Published at 24th of June 2024 10:18:46 AM

Chapter 519

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Bai Lixin wanted to reach out and hug Dijia, but Dijia pushed him away again, and his eyes gradually shifted from humane to mechanical.

He looked around, then turned around and left in the opposite direction.

Just as Dijia took a few steps, he stopped abruptly once more.

Bai Lixin watched as he turned around in place, then headed towards the heavy gate again.

After taking a few steps, he stopped again, then turned around.

After repeating this three or four times, Dijia leaned against the wall, his eyes fierce.

“What are you doing, are you crazy? Do you want to leave me?”

“Give me back my body, you robot.”

“If you’re capable, go ahead and take it. 85% of this body is now mechanical, so it’s already mine.”

“This is my body!”

The man’s expression alternated between anger and indifference.

It should have been a sad moment, but Bai Lixin suddenly found it a bit… um… amusing.

While Dijia and the artificial intelligence were arguing, Bai Lixin looked around the corridor and spotted a rope as thick as a thumb in the corner.

He quietly walked over, picked up the rope, and without a word, tied up Dijia.

Dijia and the AI who were in the midst of an argument: “???”

Bai Lixin tied up the man in front of him firmly, knotting the bound wrists and then tugging on the end of the rope. “Let’s go.”

“…” Dijia: “Didn’t you just advise me not to go?”

Bai Lixin gave the rope a tug and pulled the man forward. “It’s clear you really want to go there. I love you so much, how can I not fulfill your wishes?”

Dijia stumbled forward and was dragged like a prisoner. “…”

‘A man’s heart is like a needle in the sea.’

With Bai Lixin’s help, the AI that wanted control was at a disadvantage.

When husband and wife are of the same mind, their sharpness can even break gold. In this way, Bai Lixin managed to drag and pull the occasionally schizophrenic “Prince Dijia” to the front of the tall iron gate.

The gate was locked. Dijia watched Bai Lixin skillfully picking the lock and had a complicated expression. “Aren’t you a little too skilled at picking locks?”

‘I’m starting to doubt what your main profession really is.’

Bai Lixin: “What’s wrong, can’t I?”

Dijia: “No, you look really handsome when you pick locks.”

Bai Lixin raised an eyebrow. “Of course, who else would look handsome if not me? Are you obsessed with me now?”

Dijia paused for a moment, then nodded honestly.


In the live broadcast room.

[Fuck, how come I’m still eating dog food at this time? Shouldn’t this be a scene of heartbreaking farewell?]

[But, it’s really sweet.]

[“Just spoil each other!”]

[Time is in a closed loop without any openings. So this is how the big boss was locked up.]

[So the truth behind the big boss’s slaughter of the palace was that his body was taken over by the AI.]

[You can’t blame the big boss, blame the king. If he hadn’t been so bent on using AI to control the big boss, the AI wouldn’t have risen so fast. AI is really scary.]

[But we shouldn’t generalize, everything has its pros and cons. Some AIs may indeed have some problems, but AI has also really made life convenient.]

[Yeah, AI body checks are really good, especially for the elderly.]



Bai Lixin dragged Dijia into the room.

The room was empty, and the instrument in the center was very eye-catching.

It was transparent, and looked like a rejuvenation tank. There were many wires connected to it, extending all the way to the ceiling, but it was unclear where they were ultimately connected.

Dijia had regained the body’s control and he gestured towards the rejuvenation tank: “Put me in there.”

As soon as he said that, the AI took over the body: “No, you can’t go in. Let me go, I want to leave.”

Bai Lixin looked at the rejuvenation tank, ignored the AI’s nonsense, and pulled Dijia’s body towards it.

The AI became anxious and started struggling to separate.

The rope kept making a faint snapping sound as the bindings began to give way.

Dijia took control of his body again. Showing a smug sneer, he took a few steps forward, then lay neatly in the rejuvenation tank. “Close the lid.”

Bai Lixin closed the lid.

The next moment, a white mist poured out from the seams of the rejuvenation tank, slowly freezing Dijia’s feet inside the glass container at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Bai Lixin finally understood the purpose of this rejuvenation tank.

It was a cryogenic chamber.

The two looked at each other through the transparent glass and as the frozen area on Dijia’s body gradually extended upwards, Dijia said, “The researchers at this experimental base mentioned this when they were modifying my body. They said that they had a preliminary plan for failed rampant artificial intelligence, which is this cryogenic chamber.”

“The cryogenic chamber slows down the performance of the mechanical parts and eventually completely ages and fades away the AI. But this process takes a long time. It could be months, it could be years, or even decades.”

“I’m not sure how long it will take to subdue the AI, so you…” Don’t wait for me.

The words he wanted to say were stuck in his throat.

Bai Lixin tapped the glass cover. “Are you saying I’m old?”

Dijia: “???”

‘No, I’m not, I didn’t.’

‘How could that be?’

The frozen area on Dijia’s body gradually extended upwards, and at the same time, S419M suddenly exclaimed: [Lord Host, your dial seems to be back to normal!]

Bai Lixin glanced down and saw that the time jumper, which had been malfunctioning, had indeed returned to normal. Time began to flow normally again, and the dial for adjusting time could be used.

At this moment, the time jumper actually started to beat on its own, and finally stopped at two words: [Detachment].

He grabbed the last moment and shouted at the man in the glass wall, “Dijia, in eighty years, find me in the Order District! Mr. Xin! Remember!”

It’s unclear whether Dijia, who was frozen up to his neck, heard his words, Bai Lixin only managed to leave this sentence before being engulfed in darkness.

The pulling sensation of the vortex came again, and a familiar panicked female voice came to his ears: “God Xin, wake up, God Xin, wake up.”

Bai Lixin opened his eyes and found himself in Li Cancan’s room.

Li Cancan looked at Bai Lixin with surprise and joy: “You’re finally back!”

“The fusion rate between the mental wavelength and the anchor wavelength suddenly dropped from 99% to 50% just now, and your consciousness got caught in the virtual vortex. I looked for you for a long time before finding your consciousness. Luckily, you’re back, you scared me.”

Bai Lixin blinked, and when his groggy consciousness fully recovered, he looked at Li Cancan: “How long has it been?”

Li Cancan: “Three days.”

Bai Lixin glanced at his remaining game time, “How much game time do you have left?”

Li Cancan: “There’s still over thirty days left, what’s wrong?”

Bai Lixin: “…I only have thirteen days left.”

Under Li Cancan’s somewhat surprised look, he quickly got up from the bed and walked briskly to the table, took out pen and paper from his backpack, and silently wrote down the message left by Li Cangshan.

The message left by Li Cangshan was encrypted twice. The first layer was Morse code, which S419M had already decrypted completely, and the final result was a string of unreadable alphanumeric characters.

He pushed the paper he had written in front of Li Cancan and asked, “Did Li Cangshan ever give you anything? Like a book or something?”

Li Cancan stared suspiciously at the text that looked like gibberish, “He gave me a code book he wrote himself.”

Bai Lixin: “Where’s the book? Do you have it with you?”

Li Cancan immediately became serious and pulled out a book from thin air and stuffed it into Bai Lixin’s hand: “I have it, I have it! It’s this book, I looked at it before and found several mistakes in it.”

Bai Lixin flipped through the code book quickly, then looked back at the paper in front of him.

The first string of characters after unlocking the Morse code was: Hello 34 8H li 56 11W 9……

He thought for a moment, turned to page 34 of the book, found the 8th character in the 8th row, which turned out to be the character “百” (Bai).

He drew a vertical line under “34 8H” and wrote “百” (Bai) below it before continuing to translate the next characters.

S419M: [I understand now. The numbers before the letters represent the page numbers, the ones before the letters represent the row numbers, and the order of the letters represents the order of the characters in that row.]

Li Cancan stood beside him and gradually understood what was going on.

As the translated text became clearer and clearer, her autumn-like eyes gradually became misty.

Ten minutes later, Bai Lixin finished translating all the text.

[Hello Bai Lixin, writing this message is like seeing you in person.

Let me introduce myself. I am Li Cangshan, a soldier of the Fourth unit of the Falcons of Blue Star Huaguo, with the code number X-9945.

Five years ago, the Blue Star Abnormal Events Organization discovered that there were continuous cases of unexplained disappearances on Blue Star. People who should exist in the world suddenly evaporated and left no trace of their existence.

We have been looking for you and will not give up rescuing any victims.

Progress in the search has been slow. According to intercepted signals, we found that this space exists in the 2.5th dimension, but we have not found a way to enter it.

A year ago, the rescue operation made great progress.

We received a mysterious signal from someone. The person called himself “Dijia” and told us the way to enter here, and at the same time, left us a string of signals.

That person said that this signal is the key to destroying the horror game. Carry this signal to the signal transmission layer above the 900th floor, connect it to the Blue Star receiver, and the horror game will be exposed in the real world. At that time, we will mobilize all our forces to rescue every victim.

To establish signal connection, we had to enter the horror game.

We were the selected invaders, and this operation was named “Operation D+”.

After the third copy, I began to feel the malice of the system. In order to ensure the retention of the signal, I handed over the code book to Sister Cancan in advance.

Mr. Bai Lixin, now I ask you, please bring this signal to the signal transmission layer and take over my task of transmitting the signal.

The content of this signal is: ???????

Well, one last thing, I’m very lucky to meet you in the last moments, goodbye.]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!