Alsar - Chapter 40

Published at 27th of January 2022 03:52:08 PM

Chapter 40

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Chapter 40 : The Little Devil Ren


“Since we had our breakfast just a few hours ago, I guess having a light lunch would be better.”

We had our breakfast at 9 am and now it was already 12 pm, only 3 hours had passed since we had our breakfast.

I didn’t feel that hungry yet.

Though I was sure the other three would still need a big serving for their lunch since they ate a lot compared to me.

“Everyone, come! Lunch is ready!”

I called out to them and the three of them took a seat around the table.

I continued to say,“I prepared a light lunch because we just had our breakfast few hours ago, if it’s not enough then don’t hesitate to tell me. I still have plenty of food in my magic bag. Well then, eat up everyone.”

For lunch we had roll sandwich and salad. The salad consisted of fresh vegetables with beans and sprinkled with peperoncino.

Having the sandwich and salad was enough for me but because the other three had bigger appetite I also prepared fried chicken for them.

For drinks we had fresh orange juice that I made myself. It was not like the store bought orange juice since I made sure the ingredients were fresh and the oranges was sweet enough so I didn’t need to add too many sugar.

Fresh orange juice

“The three of us really are lucky to be able to eat Ren-chan’s cooking everyday like this.”

“As usual, today’s food looks delicious as well.”

“Let’s dig in! Itadakimasu!”

The three of them looked like they really enjoyed the food.

Both Chris-san and Fer-san were amazing, they ate really fast but somehow they were able to keep their elegance.

Sig-san on the other hand, he just vigorously chomped down on the food like there was no tomorrow.

I also noticed that Sig-san preferred meat rather than vegetable, it was understandable though since he was a wolf beastman.

“When we finished eating, let’s rest for a little while before we continue our journey home.” Fer-san inquired.

“Okay. Is it because at this time of the day, the sun is getting too hot for travelling?” I asked.

“Yup, that’s right~ If we were travelling by foot, I don’t really mind the heat but for William and the others.. It might be a little hard for them~”

I see, so that was why during the subjugation quest we didn’t take midday break like this.

They were really considerate to William and the others.

“If we take a break now, we will be able to arrive at Sorrel Waterfall by tomorrow and reach Pedrell by the day after tomorrow.” Sig-san explained.

“Sorrel Waterfall?”

“Yes, Sorrel Waterfall is the place where two waterfalls joined into one river in the end. It is said the two waterfalls represented a lover joining together as one. It is said that the couple that visited Sorrel Waterfall will be able to be together forever, just like the two waterfalls. The waterfall is right on our way home so it’d be a waste not to see it.”

Oh, so there was a place like that.

Though we weren’t a lover anymore since we already got engaged and we were in polyamorous relationship unlike the pair of waterfall.

Well but it’d be nice if we could be together forever.

“Thank you for the food.”

“I was delicious, Ren.”

“Ren-chan’s cooking is the best~”

“I’m glad that you like it.” I replied.

While we were talking, we finished our lunch.

The three of them ate everything until the plates were sparkly clean.

Looking at them finishing my food like this, it made me feel that all my effort in cooking didn’t go to waste after all.

I used ‘clean’ and put all the tableware into my magic bag.

“Now that we’ve filled our belly, time to take a nap!~ Hey Ren-chan, where’s my goodnight kisses?~”


“Oh, sounds good! Ren, I don’t mind if it’s just a small peck, so kiss me too, okay?”

“Eh?! Me?!”

“Now that I think about it, we never received a kiss initiated by Ren-kun.”

Ah, I couldn’t escape from this predicament could I ?

These three, they really had a good teamwork, they could have cornered me like this..

What a frightening team play!

Fine then!

I would show you guys that I was not a pushover kind of a guy! I would show them what I made off!


I called out to Chris-san, the one standing closest to me.

I tiptoed with all my might and strained my neck but I still couldn’t reach him so I decided to grab his neck and pull him down and bring our faces together.

“Eh?! Uwah!”

I kissed the bewildered Chris-san on the lips lightly.

I tilted my head to the side and said,”Goodnight?”
I did well, didn’t I?!

I was always on the receiving end with them and doing something like that was too embarrassing but even though I was like this, I used to have a girlfriend back on earth you know?

I wasn’t just an innocent little sheep just so you know!

“O-Oh.. Ren became a little devil.. Or maybe a nymph..”

“So Ren-kun could show that kind of face too..”

As I thought, taking the initiative was embarrassing after all.

I don’t think I could do it multiple times..

“Fufu~ Ren-chan, I will be looking forward to our night activities, okay?~”


Ah.. Did I dig my own grave again..?

Did I flip another weird switch on Chris-san?

Chris-san was looking at me while licking his lips so sensually like that, it sent goosebumps all over my body.

Were we going to do another ‘just-a-little-bit-touching’ like yesterday?!

“Ren-kun, you reap what you sow with this. Of course, I will be waiting for your special service at night as well. Well then, where’s my kiss? Hm?” Fer-san said as he inclined his head to the side.

Fer-san came up to me and lowered his body so I didn’t have to strain myself like I did with Chris-san.

Of course it wouldn’t be fair if I only kissed Chris-san so I also held Fer-san’s face with both of my hands and put our lips together and kissed him chastely.

When our lips separated, I somehow felt a tingly sensation on my lips.

“Me too, Ren.”


Next, it was Sig-san’s turn.

I tried tiptoed and outstretched my hand but I still couldn’t reach his neck so I instead grabbed his waist and pulled him down so I could kiss him chastely on the lips as well.

It was simply impossible for me to reach Sig-san’s height if I didn’t pull his waist down like this.

“Fu-ah.. There! I gave each one of you goodnight kisses! Let’s sleep now!”

I freed myself from Sig-san embrace and headed to the tent first.

Not long after, the three of them also followed me inside.

They began to remove their breastplate and the other armor attached on their knees, arms and legs.

Instead of putting it inside their magic bag, they put down the armor on the corner of the mattress so they could put it on immediately after they woke up.

“I will sleep beside Ren.”

“Understood, then I will take the other side of Ren-kun’s.”

With a pout on his face, Chris-san said,“Uwah~ Then next time it will be my turn to sleep beside Ren-chan~ I will let you guys take Ren-chan’s left and right side this time~”

Even though Chris-san looked very pleased when I was trying to kiss him, he was sulking like a child right now.

Well, it was a good thing they could settle it peacefully.

Fer-san and Sig-san started to lay the thin blanket over me and scuttled inside the cover themselves as well.

Today’s lineup was like this : Sig-san ; Me; Fer-san; Chris-san.

It couldn’t be helped, since there were three of them and only one of me so one of them wouldn’t be able to sleep beside me.

I didn’t particularly care who would get to sleep beside me so the decision would always be left to them.

Of course before we napped, we also erected barriers surrounding the tent for safety.

We will resume our travel after the weather cooled down a little.

I think we had more or less 5 hours of sleep before we would start our journey home.


Fer’s POV


I opened my eyes as I woke up from my nap.

I looked up to the side to see Ren-kun’s back facing toward me, my hand wrapped around his lithe shoulder.

Sig was laying his head on Ren-kun’s stomach, as always this guy had a really bad sleeping posture but it was not like I didn’t understand his sentiment though.

Ren-kun’s body was radiating warmth and happiness, it made me want to snuggle closer to him.

Ah, if only we had a proper bed in this tent…

It was a shame that Ren-kun was facing Sig instead of me too…

“Well, from now on we will have a lot of chances to sleep by Ren-kun’s side.”

I gently pushed Ren-kun’s hair to the side gently so as not to wake him up and buried my face into his nape.

Ah.. The bite mark from the night before had vanished huh..

I left a trail of kisses on Ren-kun’s nape and murmured ,” Fufu, what a beautiful skin.. It’s so white and pretty.. The red kiss mark glowed like a lighthouse on Ren-kun’s white skin.”

Since Ren-kun always tied his hair in a ponytail, everyone could see the kiss mark that I left on Ren-kun’s nape.

But if by any chance Ren-kun decided to let his hair down… Ah then the mark couldn’t be seen..

I wanted to leave more marks on other visible places but if Ren-kun noticed, he would get upset for sure so I held myself back.

“Ah~ If Ren-chan’s noticed you sneakily left marks on him like that, won’t he get really angry?~” Chris said, he was smirking devilishly behind my back.

Seemed like he was already awake by the time I kissed Ren-kun’s nape.

“I know you also want to leave a mark on Ren-kun and even if Ren-kun got angry at me, he will forgive me eventually.”

“Yeah~ Of course, Ren-chan is really kind after all.”

I gazed at Ren-kun’s sleeping figure.

Truly, Ren-kun was too kind for his own good.

Even though we obviously pushed him in the corner by asking him to be our fiance, he eventually accepted us with open arms and loved us back in return.

I wished I could grant Ren-kun everlasting happiness.. He truly deserved it..

Not to mention if by any chance we managed to make Ren-kun cry… I didn’t dare to imagine Malik-san’s impending wrath..

“Well then!~ Time to wake these sleepyheads up!~ Oi! Sig! Wake up! How long will you keep clinging to Ren-chan like glue?! Wake up already!”

Chris pulled Sig off violently, I could see Chris didn’t even try to hold his power down as he forcefully tore the sleeping Sig from Ren-kun’s side.

“Ren-chan, come on you need to wake up as well~”

Unlike the rough treatment he gave to Sig, Chris was being really gentle as he nudged Ren-kun’s sleeping figure.

“That’s right Ren-kun, please wake up. This time you will ride on Viktor with me, right?”

“Nngh… Good morning everyone.. Yeah, I will ride with you..” Ren-kun’s drowsily turned to his side and wrapped his arm around me. Ren-kun’s backside was cute but as I thought, his front side was even cuter. Ren-kun’s deep onyx eyes might be my most favorite thing to look at. I could stare at those beautiful orbs all day if he let me.

”Eh? Fer-san..?” Ren-kun rubbed his eyes, he was surprised to see that he had wrapped his arm around me snuggly.

“Yes, good morning Ren-kun. Let’s go, we need to get ready soon.” I leaned down and kissed Ren-kun’s forehead chastely.

“H-hyah!” Ren-kun in return immediately rose from the mattress, his face was bright red while his hand was covering the place that I just kissed before.

He was so cute!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!