ring to my subordinates on the aircraft. They will follow your orders and take you to the palace. But…”

“But if things go wrong, please don’t betray me. I really will be beaten to death.”

Bai Lixin was already undressing the young King Cones. “Got it. Hurry up, time is money.”

Young King Cones: “…”

‘Why do I have a strange feeling of being sold and still helping to count the money?’

A few minutes later, the bedroom door opened.

“Prince Cones” walked out quietly.

He went straight to the aircraft, which hovered in the air for a dozen seconds before departing.

As soon as the aircraft reached the airspace above the palace, Bai Lixin sensed something was wrong. The entire palace was too quiet.

He did not let the aircraft land immediately but instead started circling above the palace.

Halfway through, everyone around him gasped in shock.

Below them were corpses scattered everywhere, blood flowing like rivers.

It was unknown when this slaughter started, countless bodies had been piled into a high mound.

A man with a golden sword was sitting on top of the corpses, looking like a demon, his hair and clothes fluttering in the wind. Even inside the aircraft, they could smell a faint scent of blood.

“Oh my god, that looks like Prince Dijia.”

The others in the aircraft panicked.

“He’s sitting on the eldest prince!”

“Not just the eldest prince, there’s also the queen and other princes. Oh my god, has the entire palace been slaughtered?! Why didn’t we get any news?!”

“God of Fairness, what happened?”

Bai Lixin: “Let me down.”

The others were horrified.

“You can’t go down, you’ll be killed too. Prince Dijia must have gone mad.”

In front of the mound of corpses knelt a man.

Dijia seemed to be saying something to him, and the man silently raised his head, revealing his face.

“God of Fairness, it’s His Majesty the King! It’s actually His Majesty the King!”

“He’s gone mad. Prince Dijia has gone mad. He’s making His Majesty the King kneel before him!”

While the people in the aircraft were at a loss, Dijia, who had been lowering his head, suddenly looked up and glanced in the direction of the aircraft.

His eyes were cold as frost, devoid of any emotion.

In an instant, all the aircraft’s controls malfunctioned.

It plummeted erratically towards the ground.

The already blue-screen display flickered a few times, and Dijia’s blood-stained, ghostly face appeared on it. His eyes moved left and right, seeming to see them through the small screen.

Dijia on the screen scanned them coldly, and only said two words, “Come out.”

At the same time, the shaking aircraft crashed heavily to the ground, its wings damaged, the body deformed.

The cabin door opened uncontrollably, as if manipulated by something.

The terrified crew looked at each other. Bai Lixin was the first to step out and rushed directly towards Dijia.

By this time, Dijia had descended from the mound of corpses and was standing in front of the King, seemingly demanding something.

The thick smell of blood assaulted their nostrils, the people who followed Bai Lixin out of the aircraft supported each other and started vomiting repeatedly.

Bai Lixin frowned and slowly approached the man he no longer recognized.

S419M had shown him this scene before, and it was one of the few images of Dijia.

As he got closer, their conversation became clearer.

Dijia: “Where is that thing?”

The King: “If I give you the controller now, will you kill me?”

Dijia: “I’ll make your death quicker.”

The King: “You demon, I should have let you die in that car accident two years ago. I should not have saves you!”

Deja: “Where is it? Give it to me.”

The King: “Kill me! I will never give you the controller!”

A cold sword pierced the king’s neck. When Bai Lixin reached Dijia, he only saw a column of blood spraying from the king’s neck, splattering all over the man in front of him.

Dijia pulled out the sword, letting the blood spray on him without any intention of avoiding it.

The blood soaked into his black clothes, turning it even darker.

Blood sprayed on his skin, running down the taut lines of his body before finally seeping into his clothes.

The man stood bathed in blood, like a shura demon from hell.

Hearing footsteps, the man slowly turned his head. A pair of emotionless eyes fell on Bai Lixin’s face, and he asked coldly, “Who are you?”

Bai Lixin suddenly stopped, “You’re not Dijia.”

The man turned around, and his clothes turned as he did, revealing the metal body inside.

He pointed his sword at Bai Lixin, “You’re right, I’m not him.”

“If you’re talking about the consciousness of this body, he’s already dead. The man on the ground used an instrument to suspend his brain activity. I’m the AI that supports this body. Now, this body is mine.”

Bai Lixin pursed his lips.

Dijia had never pointed a sword at him.

S419M screamed angrily in his mind: [If Lord Dijia was still conscious, he would never point the sword at the Lord Host!]

[Lord Dijia would be so heartbroken to see this.]

The escape system: [Brother M…]

In the past, S419M would scream randomly, but never like this.

S419M was truly angry.


On the 999th floor of the tower, the man’s whole body was wrapped in a dark gloomy aura.

The system was somewhat puzzled: [My Lord, what’s wrong?]

The man’s tone was cold, his voice squeezed out from between his teeth: “I don’t think this ten-thousand-player copy isn’t good, it’s very boring.”

The system: [Do you really think so? But this copy is quite challenging, making it more engaging for the players, isn’t it?]

The man : “Just staying inside for 60 days and then coming out, do you really think that’s engaging?”

The system: [I will relay your feedback to the main brain. We apologize for causing you a bad experience.]

The man: “I don’t want your apology.”

The system: “…”

‘My Lord seems to be in a terrible mood today. Wuuuu.’

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