Published at 24th of June 2024 10:18:45 AM

Chapter 518

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Against the backdrop of a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood, the confrontation between the two seemed exceptionally tragic.

When Bai Lixin’s gaze fell on the tip of the sword, a drop of blood dripped from its sharp edge and landed at his feet.

The ground had already soaked up so much blood that the drop paused briefly on the blood-red soil before slowly seeping into the crimson cracks.

The sharp blade emitted a low hum as it cut through the air. Just as the sword was about to slice Bai Lixin’s neck, it suddenly stopped a few millimeters away and then retracted.

A painful groan escaped Dijia’s lips. The man who had been emotionless a moment ago now wore a pained expression, backing away quickly.

“Don’t touch him.”

“This body is mine now. You shouldn’t wake up!”

“I told you not to touch him!”

“Go back, don’t fight for control of the body!”

He spoke to himself as if two split personalities were battling for control of the body.

A sinister wind suddenly swept in from behind Bai Lixin, filled with murderous intent.

Bai Lixin bent down, picking up a cold weapon from the ground, and swiftly stabbed it into the air beside him.

The cold weapon encountered resistance in the air, and Bai Lixin saw the distorted air slowly collapse to the ground before quickly disappearing.

It was the anti virus program. Now that there were few people around, it had reappeared.

Really relentless.


It should have been a sunny afternoon, but dark clouds began to gather overhead. Huge and oppressive bolts of lightning crackled in the dark clouds, one after another.

The black clouds swirled together like a tornado, growing denser as if the sky had broken open, ready to crash down and bury the insignificant humans below.

Something was off about these thunderclouds.

Bai Lixin looked up, narrowing his eyes at the ominous clouds.

When lightning split the sky, he suddenly noticed a flickering, mosaic pattern in the sky.

It was as if the anti virus was crashing due to a glitch.

Amidst the large patches of mosaic, he saw countless tiny black figures moving within the clouds. Each figure held a sharp spear, hiding within the dark clouds, their spears pointed downward.

In that instant, Bai Lixin recalled “The Sky Trilogy” and the song “Sky.”

“Sky” was the last song in “The Sky Trilogy” left by “Pris Xingchen.” The other two songs had provided hints in previous levels, but “Sky” had yet to be used.

The protagonist of ”Sky” was an eagle. The lyrics described the eagle’s struggle against a fierce storm, it was similar the current sky.

To become an eagle, one must first take flight.

Bai Lixin’s gaze fell on the battered aircraft nearby .

He grabbed the still-struggling Dijia and run toward the aircraft. As he passed the pale-faced, vomiting crew, he shouted, “Get on the aircraft!”

Everyone looked at each other, none wanting to move.

‘Get on the aircraft?

You first get rid of that monster!

We don’t want to be in the same place as that monster!”

Bai Lixin had already pushed Dijia inside and shouted at them again, “If you don’t want to die, get in! I’ll count to three!”



Before he could say “three,” they gritted their teeth and scrambled into the aircraft.

Bai Lixin ordered, “Hurry, start the aircraft, and take off!”

The pilot quickly sat at the controls, fumbling with the buttons. “But the instruments malfunctioned earlier, and we crashed. Unless a miracle happens…”

As he spoke, the previously malfunctioning control panel suddenly came back to life.

The aircraft shuddered twice and shakily took off.

The pilot exclaimed, “Oh! It’s working again! A miracle!”

Bai Lixin glanced at Dijia, and found that his eyes were now glowing brightly.

As the aircraft flew into the air, the pilot asked nervously, “What now?”

Recalling the lyrics from “Sky,” Bai Lixin pointed in a direction. “Fly that way.”

In the song, the eagle did not avoid the storm but faced it head-on.

Seeing the direction Bai Lixin pointed, the pilot was initially stunned, then gritted his teeth. “Alright! His Highness told us to listen to you, so we’ll listen to you! If we die, so be it!”

He pushed the remote control in his hand all the way down, heading straight toward the thick black clouds, as if marching to his death.

The aircraft plunged into the black clouds. The powerful electric currents attached to the clouds were like beasts finding prey, they surged out in droves, all chasing after the flying machine. Countless twisted blue light beams enveloped the aircraft, turning it into a giant ball of electricity.

“Damn it,” the pilot’s forehead dripped with cold sweat. “The shield just broke, and while the outer wall of the aircraft is insulated, the crash earlier caused a crack. We can’t outrun these high-voltage currents. If they catch us, we’re dead!”

Bai Lixin was focused entirely on observing the situation outside through the screen and transparent glass. “Follow my command, and we’ll get out of here. Pull up all the way, fly to the highest point near the cloud, then dive down at 180 degrees at full speed.”

In the eyes of these NPCs, they saw countless blue light beams, but in Bai Lixin’s eyes, he saw a combination of black spears and blue electric light. He had to avoid not only those light spots but also the attacks of the antivirus program.

The experienced pilot knew that any hesitation at such a critical moment would lead to terrible consequences.

He chose to obey Bai Lixin’s command and pulled the joystick straight up. When he reached the highest point, he swiftly turned and dived downward.

The electric currents chasing the aircraft couldn’t turn quickly enough and collided at the highest point, emitting a loud, piercing electric crackling sound. A huge blue electric umbrella exploded in the sky, instantly covering the entire sky in a ghastly and terrifying blue color.

After the electric current exploded, the surrounding black clouds immediately loosened, turning into chunks of black chocolate cotton candy.

Countless rays of sunlight shone through the cracks in the dark clouds. The tattered aircraft passed through, like an eagle in the sky that had just experienced a catastrophic challenge.

Seeing this, the others clapped and congratulated each other. The pilot breathed a sigh of relief. When his body relaxed and sank back into the seat, he suddenly realized that his back was already soaked with cold sweat.

Exhaling heavily, the pilot asked, “Where to now?”

“Go to the Artificial Intelligence Experimental Base,” a cold voice rang out, instantly freezing the relaxed atmosphere in the aircraft.

Everyone looked at each other, their smiles frozen on their faces.

In their excitement, they forgot that the aircraft still carried a monster that had slaughtered the entire palace.

They had celebrated too soon!

The pilot stiffened and ultimately chose to stop the aircraft in front of the Artificial Intelligence Experimental Base.

When the cabin door opened, Dijia stepped off the aircraft.

Bai Lixin watched Dijia’s figure and gradually felt a sense of powerlessness.

The gears of fate seemed to be advancing according to a predetermined script.

Pris Xingchen.

Mrs. Kyla’s death.

Dijia’s slaughter at the palace.

Everything was proceeding as he had seen it in the future.

And now, as Dijia walked to the Artificial Intelligence Experimental Base, it seemed that his fate of being imprisoned here was getting closer.

Bai Lixin followed him down from the aircraft. Before leaving, he thanked Prince Cones people and urged them to hurry back to the palace and inform Prince Cones of what had happened, so he could return to the palace immediately and take charge of the situation.

Although hesitant, everyone thought of the mountains of corpses and sea of blood in the palace and chose to leave.

Everyone had their own missions and important tasks to do.

What Bai Lixin needed to do now was to accompany Dijia, while what they needed to do was to save the royal family.

Watching the battered aircraft fly away, Bai Lixin followed behind Dijia.

Dijia never looked back at Bai Lixin throughout the journey, walking straight ahead with a tense expression.

Bai Lixin followed him and noticed that Dijia’s hand hidden in his sleeve had clenched into a fist.

The people in the Fairness District all knew Prince Dijia, but they had never seen Dijia, who seemed like a demon.

As a member of the royal family, Dijia ultimately had the power of speech.

With just a few words, he drove away everyone in the artificial intelligence base. In just half an hour, what had been a rising experimental base became an abandoned wasteland.

After driving everyone away, Dijia continued to walk forward.

He probably didn’t even know where he was going, just exploring the base like a headless fly.

Soon, Bai Lixin noticed that Dijia had walked to a path he was very familiar with.

If you continue forward, you’ll reach a metal gate at the end.

Behind the gate is a spacious room filled with wires.

That’s where Dijia spent a full eighty years.

Bai Lixin grabbed Dijia’s sleeve. “Don’t go.”

Dijia’s jaw tightened even more. He paused for a moment, then pulled his sleeve out of Bai Lixin’s hand and continued to walk forward without looking back. “Stop following me. Go back.”

The man’s figure gradually became smaller, appearing lonely and desolate, as if he would disappear forever if Bai Lixin let him go this time.

Bai Lixin chased after Dijia and pulled his sleeve again. He used a little too much strength and his fingers accidentally touched the other party’s metal arm.

The moment their bodies touched, Dijia suddenly recoiled two steps back as if electrocuted. He hurriedly covered his arm with his sleeve, and for the first time, his eyes landed on Bai Lixin’s face.

They were eyes that seemed on the verge of tears.

In his jet-black pupils, there was profound sorrow and guilt.

Dijia looked at Bai Lixin for only a moment before quickly turning his head away. “Don’t touch me…filthy.”

“Not filthy.” Bai Lixin stuck close, tenderly slipping his hand into Dijia’s sleeve and interlocking his fingers with the other’s metallic ones. “You’re not filthy at all. My Dijia is clean.”

Dijia’s lips quivered, his upper and lower lips moving. “I’m a monster. I’ve killed many people. And I didn’t kill strangers, but my brothers, sisters, subordinates, and even my father and mother.”

“I’m a sinner.”

“I almost killed you.”

“No, that wasn’t you.” Bai Lixin gripped Dijia tightly. “I know, it’s not your fault. If it were you, you wouldn’t have done that.”

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