Published at 24th of June 2024 10:27:15 AM

Chapter 538

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The carefree man in the black suit followed the voice and looked over. When he saw Bai Lixin clearly, he suddenly exclaimed, “Oh my, it’s really His Majesty the Queen Dowager! Your Majesty, where did you come from? In a way, you are much more powerful than our fearsome Lord Yama. Lord Yama has lived for a long time, but you can surprise us from any time and space. You’re really something, as expected of Lord Yama’s mother.”

Bai Lixin: “…”

‘Suddenly, I no longer want to acknowledge each other, what’s going on?’

Zhao Jia cautiously tugged at Bai Lixin’s sleeve, “Brother, tell me, is this your prank?”

Black Wuchang: “What prank? We’re genuine civil servants in the underworld. Your time on earth has ended, and we’re here to take you. Come with us.”

“As for His Majesty the Queen Dowager…”

Bai Lixin corrected, “Just call me Bai Lixin.”

“Alright.” Black Wuchang continued, “As for His Majesty Queen Dowager Bai Lixin, your name doesn’t seem to be on our book of life and death. What should we do, White Wuchang?”

Bai Lixin: “…”

Zhao Jia and the security guard looked at each other, shocked. Zhao Jia looked at Bai Lixin in surprise, “Are you really related to King Yama?”

Black Wuchang: “Of course, the relationship between him and our King Yama are like the relationship between a chicken and its egg. Without the chicken, where does the egg come from? Without our Queen Dowager, there would be no our Lord Yama.”

White Wuchang who was next to him rolled his eyes, “Stop talking nonsense. Lord Yama wasn’t born of Bai Lixin. He was a divine being born of darkness between heaven and earth. Bai Lixin provided energy to him, so Lord Yama calls him ‘mother.”

“Don’t read those underworld gossip magazines anymore; they’re all fake. Stay rational!”

Black Wuchang: “So, are the interesting stories about His Majesty the Queen Dowager and the former Lord Yama in the harem are also fake?”

White Wuchang paused, “Those might be true.”

Bai Lixin: “…”

‘Hearsay causes harm!

Is your underworld really this dirty now? Doesn’t the Young King Yama care about you guys?’

“Um…” The security guard timidly reached out, “The two ghost messengers, before I go with you, can I go home for a quick look?”

Zhao Jia: “I want to go back too.”

White Wuchang glanced at Bai Lixin, “After death, there is a seven-day period where a soul can stay in the mortal world to resolve regrets. It’s been a while since you died, so technically you shouldn’t have this time, but you seem to have been trapped here. I’ll give each of you seven days, and I’ll come find you again in seven days. Go.”

Zhao Jia and the security guard were delighted and quickly thanked them before leaving.

They were ghosts, walking was like flying, and in the blink of an eye, they disappeared.

After they left, Bai Lixin spoke up, “Is there a problem with this office building? We were trapped inside before and couldn’t leave.”

White Wuchang looked calm, “It’s probably the magnetic field.”

“I don’t is what’s going on in this era. For some reason, there are many magnetic field areas. These strange magnetic fields trap lost souls in place, causing them to become earthbound spirits and then evil spirits.”

“We underworld officials also have a headache because of these magnetic field areas. We regularly search them to see if there are any trapped souls. The magnetic field area of this office building should have just formed, which is why the underworld officials have been ignoring it.”

White Wuchang carefully made notes in his book, “I’ve marked it here, I’ll inform the underworld officials when I return.”

“But, Lord Bai Lixin, why are you here? The last time I saw you, it was in another world.”

Bai Lixin: “It seems that the underworld can connect with many worlds?”

White Wuchang: “Yes, after all, it’s the underworld.”

Bai Lixin: “Can you handle it all?”

White Wuchang: “The me you see now is not just me. We are not individual entities but incarnations. White Wuchang can be in this world, but incarnations can be in many other worlds. Like the last time you saw us in another world, it wasn’t us now, but another incarnation. Only the underworld us are the true selves.”

Bai Lixin: “I see.”

After unraveling the mystery of why he could see familiar faces in many worlds, Bai Lixin remembered his grown-up son, “What about the Young King Yama?”

White Wuchang: “Lord Yama is currently in seclusion, and it will be some time before he comes out. Do you want to visit the underworld? The real world is developing, and so is the underworld. It’s appearance has changed quite a lot.”

Bai Lixin thought of his tasks, “If I go, can I come back?”

White Wuchang: “Of course, we can see that you don’t belong to this world to begin with, and you will leave sooner or later. I just want to take you to visit the underworld where you have been away for a long time, and I will send you back tomorrow.”

Bai Lixin was indeed somewhat interested in the new underworld and agreed, “Let’s go.”

Black Wuchang, who had been silent, snapped his fingers, and a sleek black sports car appeared out of nowhere. It passed through the bustling traffic like a hologram, and skidded to a stop in front of the three of them.

“This is my beloved ride—Black Tornado.” Black Wuchang patted the car door. “Queen Dowager Bai Lixin, please, have a seat in the back.”

Bai Lixin glanced at the two door sports car and silently sat in the back seat.

S419M: [This is ridiculous. Does he think the back seat of a sports car is a symbol of status? This cramped space, let him experience it himself, is it comfortable?]

Bai Lixin: […]

White Wuchang glanced at Black Wuchang disdainfully, then lightly tapped the car door with his fingers. The black car that was originally a sports car, instantly transformed into a white, luxury stretch limousine.

In the blink of an eye, Bai Lixin went from the narrow back seat of the sports car to a spacious and plush sofa seat. In front of him was a table, and on the sofa opposite sat White Wuchang and the pouting Black Wuchang.

White Wuchang snapped his fingers, and the limosine started moving.

Bai Lixin looked through the window and saw the car passing through the road and entering a tunnel that had suddenly appeared. Faint ghostly shadows and jumping blue and black stars could be seen around the tunnel.

White Wuchang explained, “As time progresses, many talented researchers have been sent to the Underworld. Officially, they are recruited as civil servants, and with their help, the Underworld has also entered the era of technology. This road used to be the River of Forgetfulness, but after improvements, it has become a highway. Previously, it would take a day and a night to travel, but now, you can reach the Gate of the Underworld in the blink of an eye.”

As he finished speaking, the white car braked and stopped. Bai Lixin looked outside and saw a building similar to a toll booth, with several cars in front of theirs.

On the spacious road with sixteen lanes, sixteen barriers worked together.

Bars rose and fell continuously, and soon it was their turn.

A ghost wearing a black uniform sat at the toll window. He tried to smile, revealing sixteen grim sharp teeth. “Please show your identification.”

White Wuchang rolled down the window and handed over his work ID. The fake smiling ghost continued, “Oh, it’s Black and White Wuchang. Lift the barrier, please come in.”

After rolling up the window again, White Wuchang explained, “We just passed the Gate of the Underworld.”

Bai Lixin: “…”

Was that the Gate of the Underworld?

He hadn’t noticed at all, the change was too drastic.

“After passing through the Gate of the Underworld, ahead is the Underworld city.” White Wuchang continued to be as a dutiful tour guide. “In recent years, the Underworld has developed and utilized many unused areas. Now, the Underworld is several times larger than when you were here, and many entertainment facilities have been added. I don’t the why but for some reason, many undead refuse to enter the cycle of reincarnation after death, claiming that life on Earth is too harsh, so they would rather stay in the Underworld.”

“With more and more people refusing to reincarnate, the number of the living is decreasing, while the Underworld is becoming more crowded.”

Bai Lixin smiled dryly. “White Wuchang, if I want to find a ghost in this vast sea of ghosts, is it easy?”

White Wuchang : “Are you looking for? Lord Yama?”

“He’s in seclusion, right? I won’t look for him. I’m looking for a human, a girl named Xiao Hua. She is around 18 years old and died about ten years ago. Can you find her?”

Bai Lixin wasn’t sure if Xiao Hua was dead or alive, but for now, he’ll assume she is dead and let White Wuchang try to find her.

But since it was a copy task, it shouldn’t be so easy to complete.

White Wuchang waved his hand in the air, and a thick Book of Life and Death appeared.

Bai Lixin glanced at it. “The Book of Life and Death is still handwritten.”

White Wuchang carefully searched through the information in the book. “Of course, no matter how advanced electronic equipment is, there will be short circuits. Only the old-fashioned quill left by our ancestors won’t deceive us. Although Lord Yama doesn’t object to modernizing the Underworld, he insists that the Book of Life and Death must be handwritten and cannot be input as electronic signals.”

After browsing through the Book of Life and Death for a while, White Wuchang looked at Bai Lixin. “Ten years ago, in the year U2012, according to the Book of Life and Death, there were no records of any 18-year-old girls named Xiao Hua entering the Underworld.”

Bai Lixin: “…”

‘As expected, it wouldn’t be so easy to complete.’

Bai Lixin: “If she didn’t enter the Underworld, does that mean she’s still alive?”

Black Wuchang: “There’s another possibility- she died, but her soul is trapped in a magnetic field and hasn’t been found.”

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