Published at 7th of May 2024 05:57:16 AM

Chapter 1971: Chapter 1971: The Truth From Back Then

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Chapter 1971: The Truth From Back Then


Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Since Qiao Mei was Gao Taos descendant, Qiao Mei must know the secret regarding this set of jewelry. Gao Tao must have told Qiao Mei about this! That must be it! It must be Qiao Mei who stole the cufflink!

Stop pretending. Hand over the cufflink to me and Ill spare your life. If you keep me in a good mood, I might let all of you off and also save the dying Gao Ming, Zhang Cheng said.

What do you mean! So you are the one who caused my grandson to almost die! Gao Lin questioned.

Hmph, Im sure you dont know that Im a shareholder of this hospital! Havent you realized this even though hes been getting treatment here for such a long time? Why do you think Gao Ming still doesnt show any signs of getting better? Zhang Cheng asked as he looked at Gao Lin mockingly.

Gao Lin looked at Zhang Cheng with a lot of hatred in his eyes. At the same time, he also felt very sad. Back in those early days, the Gao family had a rough idea of how much assets the Zhang family had, but as the Gao family continued to decline while the Zhang familys business grew bigger and bigger, they no longer knew what kind of properties and businesses the Zhang family had. He had been blind to all these and it was his fault that Gao Ming did not get appropriate and timely treatment.

Why are you so obsessed with my grandmothers jewelry? Qiao Mei asked.

Hmph, why are you asking me? Dont you already know? Zhang Cheng said as he looked at Qiao Mei.

It was only at this moment that Gao Lin finally saw Zhang Chengs true colors. It turned out that Zhang Cheng had done all these unscrupulous things in order to get his hand on Gao Taos jewelry. The Gao familys decline was definitely related to Zhang Cheng!

Did you have anything to do with the car accident that Gao Ning and Gao Long were involved in! Did you cause the death of my son! Gao Lin questioned angrily.

Zhang Cheng sighed lightly and said, So what if its me? If you want to blame someone, then you should blame the Gao family for being too stupid. Both you and your sister are the same. However, your sons and grandson are smart enough to find out about my plan. But then, anyone who obstructs me will have to pay the price.

What what do you mean? Did you have something to do with that fire that my sister was caught in! Gao Lin asked as he looked at Zhang Cheng in disbelief.

Let me tell you the truth. Im the one who started the fire back then, but I really didnt expect Gao Tao to be able to escape from such a big fire. Shes really very lucky and she even managed to have descendants! Im really surprised by this turn of events, Zhang Cheng said.

Beast! Youre a beast! Why did you try to kill my sister! Why would you do this! My sister was nothing but nice to you! Gao Lin roared heart-wrenchingly.

Because shes too smart. She found out about Liang Jin and me and wants to take back everything she had given to me. How can I let her take everything back? She deserves to die! Zhang Cheng said.

At that time, Gao Tao found out that he was dating Liang Jin in secret. Gao Tao told Zhang Cheng to return her the cufflink and said that she wanted to call off their impending wedding. At that time, Liang Jin and Zhang Cheng already knew that the cufflink brought them luck, so why would Zhang Cheng be willing to return such a treasure! They decided that they had no choice but to kill Gao Tao. As for the other jewelry, Gao Tao had hidden them away and they did not manage to find much.

If that wasteful woman, Liang Jin, did not use Gao Taos brooch to buy Liang Shu t s silence, they would definitely have even more assets than what they had now!

Since he had come to look for the Gao family members today, he had no intention of letting any of them get out of here alive. He might as well tell them everything that had happened over the years and let them die with full knowledge of what had happened.

Gao Lin rushed up to Zhang Cheng, but he was forcefully pressed down on the floor by Zhang Chengs bodyguards. The Zhang familys bodyguards rushed into the room and surrounded all of them. Qiao Mei stood quietly in the middle of the room and looked at Zhang Cheng without saying anything.

With the truth about the past coming to light, Qiao Mei felt a little sorry for Gao Tao. She also felt indignant for Gao Tao, but fortunately, Gao Tao lived a happy life in her later years and Qiao Qiang had taken very good care of Gao Tao. However, because of the fire back then, Gao Tao had many recurring illnesses, so she did not manage to live to an old age.

Young lady, hurry up and hand over my cufflink and those jewelry in your possession! Its best for you to be obedient when I still have some patience left. Dont test my limit, alright? Zhang Cheng looked at Qiao Mei and threatened her.

What if I say no? Qiao Mei held up the walkie-talkie in her hand. Da Dong and the others suddenly rushed into the room and immediately subdued most of the bodyguards inside.

Qiao Mei immediately ran up to Zhang Cheng and pointed her gun firmly at his head as she said, All of you, dont move! Dont move if you dont want him to die!

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