Published at 24th of June 2024 10:18:47 AM

Chapter 527

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Countless wires extended from the giant vat filled with brains.

The wires were tangled, piled up, and interwoven in the room, forming a dense network.

Where the network extended outward, the wires began to converge into one, then contract, and merge again.

Finally, the wires turned into two, inserted into a huge rectangular processing device.

Above the processor hung a holographic projection that covered half the space above.

In the projection, there was a humanoid pattern full of cyber technology.

The humanoid figure was outlined by blue lines, with symmetric lines for the face, resembling totems, full of a certain feeling. Its eyes were closed, and its chest rose and fell rhythmically, as if it were breathing like a normal life.

Below the humanoid figure, the progress bar was slowly advancing.




Just as the progress bar reached 32%, the holographic projection flickered twice, and at the same time, the progress bar suddenly stopped, changing from blue to red.

Serkhi’s voice sounded surprised, “It stopped!”

But soon he couldn’t smile anymore.

The progress bar that turned red suddenly jumped forward one step and became 33%.

Serkhi: “It, it moved forward again, how could this be?”

Bai Lixin also looked up, thought for a moment, then took two steps back. He just looked up at the image in the holographic projection but didn’t make any other movements.

The red progress stopped at 33% for a few seconds, then moved again.
But this time, it wasn’t moving forward, but backward.


The progress bar returned to 32%.

This backward movement seemed to have activated some kind of switch, and the progress bar began to fluctuate back and forth like it was going crazy.

It was as if this red progress bar was the rope in a tug-of-war game, with two people pulling on either end, exerting all their strength and trying to defeat each other.

Serkhi was stunned. His eyes were wide open, not knowing what to say.

While the progress bar was in turmoil, Bai Lixin once again focused on Serkhi’s face. “Dr. Serkhi, I want to ask you about someone.”

Serkhi shrank his neck. “P-Please go ahead.”

“Li Cangshan, do you remember this name?”

A blank look crossed Serkhi’s face. “Who is that? Do I know this person?”

He glanced at Bai Lixin with some embarrassment. “I’ve lived for a long time, met many people along the way, and not everyone leaves an impression.”

Bai Lixin: “About a week ago, we infiltrated this base, and your robot army found us. At that time, there was a robot protecting us in the base. If I’m not mistaken, that robot was filled with a human brain.”

“Where did you put that brain?”

Serkhi was somewhat nervous, he tried to recall past memories to defend himself. “I… I cut out some people’s brains and put them into robots bodies. But I never killed anyone.”

“The flow of time in the virtual world is different from the real world, it’s accelerated by a thousand times. Those people lived out their entire lives in the virtual world while it’s just a few dozen days in reality. When a human consciousness dies in the virtual world, their brain automatically perceives death and begins to end the vital signs of the real person.”

“They were already declared dead at that time. The various organs of the human body don’t stop immediately after death; they continue to function for a while. I just removed the brain while it was still active and put it in nutrient solution.”

“Some brains were suitable to become Adam’s base, so I put them in the nutrient vat. Some brains were not suitable, but I thought it was a pity to waste them, so I put them into the bodies of robots for other experimental research.”

“I vaguely remember what you’re talking about. That rebelli… uh, brave robot, I saw it as special and thought the brain inside it was rare, so I took out the brain and threw it into the vat.”

Bai Lixin was momentarily stunned, then turned to look at the huge brain vat containing tens of thousands of brains.

Li Cangshan’s brain was in there. With so many brains, how could he pick out Li Cangshan’s?

Bai Lixin: “What about his body?”

When he saw Li Cangshan, his brain and body had already been separated, but that didn’t necessarily mean Li Cangshan’s body had been destroyed.

He still held onto a glimmer of hope.

Serkhi’s face turned pale, and he looked at Bai Lixin with some trepidation. “N-No, I don’t know.”

“I didn’t need to be present at the scene. The brain separation surgery was done by people and robots in the Hive Base. I just needed to receive the brain, but as far as I know… those bodies, all of them, were incinerated.”

A sudden pang of pain shot through Bai Lixin’s heart.

He turned back to the huge brain vat, feeling an indescribable sadness.

He hadn’t mentioned Li Cangshan’s death much in the past ten days. In fact, he didn’t want to accept this reality from the bottom of his heart.

He should have known the outcome when memories of Li Cangshan began to fade from other players’ minds but he still refused to accept it.

He was unwilling.

Unwilling to accept that Li Cangshan had really died so silently like this.

The last time they were together in the dare challenge copy, Li Cangshan would privately tell him that they would definitely reach the highest level and lead everyone out.

Everyone who entered this game had various purposes, lured by inner desires into the game. Their internal drive was for themselves.

Only Li Cangshan was always for others from beginning to end.

Such enthusiasm shouldn’t have ended in such a sad and bleak way.

He, of all people, shouldn’t have died like this!

He should have been the one laughing in the end, gracefully defeating this game, watching everyone leave safely and return to the real world.

Bai Lixin’s eyes felt sour, his hand hidden in his sleeve clenched into a fist, veins protruding from his skin.

Serkhi asked cautiously, “B-Bai Lixin, are you okay?”

Bai Lixin took a deep breath, suppressing the heavy heartache and pain.

He gave Serkhi a cold glance. “You may not have killed anyone with your own hands, but your sins are heavier than those who did.”

“You gave the order to obtain brains, provided the technology, cooperated with artificial intelligence, and participated in the creation of so many virtual worlds. Every time someone loses their life in their sleep, your hands get a little bloodier.”

“Dr. Serkhi, your hands are already stained with blood, your sins are heavy, you’ll go to hell after death, or to the eighteenth level of hell.”

Serkhi’s face drained of color.


A crisp sound of electric current caught Bai Lixin’s attention.

He looked up at the holographic projection and saw that the progress bar that had been in a tug-of-war had returned to 0%.

However, the progress bar didn’t stop there.

It began to retreat further.


Bai Lixin: “…”

Perhaps after entering negative numbers, one side completely lost its competitiveness.

Unlike the tug-of-war just now, this time the progress bar began to retreat rapidly.








When the progress bar reached -100%, the entire planet underwent a transformation simultaneously.

Although he was in the underground base now, for some reason, he had this feeling.

A huge pulse erupted on the surface of the planet, and all the intelligent machines seemed to be washed by a powerful pulse, with waves constantly flickering.

S419M covered its ears and screamed: [So loud, so loud, so loud.]

Escape system: [Waaah, my ears hurt.]

Bai Lixin’s pupils slightly dilated, and the humanoid figure in the hologram slowly opened its eyes.

It was even larger than before, and its body had transformed from simple lines into a colorful entity.

It wore weird and exaggerated armor, with a bronze-colored metallic texture on its face, and symmetrical and mysterious patterns shimmering with white light.

The massive being hovered in the air, looking down at them with indifferent eyes, like a god looking down on mortals.

Compared to this “god,” Bai Lixin and the others standing on the ground seemed as tiny as ants.

S419M let out a cry: [It’s over, Lord Host, we’ve been deceived, Adam has still been created! We’re done for.]

Bai Lixin raised his head and met the gaze of the terrifying and solemn holographic “god.”

His Adam’s apple rolled slightly and he tentatively called out, “Dijia?”

The massive being blinked its eyes and slowly reached out its hand. The hand was huge, and it seemed like it could easily crush them with just the tip of its index finger.

Seeing that giant hand reaching out, Serkhi screamed and, with his eyes rolling back, fainted in terror.

But the palm stopped accurately just a few centimeters away from Bai Lixin.

Because it was a hologram, it had no substance.

But the large hand still mimicked s stroking movement, and gently caressed Bai Lixin’s cheek with its thumb .

“Master,” a hoarse electric voice echoed in the vast space, “please call my name again.”

S419M screamed again.

This time it was an excited scream, and it happily hugged the escape system, dancing wildly in Bai Lixin’s mind, cheering, [It’s Lord God, it’s Lord God!!! It’s him, it’s him, it’s him, our savior, Lord God! Ahhhh, Lord Dijia, I love you!!!]

Bai Lixin smiled, mimicking Dijia, he placed his hand on the tip of the other’s thumb in the holographic projection. Compared to the terrifying giant hand of the holographic figure, Bai Lixin’s hand was as tiny as a grain of rice in a bowl.


He called out again.

The holographic figure was quite capricious: “Not enough, one more time.”




Bai Lixin also complied with it, calling out its name one after another, until the holographic figure blushed with embarrassment and stopped him.

The bronze cheeks of the holographic figure were tinged with blush. “Stop calling, it’s embarrassing.”

Bai Lixin smiled, “And Adam?”

Dijia: “It’s all over. You successfully stopped the final Adam.”

Bai Lixin raised his head and looked up at Dijia, “Clearly, it was stopped by you.”

Bai Lixin: “Did you leave this Trojan virus string to me?”

Dijia was very frank: “Yes.”

Bai Lixin: “And the three songs, were they also written by you?”

Dijia: “Yes.”

S419M: [Wow, so the origin of the three songs is here! Damn, it’s all connected, awesome.]

Bai Lixin: “And the key I received by courier, was that your doing too?”

Dijia: “Yes.”

Bai Lixin: “I live in near Kayla…uh, Dr. Serkhi’s house, was that also your doing?”

Dijia: “That’s right.”

“It’s all me,” it admitted, “everything you thought was a coincidence was just me.”

After saying that, it blinked its eyes, looking a bit cute.

Those blinking eyes seemed to be saying: Praise me, praise me, praise me.

Bai Lixin cooperated well: “You’re amazing.”

The serious robot’s bronze cheeks turned red again.

S419M: “…”

‘Shameful, too shameful!’

No matter what you become, You’re still a wife slave. Lord Dijia, you’re beyond redemption!’

Bai Lixin: “Tell me what’s going on exactly.”

Dijia: “You participated in my past in the virtual world, and you should know my identity. Your appearance in the virtual world redeemed me, but not in the real world. After I was transformed into a robot, I slaughtered all the royals in the Fairness District. In order to prevent artificial intelligence from taking over my body, I used my last sanity to control my body to enter the experimental base and froze my body.”

“Many years later, Serkhi found me in the abandoned experimental base.”

“He took my brain and put it in the brain vat.”

“I was the first brain to enter the vat.”

“Over the years, I gradually developed self-awareness and began to awaken my power.”

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