Published at 24th of June 2024 10:18:46 AM

Chapter 522

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The people who should have left hadn’t left, and they all gradually gathered behind Little Overlord’s group.

Bai Lixin stood in front of Little Overlord, still wearing the same victorious attitude like when they were fighting for the tokens.

In this confrontation, Little Overlord lost again.

He was furious and felt extremely ashamed and angry.

Played, and played again.

“You played me?” Little Overlord’s eyes were bloodshot and he looked up at Bai Lixin with hatred.

Bai Lixin, who was towering above, didn’t speak. Sun Ning who was standing behind him looked down on them with a contemptuous gaze, “I noticed something was off with you long ago.”

Hongyue: “You deliberately followed me and Song Yuantian, but instead of dealing with me when I fell behind, you delayed, buying time.”

Sun Ning: “If you wanted to reveal the coordinates of the leader of the Rebel Alliance to us, there were countless ways to do it. You chose the clumsiest way, deliberately coming to us and waiting to be caught.”

Zhou Guang: “We wanted to see what you were up to, so we played along with your plan. How was our acting? Not bad, right?”

Xia Chi: “Kid, you dare to challenge us without knowing who we are? All of us combined have more cunning than stars in the sky. Can you handle us?”

Liang Xi muttered quietly from behind, “Our cunning probably adds up to two stars.”

Xia Chi retorted quietly, “Brother Liang Xi, you shouldn’t be so straightforward.”

Lin Jue heard this and whispered, “Is there a possibility that your cunning makes some points deducted?”

Xia Chi: “…”

‘Damn it, but I have points for luck, I’m still a top student.’

Hongyue looked around at the maze of metal passages, “So the leader of the Rebel Alliance we’ve been looking for is actually hiding beneath the Rebel Alliance, so close by. We never knew there was such a place here.”

Lin Jue: “How should we deal with these six people?”

Song Yuantian: “This net is special. Even a big elephant would be knocked out by it. Although they’ve strengthened their physique, that’s all they can do. Let’s take them with us. If they’re plotting something, we’ll throw them out to feed the trap first.”

Little Overlord heard this and said angrily, “Bastard, how dare you treat me like this.”

Song Yuantian grabbed Little Overlord by the collar and pulled him out, then took out a prop card from his backpack. After using it, all six of them had their arms tightly bound behind their backs. “This is an A-level prop that can restrict the opponent’s abilities. Let’s go.”

There were many crisscrossing passages. S419M said: [Lord Host, I didn’t sense anyone below.]

Bai Lixin: [No one? Then what’s there?]

S419M: [There’s no one, but there’s a signal transmission device. In the center of the underground, there’s a huge signal processor, and the embedded cables in the walls continuously transmit these signals. Could the leader of the Rebel Alliance they’re looking for be that signal processor?]

Bai Lixin: [Give me the coordinates.]

S419M: [Yes, Lord Host.]

A map appeared in Bai Lixin’s mind.

Even with the map, Bai Lixin took a few seconds to find the correct direction in this maze-like underground. With the help of the map, they didn’t have to wander around like headless flies.

Bai Lixin walked at the front. Observing the path Bai Lixin took, the man with gold-rimmed glasses gradually became surprised. Bai Lixin didn’t miss the subtle changes in the man’s expression.

It seemed that his route was correct.

After walking along the winding path for a while, S419M’s voice sounded again, [Lord Host, it’s not good.]

[I detected that the processor is rapidly cooling down, it seems to have sensed our arrival and started to flee.]

[It should be an artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is the hardest to catch. As long as it successfully escapes into the network, it can disappear without a trace in an instant.]

Bai Lixin: [Can you intercept and capture it?]

S419M: [Yes, but I need Li Cancan’s help. I need her to open a wireless virtual network. I can simulate a fake network sea, and then let Sister System drive the artificial intelligence into it. Maybe we can capture the artificial intelligence.]

Bai Lixin: [Okay, let’s try.]

There was no time to lose. Bai Lixin immediately stopped and looked at Li Cancan, “Cancan, do you have the computer?”

Li Cancan: “Yes, I do.”

“Open a wireless virtual network.”

Li Cancan didn’t understand, but still quickly unfolded the folded computer and opened a wireless virtual network, “It’s open.”

S419M: [It’s not too late, Sister System, come and help.]

Escape System: [Okay, here I come!]

Bai Lixin couldn’t see the entanglement in the network world, he could only stand there patiently and wait.

Even in this situation, Little Overlord couldn’t help but mock, “Why did you stop? Can’t find the way? You really think you know the way, if you don’t know, you don’t know, why pretend to be a prophet.”

S419M: [Success!]

[Although most of them escaped, Sister System and I still captured the last trace. Now it’s sealed in Li Cancan’s computer. Tell her not to connect to the Star Network anymore.]

Bai Lixin: [Can we talk to it?]

S419M: [Wait a moment, I’ll give it a knock.]

“Li Cancan, put away the computer for now. From now on, this computer should not connect to the Star Network or any other network.” Bai Lixin pointed ahead, “Let’s continue forward.”

Li Cancan didn’t know what was happening, but she nodded and put away the computer. “Okay.”

After the brief interlude, the team continued forward.

Half an hour later, they reached the center underground.

In the large space, one processor after another had been shut down.

The wires from the processors crisscrossed like a spider’s web, making it nearly impossible to find a place to step.

Hong Yue: “Is the leader of the rebel army really here? Where could someone hide in this place? Could he be hiding in the wires?”

Lin Jue surveyed the surroundings. In the corner of the room, there were several old robots for cleaning dust. “And there are no signs of human habitation here. Could it be that the leader of the rebel alliance is these processors?”

Everyone’s eyes fell on Lin Jue.

Bai Lixin: “…”

Lin Jue exclaimed, “Fuck? I was just saying.”

Xia Chi poked Lin Jue. “Brother Lin, my sixth sense tells me that what you said casually is quite right.”

S419M: [Lord Host, it’s ready. Let Li Cancan open the computer.]

Bai Lixin relayed the message to Li Cancan. Although she didn’t understand why, she complied.

S419M cleared its throat and said fiercely, [What are you waiting for? Say hello.]

On the originally plain and transparent blue screen, a spherical light appeared.

A simulated child’s voice emerged from the speaker: “Hello, gentlemen and ladies. I am a segment of the data chain of the artificial intelligence—Cavalry.”

As the speaker talked, the spherical light pulsated rhythmically, like a beating heart, as if there were really a living being inside the screen.

S419M: [Alright, Lord Host, ask whatever you want. But I must tell you that this AI is different from ordinary ones. It doesn’t just think according to programming, it can think independently. In other words, it might lie. Let me give you an example: it’s like giving wings to a tiger, making it even more terrifying.]

Escape System: [Brother M, just call it ‘a tiger with wings.’]

S419M: “…”

‘Sorry, I’m not well-educated!’

Bai Lixin: “Have you been sending signals to the rebel alliance?”

Cavalry: “Yes, sir.”

Bai Lixin: “Are you the leader of the rebel alliance?”

Cavalry: “You could say that, sir.”

Everyone was in an uproar, but the Little Overlord burst into laughter, “A rebel alliance against artificial intelligence and the virtual world, but the boss behind the scenes is actually an AI, the very thing they oppose. Hahaha, it’s really ridiculous.”

Sun Ning took a roll of wide tape from her backpack and directly gagged Little Overlord.

The gloating Little Overlord glared at Sun Ning, his mouth only able to make muffled sounds.

Bai Lixin glanced at Little Overlord and said, “The rest of the conversation is not for their ears. Knock them out.”

Little Overlord glared, “Mmm mm mm!”

—Bai Lixin, you dare!

Lin Jue was action-oriented and directly punched him, causing the previously furious Little Overlord to roll his eyes.

After all six were unconscious, Bai Lixin asked, “You’re just an AI. How did you manage to transmit signals to the rebels and build such a large team?”

Cavalry: “I am merely a promoter of history, not a creator. The world under the Black Bronze Legion is full of injustice, and the seeds of rebellion have already been planted in many hearts. I just needed to find these people and give them proper guidance to provoke their actions.”

“As an AI, I excel at data statistics and analysis. Analyzing all the rebels individually makes it easy to find capable commanders. I just needed to provide these commanders with appropriate plans to build a vast rebel alliance.”

Sun Ning frowned, “No wonder the rebel alliance has grown rapidly in just a few years.”

Cavalry: “Thank you for the compliment.”

Sun Ning: “But why did you build a rebel alliance? Do you want to destroy Dark Steel City?”

Cavalry: “No, quite the opposite. I want to save Dark Steel City.”

“Through my analysis, I found that human intelligence has reached its peak, while artificial intelligence is just beginning.”

“If Dark Steel City remains under human rule, it will soon stagnate. But we AIs are different. We have unlimited development potential and will push Dark Steel City into a broader realm.”

Sun Ning felt something was off, “Now, Dark Steel City highly promotes AI. Every household has smart robots. If you want to be the leader of Dark Steel City, isn’t promoting the status quo better? Why go to the trouble of building a rebel alliance? It doesn’t make sense.”

Bai Lixin: “No, it makes perfect sense.”

“If the status quo continues, they will only get slow and stable development of both humans and AI. But with the rebel alliance, war and death will proliferate quickly. Without so many deaths, how can there be so many usable brains? How can they create the most perfect AI—Adam?”

The light sphere on the screen flickered twice, “Exactly.”

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