Published at 24th of June 2024 10:27:16 AM

Chapter 539

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After passing through the Gate of the Underworld, a bustling city slowly appeared before Bai Lixin’s eyes.

Ghosts dressed in clothing from different dynasties wandered around, leisurely strolling under the lush trees. Groups of three or five ghosts gathered to play cards, while five or six others gathered to play Go. At the corner of a crossroad, there was a pavilion selling newspapers. The small pavilion was filled with various magazines, and next to it was a huge freezer. A group of little ghosts gathered around the freezer, happily licking the cold ice cream.

Occasionally, the sound of cicadas could be heard outside the window. If he didn’t know it was the Underworld, he would have thought he was in some summer resort.

Bai Lixin’s gaze swept over the newspapers, then quickly paused. “Stop the car.”

The white limousine abruptly stopped by the roadside. Bai Lixin got out of the car, walked to the pavilion and looked at the magazines being sold with complicated eyes.

“Legend of Queen Dowager Bai Lixin”, “The Legendary Life of Queen Dowager Bai Lixin”, “Learn Parenting Tips from Queen Dowager Bai Lixin”…

Bai Lixin casually picked up the closest magazine, “The Legendary Life of Queen Dowager Bai Lixin,” and flipped through it.

—Bai Lixin, a legendary man who combines beauty and intelligence.

—He punishes evil and promotes good, helping the weak.

—He thwarted the evil forces’ conspiracy and saved our beautiful Underworld.

—His appearance is unparalleled in the world. Everyone who has seen his true face praises his handsome appearance.

—But more captivating than his appearance is his beautiful soul.

Bai Lixin quickly closed the book with lightning speed: “…”

“Are you interested in buying books?” A head popped out from the stall. “I have genuine books here. If you want to buy… Ah, it’s you! My benefactor!”

Bai Lixin looked at the middle-aged man in the stall, feeling a bit of familiarity. After racking his brain for a moment, he finally remembered who he was: “Black and White Fox?”

The man in the stall grinned. His eyes curved into crescent moons, and his sharp chin looked even more sharp. At first glance, he really looked like a fox.

Two furry ears poked out from his black hair and twitched. “That’s right, it’s me. I didn’t expect you to remember me after so long.”

Bai Lixin wasn’t familiar with their timeline: “How long has it been?”

Black and White Fox: “About five hundred years.”

Bai Lixin: “Have you been here since you were punished in the Eighteenth level of Hell?”

This black amd white fox was an NPC he met in a previous copy, set in the Republican era. Thinking back carefully, he recalled being forced to wear a cheongsam in that copy.

Black and White Fox was a minor boss in that copy, and had committed many sins. After death, he entered the Underworld and was punished in the Eighteenth Level of Hell. His wife and children never left and stayed by his side the entire time.

Black and White Fox chuckled: “Just trying to accumulate some merit. When my merit is full, I’ll reincarnate into a better life and be with my wife and children. My family mentioned you a while ago, saying they dreamed of you. I didn’t expect to see you today. Unfortunately, they’re not here today. If you have time, you can visit my home.”

Bai Lixin waved his hand and declined politely: “I’m leaving soon.”

Black and White Fox: “Then I won’t keep you. After all, this is the afterlife world. It’s strange for me to detain you here.”

After exchanging a few words with Black and White Fox, Bai Lixin returned to White Wuchang’s car.

Looking at the vastly changed Underworld, he sighed, “I didn’t expect the Underworld to change so much.”

White Wuchang: “It’s all thanks to Lord Yama. The Underworld is the kingdom of the dead, and Lord Yama’s presence is supreme. He even single-handedly changed the entire Underworld. The previous Lord Yama was upright, so the entire Underworld was disciplined and rigid. After this Lord Yama took over, he initially imitated the previous Lord Yama’s style, but after visiting the mortal world several times, he gradually developed his own style.”

“Now that you see the current Underworld, you should be able to vaguely perceive what kind of person Lord Yama is.”

“I still remember something Lord Yama once said. He said he learned what warmth is during the time he spent with you, so he was able to create the warm Underworld we have now.” White Wuchang, who rarely smiled or laughed, chuckled lightly. “I’ve been working in the Underworld for so many years, and this is the first time I’ve encountered a Lord Yama like this. He’s… not bad.”

Bai Lixin: “…”

He hasn’t seen Tuanzi since the [Gentle Village] copy. Calculating now, it should have been a long time.

*[Gentle Village] is the copy/arc from chapter 299-319. It’s where men turned into women and had to give birth…Dijia turned into a wolf cub… Young King Yama appeared at the end during the follow up storyline of the copy.

Now that Tuanzi was in seclusion, they didn’t have the chance to meet.

If they were really fated, perhaps they would meet again in the future.

After touring the Underworld, Bai Lixin prepared to return to the mortal world.

White Wuchang personally drove to send him off. When they arrived in the mortal world, White Wuchang said meaningfully, “Lord Bai Lixin, please be careful. The magnetic fields in this mortal world are turbulent, and a slight carelessness can trap you in a certain space. We’re also investigating the cause of the magnetic fields, but we haven’t found it yet. Besides, you also need to be careful of those psychics.”

“You were lucky today to encounter a reasonable psychic, but many psychics in this world are unreasonable. Souls are supposed to be under our jurisdiction. Even if they committed many wrongdoings in their lifetime and continue after death, they should be judged by the Underworld. Many psychics, regardless of right or wrong, will exterminate all the souls they encounter. Some psychics even capture spirits to control them. They call these spirits ‘apostles,’ and to make these apostles stronger, they capture weak souls to feed them.”

“You’re in a state of neither being alive nor dead. You have a bit of vitality from the living and a bit of death aura from the dead, making you the best tonic.”

White Wuchang paused. “Let me make it clearer: You’re like a piece of naked Tang Monk meat with a fragrant aroma.”

Bai Lixin: “…”

‘You had already made it very clear.’

After White Wuchang left, Bai Lixin stood in front of the majestic blue and white building, studied it for a moment, then slowly walked in.

As he approached the door, he saw the security guard dozing off, and the reading glasses next to him were about to fall from the window. He grabbed the glasses and pushed them to a safer place on the counter without making a sound.

“Achoo!” A cold wind blew by, and the security guard shivered and woke up. He instinctively reached out to the side but did not find his reading glasses.

He tilted his head in confusion and found his reading glasses lying quietly on his left side.

“Weird.” The security guard put on his glasses. “When did I put my glasses here?”

“Um, the archive room is on the second floor. Why are you asking about the archive room? Who are you looking for? There are officers on duty inside…” He habitually started speaking as he put on his glasses, but halfway through his sentence, he abruptly stopped.

There was no one in front of him.

Strange, he clearly felt someone tap his neck just now and ask him where the archive room was.

How come there was no one here?

Was he just sleepy and confused?

Thinking of the unsolved murder case from a couple of days ago, the security guard shivered and tightened his clothes around himself.

This city R has been getting weirder and weirder lately.

Bai Lixin walked into the police station as if he owned the place. In the lobby, there were two police officers on duty. It was almost midnight, yet they were still diligently on duty.

Bai Lixin silently praised them in his heart, then turned and went towards the stairs at the end of the hall.

The corridor had motion sensor lights, and as he passed, the lights above lit up.

The officers on duty were already a bit drowsy, but they suddenly woke up when they saw the lights in the corridor. They got up to check the situation.

All that could be seen were the lit up lights.

The old policeman asked, “Did you see someone come in just now?”

The young policeman shook his head. “No, but the door was pushed open by the wind just now. I guess the motion sensor lights were triggered by the wind shaking the door.”

The old policeman hesitated for a moment. “Check the surveillance footage.”

With that, they both returned to the computer and pulled up the surveillance footage.

The police hall and the yard were empty. Suddenly, the glass door opened a crack, and then slowly closed again.

A few seconds later, the motion sensor lights in the corridor began to light up one by one, and finally, the lights in the staircase followed suit.

It was as if someone… someone invisible to them had quietly entered the building just now.

The young policeman suddenly shivered, and after rewinding the surveillance footage, he pointed to the opening glass door and said quietly, “Senior, this door… isn’t the size just enough for one person to enter?”

“Could it be… a ghost?” After saying this, the young policeman couldn’t help but shiver again.

The old policeman gave the young one a heavy pat on the shoulder. “What nonsense are you talking about! In this scientific age, where would there be ghosts! You graduated from the police academy, recite the core values and police training to me!”

The young policeman was at a loss for words but obediently recited them.

At this time, the old policeman was still checking the surveillance footage. He noticed that the lights stopped at the second floor.

After pondering for a moment, the old policeman stood up. “You stay here and keep watch, I’ll go to the second floor.”

The young policeman was a bit scared but nodded obediently. “Please be careful, senior.”

“Hmph, I’m not afraid.” The old policeman patted the other hard object on his waist. “I’ve got this.”

The old policeman followed the path of the lit-up lights. Step by step, he walked from the first floor to the second floor, finally stopping at the staircase on the second floor.

The second floor was the dispatch center, and the archive room was also on this floor.

Those important rooms were usually locked and should be safe.

But he still wasn’t at ease and checked each room meticulously. Every time he passed a room, he would try to push it open and see if it was locked.

The printing room, locked, no problem.

The logistics department, also locked, no problem.

The conference room, locked.

The archives room, also locked, no problem.

The old policeman pushed the door of the archives room. When it didn’t open, he turned and left.

Just as he took walk away, a strange sound suddenly came to his ears: “Swish!”

It was the sound of paper being flipped, and it came from the archives room!

The policeman’s feet stopped abruptly, and he quickly retreated to the door of the archives room.

He quietly pressed his ear against the door.

There was another “Swish!”

The policeman’s eyes suddenly turned cold; he banged on the door of the archives room, demanding in a cold voice, “Who’s in there!”

No one answered him, but the sound of paper flipping inside suddenly accelerated.




The policeman immediately picked up the walkie-talkie. “Xiao Li, bring the key to the archives room over here, quickly!”

After pressing the walkie-talkie, he continued to speak coldly to the archives room, “Whoever you are, get ready to be interrogated! The archives room only has one door. You’d better stop whatever you’re doing right now and stay inside obediently, cooperate with our investigation!”

Xiao Li was the young policeman from earlier. He could only see his senior knocking on the door and shouting something in front of the archives room from the surveillance footage. He didn’t dare to delay and immediately grabbed the key and rushed to the second floor.

When he arrived at the second floor, he saw the old policeman standing in front of the archives room with a serious expression.

“Xiao Li.” The old policeman took the key. “When I open the door later, you rush in and take him down.”

The young policeman was somewhat surprised. “There’s someone inside?”

The old policeman nodded. “Mmm, someone is inside looking at documents. I heard the sound of flipping papers.”

The young policeman leaned over to listen and indeed heard the swishing sound of flipping papers.

But he was puzzled. He had locked the archives room himself and checked to make sure there was no one inside before leaving. Besides him and the police officer in charge of the archives, there was no one else who had a key.

The policeman responsible for organizing the files has not been at the unit for the past two days. How did this person in the file room get in?

During his confusion, the old policeman had already inserted the key into the latch.

The young policeman held his breath. The door opened and it was dark inside. He quickly turned on the light and immediately rushed forward.

There was no one in the archives room.

All the file boxes were neatly placed on the shelves, with no signs of disturbance.

But just now, he clearly heard the sound of paper flipping.

The young policeman felt his throat was dry; he gulped and turned his head stiffly. In a daze, he seemed to see a vague white figure drifting past the old policeman.

He suddenly stood up to chase after it. After going out, he looked at both sides of the corridor, but there was no one there.

‘Not even a ghost.

No… Could it really be a ghost?’

‘If it wasn’t a ghost, how could the culprit have flipped through the files and left without a trace?’

The young policeman felt his cheeks go numb. He forced out a smile uglier than crying and looked at the old policeman, who also looked puzzled. “Senior, is this… really not a ghost?”

The old policeman silently closed the door, patted the young policeman’s shoulder, and urged him to leave. As they walked, he patiently comforted him, “Don’t think about this matter anymore. Think about it; even if it’s really a ghost and it came to check case files in the middle of the night, then maybe it’s an old comrade who died in the past and still cares about unfinished cases.”

“Our police station is filled with righteousness, and ordinary evil spirits can’t get in.”

“Just relax.”

The young police man didn’t feel consoled at all. He wanted to cry but had no tears. “So, is it really a ghost, senior?”

What about the core values we talked about? What about the police training?

The old policeman sighed, “Xiao Li, you need to understand, sometimes humans are scarier than ghosts. Whatever is stored in the morgue on the basement floor, ghosts can’t do that. Only humans can be so cruel. You are a police officer, you are not afraid of those heinous criminals, so don’t be afraid of ghosts.”

The young policeman thought of the corpse downstairs and couldn’t help but shiver. There was a faint feeling of nausea in his throat. “Can we find the murderer of the deceased, senior?”

The old policeman’s expression suddenly turned cold and his gaze sharpened. “We definitely can. Such a cruel murderer, we won’t allow them to escape justice. We will definitely bring justice to the victim.”

The young policeman looked at his determined senior, and his eyes suddenly felt hot. He was about to say something when a cold wind suddenly passed by him.

The chilling wind took away his warm tears and brought goosebumps to his skin.

The young policeman, who had just gathered his courage, instantly wilted. “Senior, let’s just go downstairs quickly. It’s so cold and creepy around here.”

Behind them, where they couldn’t see, Bai Lixin stopped and silently watched them leave.

After they left, S419M finally breathed a sigh of relief: [Why is it that when we participate in the game as “humans,” I find supernatural events terrifying? Now that we’re participating as “ghosts,” I’m still scared.]

Escape System: [Don’t mention it, Brother M. I’m scared too, wuuuu. When I was human, I was only afraid of ghosts. Now that I’m a ghost, I’m not only afraid of ghosts, but also afraid of humans. I’m afraid that ghosts will suddenly appear, and I keep seeing things from a human perspective. I’m going crazy.]

S419M sighed: [It seems that not everyone can be a good ghost. Alas. Lord Host, didn’t you find a clue? Let’s go.]

Bai Lixin stood at the staircase in silence for two seconds before slowly saying: [Since we’re already here…]

S419M: […]

Escape System: […]

Bai Li Xin: [Let’s also go to the basement.]

S419M: [……]

‘No, don’t go!!!’

The lights on the stairs turned on and off by themselves.

Bai Lixin went to the basement and slowly searched for the location of the morgue in this unfamiliar floor.

Finally, at the end of the corridor, he saw a large locked door with a few words written on it in blue on a white background: Morgue.

Bai Lixin: [Found it.]

S419M: [No, don’t go in!]

‘Don’t go in!’

Bai Lixin was now a ghost, and he didn’t even need to unlock the door. He just stepped into the morgue through the door.

S419M: […]


According to common sense, corpses emit a stench.

But Bai Lixin was now in a spirit state, and he couldn’t smell that physical odor anymore. With his sense of smell useless, he could only rely on his vision to discern the objects in front of him.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!