Published at 24th of June 2024 10:27:15 AM

Chapter 535

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Checkered Shirt and the security guard were scared stiff, but it seemed that the invisible ghost was just venting its anger and didn’t mean to harm them. After making a commotion for a while, it stopped.

In the vast dark office lobby, silence returned, it was so quiet that even the sound of a pin dropping could be heard clearly.

The other two were obviously frightened, one squatting on the ground and the other leaning on a desk, panting heavily.

Bai Lixin looked around the lobby. The semi-open area outside should be the ordinary employees’ workspace, and there were several offices further inside.

Bai Lixin’s gaze fell on the computer in front of him, which had suddenly gone black. He tried placing his hand on the screen, and then withdrew it thoughtfully.

“I’ll go explore elsewhere. You two stay here and don’t move.” Bai Lixin said to the two, then began pacing back and forth in the lobby.

He first walked into the depths of the corridor.

After just a few steps, Bai Lixin suddenly stopped and listened intently.

Suddenly, a series of hurried footsteps rang out.

Then the glass door in front of him was pushed open without warning. The sound of metal scraping against the ground was somewhat harsh and eerie, making this already eerie space even more terrifying and eerie.

Bai Lixin quietly followed along. He glanced at the plaque on the office door: Product Manager.

S419M’s voice sounded softly in his mind: [It feels like this ghost has been trapped here. Repeating the cycle of reporting work and overtime every day.]

Bai Lixin gently pushed the glass door open and walked in: […]

The room was messy, with the chair behind the desk askew, and many documents spread out on the desk. It seemed that the room’s owner had left in a hurry, leaving the desk uncleared.

There was a standing plaque on the desk, with a photo and a brief introduction.

The photo showed a well-dressed man, with neatly combed hair, regular features, a slightly chubby face, and a business-like attire.

On the right side of the photo was the name of the person.

Sun Qinkai, Product Manager.

A mechanical clock hung on the wall, ticking away.

As Bai Lixin walked back and forth in the not-too-large but not-too-small office, the glass door was pulled open again, and the ghost seemed to have left.

Bai Lixin walked to the glass door, and was about to follow when he heard—.




In the semi-enclosed space he thought to be without a “ghost”, suddenly there was a chilling sound of footsteps.

The sound came from the direction of the office desk, getting closer and closer to where Bai Lixin was.

It wasn’t until the sound was almost right behind Bai Lixin that the footsteps stopped.

Bai Lixin’s beautiful lips pursed slightly. He held his breath and stood motionless by the glass door.

In his mind, he could hear the sound of the two systems gasping for air and the whimpering sounds of their efforts to restrain their screams.

The invisible ghost seemed to be standing behind Bai Lixin, hiding in the darkness with its eyes that no one could detect, slowly looking down at this sudden visitor.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment.

After a long time, the eerie sound of footsteps finally started again, gradually moving away from Bai Lixin and going towards the window position in the office.

The two systems finally couldn’t bear it and screamed when the ghost left.

Escape System: [Waaah, so scary, it scared me.]

S419M: [I was so scared. Even after becoming a ghost, it can still play with Yin and Yang. I thought it had left, but it’s still hiding in the house.]

As if hearing S419M’s complaint, the originally open blinds suddenly “whooshed” closed.

S419M screamed in fear and didn’t dare to say another word.

Bai Lixin glanced at the window, opened the door and walked out of the room.

After walking a short distance away, Bai Lixin murmured in his mind: [But, the sounds of the footsteps are different.]

S419M, who had just recovered from the shock, rolled its eyes and was about to faint, it asked tremblingly, [Lord Host, do you mean… there are, there are two ghosts?]

‘Save me, save me, save me!’

Bai Lixin narrowed his beautifully shaped eyebrows, circled the corridor, and finally turned back to the lobby.

After a period of buffering, Checkered Shirt and the security guard seemed to be in better shape. They were sitting side by side on a platform by the window, leaning their shoulders against each other to draw some strength.

Bai Lixin glanced at the two and walked back to the light switch.

He flicked the switch, but the overhead light still didn’t respond.

This time, the sound of footsteps was fast, and the “tap tap” sounded like running.

The sound of leather shoes tapping the ground quickly approached Bai Lixin’s side. With a “pa”, the switch was turned on again.

Bai Lixin glanced at the lights on the ceiling and slowly walked to the two people by the window.

“Zhao Jia, where is your workstation?”

This question made Zhao Jia, who was in a daze, stunned for two seconds. He looked at the scattered workstations in the room blankly, and finally pointed to a corner, “Over there.”

Bai Lixin walked over in the direction Zhao Jia pointed, stopping at a workstation. “Is it here?”

Zhao Jia stretched his neck to take a look and nodded after a glance, “Yes, that’s it.”

Bai Lixin glanced at Zhao Jia’s desk and then asked, “You said you came to work overtime tonight. What were you working on?”

“What else could it be?” Zhao Jia rolled his eyes at the question, “The product manager is crazy. He wants a simple finished product from me by tomorrow after three days of programming. He said it’s needed for a meeting. What could I do? I could only come and work overtime.”

After another glance at Zhao Jia’s workstation, Bai Lixin waved to them, “Zhao Jia, come over here for a moment.”

Although a bit puzzled, Zhao Jia and the security guard still helped each other to stand up and reluctantly moved to the workstation. Zhao Jia asked, “What’s wrong?”

Bai Lixin pointed at the desk, “You said you were working overtime, so where is your computer for programming?”

The desktop was clean, with only a few folders and books that looked like decorations placed on the corner of the desk.

Zhao Jia glanced at the desktop, and his expression changed. The originally terrified eyes were now more anxious and angry, “Did that damn ghost move my computer too? Damn it, I was almost done with the program I was working on, and it needs to be used at the meeting tomorrow! If that Sun “Babi” doesn’t see my finished product, he will definitely scold me a lot at the meeting!”

**Bapi, which translates to “peeling off skin”, is a metaphor for cruel exploration.

As Zhao Jia spoke, he clasped his hands together and bowed to the surroundings, “Ghost brother, scaring people is fine, but don’t ruin someone’s livelihood. Please, quickly return my computer!”

The security guard and Bai Lixin looked at each other, and the security guard chuckled dryly, “Poor kid.”


In the live broadcast room.

[The wait is finally over, God Xin entered a copy.]

[This time it’s actually a rare single player copy, we can see God Xin solo, great.]

[I’m dying of laughter because of this programmer named “Zhao Jia.” Just now, he was scared to death when he saw the ghost, but when he saw that his computer was stolen, he was not even afraid of the ghost anymore.]

[There’s something in this world more terrifying than death and ghosts, and that’s poverty.]

[Ah, that hurts, brother, you stabbed me where it hurts most.]

[Me too, wuuuu, instantly immersed as a programmer.]


Bai Lixin pondered for two seconds and continued, “Zhao Jia, think about it again, did you really write any code tonight?”

“Are you kidding me? What would I be doing here if not writing code?” Zhao Jia was confused, “Am I sick?”

“But, where did your chair go?” Bai Lixin asked.

“And look at this desk, doesn’t it look like a ‘one-click restore’ desk that’s been tidied up after being unused?”

Frowning, Zhao Jia asked, “What are you trying to say?”

“I mean, is there a possibility that we are the three ghosts?” One sentence left Zhao Jia and the security guard stunned on the spot.

Bai Lixin continued, “In other words, it’s not that we are being harassed and scared by ghosts, but that we are scaring and harassing the people working late here? We never realized that we died, so we have been lingering here.”

“The reason the light didn’t come on when we flipped the switch is because the space we are in and the real space are not in the same dimension, just like how we can only see ourselves, but not others.”

“To us, the switch being turned on doesn’t light up the room. But in reality, the light was already on, but because we flicked the switch, we turned it off and someone hurriedly came over and turned the switch back on.”

“The reason the computer you were helping to code suddenly went black is because that programmer was startled to see the computer moving on its own, instinctively, he turned off the host, shouted ‘its haunted,’ and rushed out in a panic. Others were startled when they heard it, dropped the files in their hands and also run out screaming.”

“So to us, it sounded like the ghost was angry, but it was actually the reactions of people around: the papers scattering around, the rushed footsteps, books on the desktop flipping quickly.”

“It’s not that a ghost moved your computer, but that you have passed away, and no one dared to sit in the place where you were sitting before for fear of violating taboos, so this place was left vacant.”

“All the abnormal and eerie movements we heard were actually the normal activities of humans, but we can’t see them now, so we thought they were ghosts.”

Zhao Jia stood stiffly in front of the computer desk and stared blankly at the empty desk that didn’t seem to have been used by anyone. His buzzing brain was like a violent wave, and scenes flashed before his eyes like a revolving lantern.

His desk should have had a photo of him and his girlfriend, where did it go?

Yeah, he had a girlfriend. He was going to marry her this year, everything was planned, and his parents had met her.

Why would he be here? It’s so late, and it’s so dark outside. He should be picking up his girlfriend. How could he let her go home alone? What if something bad happens?

Yeah, why is he here?

Right, he is working overtime because he is getting married. He wants to work hard to make his girlfriend the most beautiful bride and the happiest wife in the world.

So he had to work hard to make money and achieve good results.

Ah, he’s working overtime again tonight.

He’s been working overtime for five days in a row, but it’s okay. The program will be finished tonight. As long as he wraps it up nicely tonight, he can rest well.

What’s tiredness? He’s still young. If he doesn’t work hard when he’s young, what will he do when he’s old and can’t work anymore?

Besides, there are other colleagues who haven’t left yet, right? Come on, just a little bit more, he’s almost there.

Suddenly, everything went pitch black.

In a daze, he seemed to hear his colleagues’ anxious shouts.

‘What’s happening?

Who’s shouting, it’s so noisy, I can’t take it anymore, I’m so tired, I need to sleep.’

When he woke up again, he found himself alone in the lobby.

‘These unreliable guys, we agreed to work until dawn, and now they’ve all run away!

We need to work, we need to work, we need to work…’

Zhao Jia woke up suddenly. Unable to believe it, he raised his hands, looked at his pale palms, and then looked at the other two who were similarly pale.

He remembered, he remembered everything.

He… was already dead.

He died at his workstation.

At that moment, all his perseverance and pretended calmness disappeared, Zhao Jia staggered back a few steps, crying loudly.

“I’m dead? I’m actually dead? Why am dead?”

“I worked so hard to graduate from college, I worked so hard to find a well-paying job, I worked so hard to achieve what I have now.”

“I didn’t even get to see the sunset or the sunrise, and I died like this.”

“Wuuuu, I’m unwilling.”

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