Published at 24th of June 2024 10:18:46 AM

Chapter 520

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“God Xin, what does the letter say?” Li Cancan wiped a tear from her eye, “Strange, I feel like I recognize every word, but after reading it, I don’t remember what was written in the letter.”


In the live broadcast room:

[Yeah, I can’t remember what was written in that letter either.]

[Hey, by the way, where did God Xin get this letter from?]

[Of course, he got it from the virtual world.]

[What I mean is, how did he know about this letter? Who told him to get it?]

[Hiss… Yeah, who was it?]

[There seems to be someone , what’s his name again? He’s called…he’s called, what’s his name?]

[I seem to have forgotten.]

[Me too…]

[When a player dies, people gradually lose memories about this person. If we have all forgotten, does that mean this person is already…]



The live broadcast room suddenly fell silent.


Bai Lixin put the letter away. “It’s a message from Li Cangshan.”

“Li Cangshan?” Li Cancan’s eyes went blank for a moment, then quickly cleared. “Oh, right, Li Cangshan, Li Cangshan. What did he say in the letter?”

Bai Lixin: “He said, ‘Keep going.’”

Li Cancan’s gaze wandered. “Oh, keep going. Okay, keep going.”

S419M: [Lord Host, it seems Li Cancan has started forgetting Li Cangshan.]

Escape System: [The speed of this forgetfulness is too fast. According to Li Cancan’s timeline, it’s only been a few days.]

S419M: [Yeah, and I remember when Zhou Guang turned into an undead, Xia Chi and the others didn’t forget him.]

Escape System: [The reason why players are forgotten is that the main brain regularly clears junk files. Zhou Guang wasn’t forgotten because he was right in between two cleaning activities. For Li Cangshan to be forgotten so quickly, it should be because the main brain is rapidly clearing all data about him.]

S419M: [To make him disappear completely from the game?]

Escape System: [Most likely. Master Bai Lixin, you don’t need to worry about being forgotten. With me and Big Brother M here, we can create a certain vacuum space to shield against system cleaning. But what does the signal string left by Li Cangshan say? Why do I see it as “?????” gibberish?]

Bai Lixin folded the letter neatly and placed it in his backpack. [I see it as gibberish too. There must be a third layer of encryption.]

S419M: [Zhou Guang wasn’t forgotten because he was right in between two cleaning activities. What about that Hongyue? Song Yuantian didn’t forget her either.]

Escape System: [I’m not too sure about that. The horror game has existed in this space for too long, acting like a transit station connecting to many time and space copies, and there are many strange props inside, even I haven’t seen them all. So, when it comes to why Song Yuantian didn’t forget Hongyue, you’ll have to ask him himself.]

Bai Lixin: [Go find Song Yuantian.]

He stood up from the desk and returned the code book, which played a crucial role, to Li Cancan. “This book has been a great help, Cancan. Here you go, thanks.”

Li Cancan was stunned for a moment before taking the book. She looked at it with some confusion, flipping through it until she found her name on the title page. “Is this book mine?”

On the title page, a few lines were written carefully.

The writing was sharp and the character full of vigor.

[Sister Cancan:

Life is long, encounters are fleeting, and the road is vast.

May your life be warm and prosperous. Everything is possible and may you return home under the moon.

—Li Cangshan]

Li Cancan stared blankly at the two paragraphs, murmuring to herself as she put the book in her backpack. “Li Cangshan, Li Cangshan… who is Li Cangshan?”

Bai Lixin: “…”

S419M: [Sigh.]

Coming out of Li Cancan’s room, Bai Lixin quickly found Song Yuantian.

Song Yuantian looked dusty, having just returned from somewhere.

“Song Yuantian.” Bai Lixin called out to him.

“Bai Lixin.” Song Yuantian, who was looking for something, turned to Bai Lixin. “Do you need something?”

Bai Lixin: “Yes, we need to talk.”

Song Yuantian hesitated for two seconds. “Okay, let’s go to my room.”

Song Yuantian lived in a single dormitory. After sitting down, he exchanged a few polite words with Bai Lixin before getting straight to the point. “Tell me, why are you looking for me?”

Bai Lixin: “Do you remember Li Cangshan?”

Song Yuantian tilted his head. “Li Cangshan, who?”

“…,” Bai Lixin paused. “A very outstanding player.”

Song Yuantian blinked his light-colored eyes. “A player? If you’re asking me like this, I must have known him before, but now I’ve forgotten, so, he’s gone?”

Bai Lixin didn’t directly answer the question but changed the subject. “I haven’t asked you before, why were you able to remember Hongyue for so long after her death? According to the rules of this game, when a player dies, they will be forgotten t after a while.”

Song Yuantian actually showed a puzzled expression.

He thought for a long time before speaking. “I don’t know either, it seems someone helped me.”

“If I remember correctly, it should be the person who asked me to keep the black box.”

Bai Lixin: “So you mean, that person prevented you from forgetting Hongyue ”

Song Yuantian nodded. “It should be.”

Bai Lixin: “…”

‘Was it done by Dijia?’

Bai Lixin: “Regarding that person, what else do you remember?”

Song Yuantian shook his head regretfully. “I don’t remember anymore, I just vaguely remember this much, sorry.”

“It’s okay.” Bai Lixin stood up. “By the way, what were you looking for just now?”

Song Yuantian: “Hongyue and I went out to find clues about the leader of the Rebel Army. When we were halfway there, she said she discovered that someone was following us, so we split up and agreed to meet at the Rebel Alliance at this time. Now I’m back, but she isn’t. I messaged her, but she didn’t reply, so I was about to go look for her.”

Bai Lixin: “Where did you notice someone was following you?”

Song Yuantian: “Near the coastline. She suspected it was someone from the Order Legion.”

Bai Lixin: “Then let’s go find her together.”

Song Yuantian: “Okay, thank you.”

The two arrived at the airstrip and found Sun Ning there, apparently preparing to board the aircraft.

When they saw Sun Ning, Sun Ning also happened to see them.

Sun Ning: “Are you guys going out?”

Song Yuantian explained the situation, and Sun Ning said, “Then let’s go together. I’m just going out on patrol.”

So, the three of them boarded the aircraft together.

Song Yuantian piloted the aircraft towards the coastline, while Bai Lixin looked at Sun Ning, recalling the recent events in the virtual world.

After transforming into Pris Xingchen, he time-jumped back to the timeline when he first arrived in the virtual world and met Sun Ning not far from “Mr. Xin’s” residence. At that time, Sun Ning had attracted the attention of the Order Legion for some reason and was hiding.

He casually rescued Sun Ning and hid her in his aircraft, then sent her out of the virtual world.

“Sun Ning, why were you chased by the Order Legion when you were in the virtual world?” Now that he thought about this, he couldn’t help but wonder why she was being pursued.

Sun Ning: “Oh, because I discovered that AI was inducing humans to commit suicide. I spoke out to stop it, and then someone around me saw and reported me, saying I was the one disrupting the order, ridiculous.”

“Huh?!” After answering, she widened her eyes and suddenly looked at Bai Lixin, “Wait a minute, I didn’t mention this to anyone, only Pris Xingchen knew, how did you…”

Bai Lixin smiled, but quickly put away the smile .

AI inducing humans to commit suicide…

It turned out that in the virtual world eighty years later, this kind of AI still lurked hidden among many artificial intelligences.

Sun Ning frowned as she scrutinized Bai Lixin. The more she thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong.

“Sun Ning, I have another question for you.” Before she could unravel the tangled matter, Bai Lixin asked another question, “After your brother was killed in the copy, why didn’t you lose your memory of him?”

Song Yuantian didn’t forget Hongyue because of Dijia, so what about Sun Ning?

Sun Ning: “My brother and I have always supported each other. A long time ago, we were worried that if one of us died, the other would forget, so we went to great lengths to obtain a prop.”

“It was a diary. As long as we wrote our information in this diary, our memories about each other wouldn’t disappear.”

“It’s because of this diary that I didn’t forget my brother.”

Bai Lixin: “Can I see that diary?”

Sun Ning shook her head. “I’m afraid not. Before the diary is activated, it’s just an ordinary diary. After activation, it will disappear and become a memory in my mind, it’s welded into my brain.”

Bai Lixin pondered. “How many of these diary props are there? Where did you get it?”

Sun Ning: “I don’t know exactly how many there are. This diary is not high-level, just a B-level prop. We got it in the early stages of a simple copy. If I remember correctly, it should have been obtained in a modern copy, and there seemed to be ghosts inside.”

As the two were talking, the aircraft had already reached near the coastline.

From afar, they saw a plume of smoke rising slowly, and there was a crashed aircraft by the sea.

Near the crashed aircraft, several people were confronting each other.

“It’s Hongyue!” Song Yuantian immediately recognized that the outnumbered party was his wife, and his eyes turned red. “Fuck, you dare to bully my wife?!”

Stepping on the accelerator, Song Yuantian’s aircraft shot towards the other group like an arrow.

Sun Ning tightened her seatbelt and shouted angrily, “Song Yuantian, you lunatic, you want your wife to die? Is your wife’s life not important? Are our lives not important? Calm down!”

The group of people were startled by the sudden appearance of the aircraft. When they looked up, Bai Lixin noticed a few familiar faces among them.

When he saw them, Sun Ning naturally also saw them.

Sun Ning, who had just shouted for Song Yuantian to “calm down”, roared again: “Step on it! Step on it, Song Yuantian! Run over that dog’s life, Little Overlord! Charge, kill that piece of trash for me! Avenge my brother! Step on the accelerator and hit him to death!”

Bai Lixin: “…”

‘What happened to staying calm?!’

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!