Published at 20th of May 2024 06:29:57 AM

Chapter 43

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C43 Wei Pengxing of the Soul Refining Stage

Peng Gengkun was intent on advancing to the Soul Refining Stage, so he naturally steered clear of any missions that would take half a month to complete. In reality, Peng had selected just three straightforward tasks, which he estimated would take no more than ten days to finish in total.


Yet, for reasons unknown, Peng couldn't shake the feeling that he was being followed.


"Is it just my imagination? Why do I constantly feel like I'm being tracked? Perhaps I'm overthinking it," he mused, massaging his temples. He suspected exhaustion was playing tricks on his mind, causing him to see things that weren't there.


"I've already knocked out two of the missions. The third requires a survey of the terrain around the Flying Cloud Sect, which I'm close to finishing. Just a few dozen more miles of exploration, and I can head back to the Sect tomorrow," Peng resolved, pressing on with his exploration. By half-day's end, he had completed his survey, sketching the landscape he encountered into his notebook.


"At last, all three tasks are done! There's a small village ahead where I can rest for the night and make my return to the Flying Cloud Sect by tomorrow," Peng thought, making his way into the village.


The village, not far from the Sect, was accustomed to the presence of Warriors, so Peng's arrival didn't stir any surprise. He engaged a local villager in friendly conversation before arranging to stay at his house for the night.


The villager was hospitable and straightforward, offering Peng lodging in exchange for payment. Peng couldn't help but admire the villager's entrepreneurial spirit as he paid for his stay.


With the transaction complete, the villager showed Peng to a tidy room. It wasn't as luxurious as the accommodations within the Flying Cloud Sect, but Peng was unfazed by the modest setting.


After a brief rest, Peng rose to practice his Martial Arts. But just a few steps in, a subtle quiver in his heart stopped him—his baby Leviathan had sensed something amiss.


"This little device has the ability to detect treasures imbued with Spiritual Energy. Is there a chance that such a treasure lies hidden within this village?"


Peng Gengkun's eyes sparkled with anticipation. He sprang up from the bed, eager to search the village for the concealed treasure.


But no sooner had Peng Gengkun risen than a scream pierced the air from outside.


A jolt of alarm shot through him.


"Could it be a monster, not a treasure? I prefer not to interfere, but as a guest here, I cannot stand by while this family is in peril."


With that thought, Peng Gengkun flung open the door and strode out.


In the courtyard, he was met with a grim sight: the very family that had welcomed him lay lifeless on the ground. To his horror, it was Wei Pengxing who had slain the villagers.


"You?" Peng Gengkun exclaimed, his face contorting with rage.


"A warrior's training in martial arts may not always be about vanquishing evil or defending the helpless, but slaughtering innocent villagers is indefensible! How could you commit such an atrocity?"


Wei Pengxing's sneer cut through the tension. "I didn't think you'd have the courage to show up. What does it matter that I killed them? Didn't you also kill my brother?"


"We were bound for the Death Match Arena; death there would have been an expected end!" Peng Gengkun's fists tightened as he spoke deliberately, "So it was you shadowing me all this way! I had no intention of dealing with you, but you've crossed a line by murdering innocents and taking their lives. For that, you can't fault me for what comes next!"


As Peng Gengkun prepared to confront him, Wei Pengxing burst into maniacal laughter.


"Do you honestly think I'd foolishly walk into my own demise? I came because I possess the strength to exact revenge for my brother! Prepare to meet your end!"


With a crazed laugh, Wei Pengxing's energy surged, skyrocketing to the Soul Refining Stage in mere moments.


Peng Gengkun was taken aback.


"How has his power increased so suddenly? This isn't his natural strength! The baby Leviathan sensed his fluctuating power; clearly, he's resorted to some unusual tactic!"


Recovering from his initial shock, Peng Gengkun steadied himself.


Despite Wei Pengxing having attained the Soul Refining Stage, Peng Gengkun harbored no fear. Wei Mingzhi had been at the same level, yet Peng Gengkun had defeated him at the Death Match Arena. Victory was within reach!


Channeling his Astral Energy, Peng Gengkun executed the Vajra Worshipping Moon technique. To his surprise, Wei Pengxing countered with a formidable Martial Arts move. The two forces clashed violently, the ferocious Astral Energy meeting head-on with Peng Gengkun's attack.


Peng Gengkun's Leviathan-roc Astral Energy, known for its annihilative power, was dispersed by Wei Pengxing's assault. The residual energy battered Peng Gengkun, forcing him back several steps as he coughed up blood speckled with dark stains, a clear sign of internal injuries.


"How has his strength surged so dramatically? Both he and Chen Feng are at the Soul Refining Stage, yet Wei Mingzhi was never this formidable. How could he possess such overwhelming power?" Peng Gengkun was astounded, sensing something was amiss.


"He initially declined my challenge, only to accept it abruptly! He couldn't break through to the Soul Refining Stage, yet he did so overnight! His strength was far inferior to mine, and now it's surpassed me! Someone must be manipulating these events from the shadows!"


Peng Gengkun's brow furrowed, feeling as though he was on the verge of unraveling the mystery, yet the perpetrator's identity eluded him for the moment.


Now was not the time for contemplation. Wei Pengxing's move had pushed him back, and he laughed with smug satisfaction, "My strength now surpasses yours! You stand no chance of victory! I might die after killing you, but if I can take you down, my death will be without regret!"


Peng Gengkun paused, then a realization dawned on him. "You've tapped into some life-consuming secret technique to boost your power, haven't you? That explains the sudden and massive increase in your strength!"


In that moment, Peng Gengkun felt an urge to withdraw.


He only intended to pull back temporarily. Wei Pengxing's strength was formidable, and Peng Gengkun knew he was outmatched. A direct confrontation was out of the question. He needed to bide his time and find the right moment to strike.


Just then, Wei Pengxing let out a menacing laugh. "Exactly! I've acquired the incomplete core of my brother's Martial Soul, granting me this surge of power. Even though my time is short, it's enough to finish you off!"


Peng Gengkun was momentarily taken aback.


An incomplete Martial Soul core? That's precisely what I need to evolve my Leviathan-roc Martial Soul! I can't afford to flee now; I must eliminate him! He struck first and has blood on his hands from the villagers he's slain. We may not be in the Death Match Arena, but I have no choice—I must kill him!

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