Alsar - Chapter 62

Published at 27th of January 2022 04:20:53 PM

Chapter 62

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Chapter 62 : The Circumstances of a Polygamous Household


I arrived at the room with Fer-san still holding onto my shoulder. As soon as we opened the door, we saw a big bed inside the room. That bed was very huge and magnificent. Even if the four of us were to lay there, there would still be enough space for another two or three people.

“Ren-kun, please sit over there. The three of us will sit over here.”

Fer-san told me to sit on the edge of the bed while Fer-san and the others grabbed the chairs from the table set. Each of them had a chair on their arms and they put it down near me.

They sat in order from my right. Sig-san・Fer-san・Chris-san.

There were chairs but why did I have to sit on the bed… Rather, wouldn’t it be better if the four of us were to sit on that table set instead?

Also why did this room have 4 chairs? Did that mean this room was designated for people with multiple partners?

As expected from a world where polygamy is a normal thing…

“I’ve used magic to lock the door so no one can get in or out of this room but us.”

Sig-san started the conversation before I could. Since I’ve lost the opportunity to speak up first, I decided to listen to their part first.

“Thank you~ Now then… First, Ren-chan. I want to say I’m sorry once again. After talking with Ari-san we realized that we’ve made too many decisions on our own.”

“I apologize…”

“My bad…”

Ah, so they’ve talked about it with Ari-san.

Now I could finally see how they understood what I meant by 「we’re going to be a family so we should’ve discussed this together 」without me explaining it to them.

When I saw the three of them lowering their heads and apologizing to me, I felt really bad that I had run out without talking to them. We should’ve talked about it there or maybe found another place to talk but either way, we should’ve talked about it thoroughly before doing anything else first. At any rate, running away like what I did before was a bad move on my part.

“No, I should’ve explained it to you guys before running too. I’m sorry. Which is why now I want us to talk about this thoroughly. For me, having someone build and pay for a house under my name is simply too much!”

Especially since the house was under my name! I simply couldn’t back down on this one!

I stared at the three of them, hoping they’d see I was being very adamant about this.

“Even if you said that… We have more than enough cash to pay it upfront you know? Don’t you think it’s useless to take a loan and pay for the interest if we have enough cash to cover it?”

“As for the name, we decided the house will be under Ren-kun’s name because Ren-kun… You’re the center of this polygamous marriage. Basically it is not allowed to have a joint ownership of a house for people in a polygamous marriage because if by any chance they were to have a divorce, it’d be troublesome to settle the ownership. Each and every one of us have more than enough money to make another house under our name and most importantly… We don’t like the idea of living in a house under someone else’s spouse name.”

Uuuh… I couldn’t help but to agree it’d be a waste of money paying for the interest if we can pay it without taking a loan. As for the ownership, I didn’t know there was that kind of rule in Alsar. At first I thought the three of them could have joint ownership over the house but now that I thought about it, it certainly would get very difficult to split the house if one of us were to get a divorce…

Ah… That was why they didn’t alow joint ownership for polygamous couple in Alsar… Uugh… I really couldn’t argue with them if that was the case!


“Ren-chan, this might not suit your common sense but this is the only way for polygamous couple to have a house~ I don’t mind renting a house but don’t you think it’d be nice to have a house of our own?~”

Chris-san pressed deeper as I groaned and wrinkled my eyebrows. Of course having your own house would be so much better compared to renting if you had the funds for it. Before I went to live on our own, I had been living in an apartment with my mother. Because of that, I always yearned to have my own house… Maybe… I should give in to their decision?

“Haa… I understand… But! I absolutely have no plan on getting a divorce!”

In the end I yielded. After all, it seemed that no matter what I say, they had no intention of backing down either.

“Phew~ Thank goodness~ I was thinking if Ren-chan is really against it, we would have no choice but to give up on building a house…”

After I said that, Chris-san let out a breath, he seemed very relieved.

I see. If we didn’t do it this way, we’d have no other choice but to rent a house forever.

Though I think the house we rented was also really nice. If we could, I want to build our house by using that house as a reference.

“I’m really glad. With this, I can go and tell Ari with confidence that we’re going to purchase that land.”

Fer-san said, his cheeks were blooming with happiness.

“Ah… I’ve been really rude to Ari-san by running away like that… I need to apologize to her too…”

After Fer-san mentioned Ari-san, I realized I had to apologize to her as well. Whoa… I’ve been really rude to her…

“Hahaha! Don’t worry, Ren. Ari is not mad at all. In fact, she was really worried. She even told us to have a serious talk with you! But you know what? Let’s go to Ari’s place tomorrow, okay?”


Really? She’s not mad?

Sig-san gently stroked my head as I nodded. Although to tell the truth, I was still feeling a little bit anxious.

Compared to the other three, Sig-san had the biggest hand. He could easily crush my head like an apple but when he touched me, his touch was really gentle. His crushing power was nowhere to be seen.

“Now then… Ren-kun? Didn’t you kiss Sig to make up with him? Earlier, we were interrupted by Eva-san but you will still do the same to me too, right?”

“Err… Ah…. Yes… Ahhh! I did that kind of thing in front of Eva-san….”

I had been closing my eyes, enjoying Sig-san’s touch when Fer-san’s words made me remember I’ve kissed Chris-san right in front of Eva-san! The comfort that I had been feeling flew away in an instant.

Why! Why did I do that in front of Eva-san??

At that time, I had totally forgotten she was there… Uwahh!! I couldn’t bear to see her the next time we met…

“I will get one too, right?~ Ah! You said 「I like you」to Sig, didn’t you? Hey, hey~ What about me?~”

“Ugh… You’re really enjoying yourself teasing me huh!”

I pouted when Chris-san teased me.

I was covering my face with my hands when Chris-san laughed at me. He sounded like he couldn’t contain his excitement.

At that time, the words just flew from my mouth unconsciously. But now… I felt embarrassed if I had to say it on my own again.

“Huh?~ I just want to hear your true feelings~ Coincidentally, I also really like you, Ren-chan~”

I got up from the bed and stood in front of Chris-san. I encircled my arms around his shoulder and leaned down to put a chaste kiss on his lips.

“Uuuh… I also really like you. Uuh…”

I could feel my face getting redder and redder as I said that. My face felt so hot, as if I was about to melt.

“I like you too, you know?”

I glanced at Fer-san who was staring at me kissing Chris-san. It was really easy for people in Alsar to confess their feelings, huh…

I never said things like 「love」and 「like」back when I had a girlfriend because at that time, I only dated her because I was just going with the flow. She was the one that confessed to me and she used to say she 「like」me but after more time passed, she began to say it less and less.

But now… When they say they 「like」me, I want to say it back too. Rather, I wanted to say it to them first. Maybe they were my first love. Though… I do admit having three partners at the same time as your first time was a little bit weird.

Slowly, I parted my lips away from Chris-san’s. I slipped away from Chris-san and walked two, three steps to Fer-san. After we were close enough, I whispered into Fer-san’s ear.

“… I also like Fer-san.”

“Fufu… Would you please sit on my lap?”


At Fer-san’s request, I sat sideways on his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought our lips together, planting a fluttering kiss on his lips.

“With this, we’re back to how we used to be, right?”

I chuckled after our lips parted, Fer-san also chuckled back in return.

This was the first time we had a difference in our opinion. We couldn’t even call this a fight but I guess with this, we were done right?

“That’s right. But… Let’s get to know each other even better now. I want to know things about Ren-kun that I didn’t know before.”

“Eh? Eh??!”

I thought after we made up, we could finally return home but instead Fer-san stood up while holding onto my knees and back. His eyes were twinkling mischievously.

Then Fer-san gently laid me down on the bed.

“Ren, didn’t you hear Fer say that he already booked this room for a night? There’s no way we’d let you home now.”

“I’ve been sleeping without Ren-chan for two days straight~ I’m so lonely~ So let’s sleep together today, okay?~”

Sig-san, I had completely forgotten Fer-san had said that. I was really ready to leave after we talked. Chris-san, it had been only two days! Haven’t you been travelling alone all this time? What are you talking about??

The two of them stood and creeped on me from both sides. As they unravelled my clothes, I realized there was no way we were only going to ‘sleep’ together….

“It’s alright. We won’t go all the way until Ren-kun is ready so…”

Fer-san said. He nudged me to lay on my back and took my shoes off. I didn’t even realize I was still wearing my shoes.

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