Published at 24th of June 2024 10:18:47 AM

Chapter 530

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By the time Bai Lixin returned to the dormitory, it was already dark.

Although he didn’t get any specific information from Chi Yan, it wasn’t entirely fruitless.

There were indeed props in this game hall that could record memories, and there were more than just one or two.

Sun Ning and her brother had one, and someone in the Shentian Guild had one too.

Most of the people in the Shentian Guild were veterans from the early days. If one of them had a memory prop, what would the recorded content be?

Was there a possibility that Dijia’s name was also recorded on that prop?

After several days of rest, Bai Lixin had recovered from his fatigue. He took out the mysterious [Guidance of the Gods] prop card from his backpack and held it in his hand, his eyes lost in thought.

After a while, Bai Lixin suddenly exerted force with his fingers and, without warning, broke the prop card.

[Ding! Player Bai Lixin has activated the [Guidance of the Gods]. The system will open the Path to the Gods in three seconds. Please be prepared.]

In the empty hall, a path made of flowers and stars suddenly spread out beneath Bai Lixin’s feet. The light path extended to the end of the hall, where an arch-shaped door appeared on the wall.

The door glowed with a faint white light, and at its center was a vortex pattern made of purple stars, dreamy and splendid.

The vortex spun and twisted, emitting a silent call.

[The Path to the Gods has been opened. Please step onto the Path to the Gods and enter the place of Guidance of the Gods.]

[The Path to the Gods will be open for 10 minutes. Whether used or not, the [Guidance of the Gods] prop card will expire after 10 minutes.]

[Enjoy your game.]

Bai Lixin stepped onto the starry path laid out for him. With each step he took, vibrant clusters of flowers bloomed beneath his feet. By the time he reached the door, the path behind him was already a trail of blossoms.

He glanced back once, then stepped into the door of starlight.

A burst of white light enveloped him.

Ethereal and distant chants echoed in his ears. He opened his eyes and found himself standing on the clouds.

Light shimmered at the horizon, his feet on thin yet solid clouds, with the wind whistling around him.

Not far in front of him was a towering palace, majestic and sacred, with warm and bright golden light spilling from it into the sky.

A line of text slowly appeared in Bai Lixin’s mind: [Temple of the Sun.]

The words appeared one by one, as if someone was typing them on a keyboard, emerging slowly.

He paused and tentatively called out in his mind: [S419M, are you there, Sister System?]

There was no response in his mind, only the golden, eye catching words.

Then, the four words disappeared, and a new line of text appeared: [Devout follower, enter the Temple of the Sun.]

Bai Lixin followed the guidance and took two steps forward. As he progressed, translucent stairs began to appear beneath his feet. Just as he was about to enter the temple, a crisp bell rang out.



The text in his mind disappeared, quickly replaced by an urgent message: [The light is about to fade, darkness will engulf this place, and danger will follow. Enter the Temple of the Sun to avoid the danger!]

Bai Lixin quickened his pace, entering the Temple of the Sun just as the last bell sound faded into the air.

Night fell instantly!

There was no natural transition, as if someone had suddenly turned off the lights, plunging the surroundings into utter darkness.

The Temple of the Sun began to glow with a faint white light, different from the dazzling golden light from before. This light was more like the weak glow of fireflies.

The text in his mind went silent Bai Lixin did not rush forward. Instead, he sat on the steps inside the temple, looking out between the huge pillars.

In the darkness, something seemed to be moving.

It was like a giant robe flying from one side to the other.

Bai Lixin stared at it, murmuring, “What is that?”

The silent text in his mind began to move again: [It is the god who rules the darkness.]

[The God of Light and the God of Darkness made a bet, and the winner would gain control over the sun and moon.]

[The God of Light accepted the bet but eventually lost to the cunning God of Darkness.]

[The God of Light fell into a deep sleep, and the God of Darkness took over the laws of the world.]

[Devout follower, find the God of Light and awaken him from his slumber!]

[Without sunlight, people will be unable to farm. Plants will not grow, and the land will be destroyed.]

The text in Bai Lixin’s mind could converse with him, so he asked, “Who are you?”

[I am Mother Earth.]

The words slowly appeared in Bai Lixin’s mind.

Standing up from the steps, Bai Lixin began to search the palace.

Not long after he walked down the corridor, he saw the guards of the Temple of the Sun lying on the ground, sleeping soundly.

Bai Lixin approached and tried to wake them up.

But it was as if they had been pulled into a sweet dream, not responding to Bai Lixin’s calls at all.

One even turned over and stretched lazily.

After passing through the long corridor, he arrived in front of a huge palace.

The door of the palace that was about tens of meters high revealed a crack that was just big enough for Bai Lixin to walk through.

The text urged: [Quickly go in.]

Bai Lixin blinked and entered the hall.

The hall was pitch black, he couldn’t even see his hand in front of his face.

Just as he walked in, he heard a rushing sound behind him, as if a gust of wind was blowing in from the doorway.

Bai Lixin took out a flashlight from his backpack and turned it on.

Today, the high-quality flashlight that had accompanied him through more than a dozen copies inexplicably had no light at all.

The text appeared again: [The God of Light fell into a deep sleep, and all the light disappeared, including illuminating objects.]

Bai Lixin had no choice but to put the flashlight back into his backpack and grope forward in the darkness.

After staying in the palace for a while, one would find that there was some little light inside. After groping for a while, Bai Lixin saw a faint glimmer of light.

It was very faint, so faint that it only supported him to vaguely see the corners of some buildings.

Because it was too dark underfoot, he couldn’t see anything at all.

Just as he groped forward blindly, his pitifully weak vision suddenly caught a glimpse of a strange movement.

It seemed like something flashed past him.

Bai Lixin tensed up suddenly, and thought in his mind: [It seems like something just passed by.]

However, Mother Earth lost contact once again.

Thinking that the trigger for the conversation between him and Mother Earth just now was his voice, he guessed that maybe only by making a sound could he talk to Mother Earth.

However, the thing in front of him didn’t seem to disappear. He could even feel the sound of the wind rolling past his ears when it moved.

Very close, very light.

Bai Lixin stood still, holding his breath.

The long-lost Mother Earth appeared in his mind again, and this time the text seemed to be raining down like hail from the sky.

[It’s the God of Darkness! Be careful! He’s coming! He’s in this room! Don’t make a sound! No matter what happens, don’t make a sound!!!!!!]

Just from these exclamation marks, one could tell how agitated Mother Earth was.

Bai Lixin stood still in place, not daring to move.

But his feigned death obviously didn’t fool the God of Darkness.

Instead of leaving, the other party approached Bai Lixin more and more.

There were several times when Bai Lixin even felt a cool, silky touch brushing against his skin, like silk.

In the darkness, something silently wrapped around Bai Lixin’s wrist.

It was a mass with pressure, but it wasn’t a hand, it still felt like silk.

The silk slowly moved up Bai Lixin’s wrist, but stopped halfway.

Bai Lixin’s cuff blocked its path.

The thing paused for a moment, and just as Bai Lixin thought it was going to leave, he felt his wrist loosen.

The thing actually skillfully untied Bai Lixin’s cuff, pushing his sleeve to the top until it couldn’t move anymore before stopping.

It rubbed up and down Bai Lixin’s arm, its gentle movements were like caressing a porcelain.

The text of Mother Earth appeared in his mind again: [Don’t make a sound! No matter what it does, don’t make a sound!]

Bai Lixin rolled his eyes silently: “…”

The invisible black mist continued its actions.

Bai Lixin felt his shirt being pulled apart from his waist, then something cold slipped in.

That thing was cold and had a rough texture. Bai Lixin didn’t know what it was, but he could feel small particles on top of it.

It seemed to be very curious about Bai Lixin’s body, not missing any inch.

Wrapped around his waist, the rough touch rubbed against his waistline, and Bai Lixin instinctively shivered, trembling all over.

The thing stopped, and as if it had found something novel, it retracted and slipped back into Bai Lixin’s waist.

It was like searching for a switch, slowly studying this young body.

The shirt floated up as if defying gravity, stacking up in layers until it reached below Bai Lixin’s armpits.

The thing immediately, hooking onto the hem of the shirt and dragging it up, finally placing the hem of the shirt in Bai Lixin’s mouth.

The thing found Bai Lixin’s mouth accurately. Bai Lixin felt his lips being forcibly pried open, then the shirt was stuffed in.

Then the thing closed Bai Lixin’s mouth, apparently wanting his mouth to serve as a container.

Bai Lixin bit down on the hem of the shirt, feeling the fabric in his mouth gradually becoming damp.

The thing quickly found the switch to open Bai Lixin’s body. The young man’s body trembled, and he could only bite down on the shirt in his mouth to prevent any sounds from escaping.

Mother Earth hadn’t spoken for a long time. There was only him standing there in this huge and incomparable palace, allowing himself to be bullied by an unknown creature.

At this moment, Bai Lixin was like a sacrifice offered to the gods by humans, tossed into the torrent at will, humble and helpless, allowing himself to be carried away by powerful forces.

After an unknown amount of time passed, the thing quietly withdrew.

It was as if everything it had just done was to check this body, with no other desires.

Bai Lixin released the already damp hem of his shirt, panting heavily. There was a residual tingling sensation, as if tiny ants were biting at him.

The biting was very light, not enough to hurt.

But it was very itchy, making him wish he could find something to scratch himself with.

‘Damn it.’ Bai Lixin cursed silently in his heart.

The text appeared in his mind again: [You did well, you successfully fooled the God of Darkness. Continue forward.]

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