Alsar - Chapter 71

Published at 27th of January 2022 04:20:53 PM

Chapter 71

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Chapter 71 : After Our Date


“I’m home…”

“Welcome back! …Are you hurt anywhere?”

“Oh, welcome. Did you finish the quest without a flinch?”

It was 19.00 when Chris-san returned home looking completely tired out. I was cooking dinner in the rental house but I turned the stove off to greet Chris-san first.

“Huh? Ren-chan? Why are you here… Ah, I’m not hurt. I’ve finished the quest and completed the payment with the guild too.”

Not expecting to see me here, Chris-san looked obviously surprised and puzzled.

“Umm.. I want to make dinner for Chris-san and Fer-san since I know you guys must be tired from the quest… I’m glad you’re not hurt but since you look tired… 【Heal】”

He looked extremely tired but thankfully he was not hurt! Chris-san seemed a little pale though but after I casted recovery magic on him, his complexion looked so much better!

“Whoa~ Thank you~ I’m so happy I got to see Ren-chan’s face when I returned home from a long day~ Huh? What about Malik-san?”

“Fufu… I’m glad you’re happy. Malik-san said he’s going to go for a drink with the other guild staff so he won’t be coming for dinner. That’s why I’m here. I’ll be back after we finish our dinner.”

When I visited the guild after our trip to the sunflower field, Malik-san had told me that I didn’t need to prepare him dinner because he wanted to go for a drink with the guild staff. They actually were wondering how to contact me to inform me so they were grateful I had stopped by the guild first.

“Is that soo?~ Ah, I’m so happy I can eat Ren-chan’s food for dinner~”

“But I only made a simple pasta with meat sauce, you know? I only need to wait for you guys to return home and start boiling the pasta… Ah, I also have prepared some salad and soup… Is it not enough? I can whip out another meat dish if you want.”

“It’s enough!~”

Chris-san’s face was sparkling with his smile but really, the meal I prepared was nothing much. Actually me and Sig-san had just arrived home about one hour ago. We spent too much time relaxing in the sunflower field and we had to go visit the guild beforehand too.

I didn’t know when will Chris-san and Fer-san returned home so I was thinking that maybe I should be making the sauce first? And then I will boil the pasta after they get home.

“Ah, would you like to take a bath first? Or would you like to eat first?”

“The impact of Ren-chan looking all cute with that apron while asking that kind of question is way too destructive…But… I’m going to take a bath first~”

To be honest I couldn’t see what was so cute and ‘destructive’ with me wearing an apron but I already gave up trying to straighten them up. After all, if I tried to deny it, they would keep coming back ten folds over.

“Okay then I will go and prepare the bath for you so you can go ahead and put all of your luggage away first.”

I left Chris-san in the living room and started briskly walking toward the bathroom. Pouring some of my magic power into the magic stone, I started filling the tub with water. A huge amount of water poured into the tub, making splashing sounds as the water swirled around. It didn’t take long for the tub to be completely filled with water. I threw a magic stone to keep the water warm.

“Okay. Now I have to go and call for Chris-san…Whoa!”

Just as soon as I exited the bathroom to call for Chris-san, I was instantly greeted with the sight of Chris-san already half naked in the changing room. I thought my heart would jump out of my chest from the shock…

“Oh? Is that bath ready for me? Thank you Ren-chan~”

“Y-yes… Please take your time to relax in the bath…”

I escaped from the changing room to the living room as soon as I got the chance to. I wonder if Chris-san had immediately gone to the changing room as soon as he finished dropping his luggage in his room? I was really surprised to see him already standing there in the changing room… And he was half naked too… No matter how many times I’ve seen it, I don’t think I could get used to it…

“Ren, Fer is going to return home late so I’ll be taking you home before then.”

“Oh? Is he going to be that late?”

“At this rate I think he will probably be home by midnight…”

“Is that so…”

Sig-san was relaxing in the living room when he told me Fer-san would be home late. Realizing I was disappointed to know that, Sig-san outstretched his arms to gently pat my head.

If Fer-san would be home by midnight, I wouldn’t be able to meet him today… The pasta would get soggy by then… Ah, maybe if I put it in the fridge, the pasta wouldn’t get soggy? Since time passed by more slowly in the fridge. But… I don’t think it’d taste as great… Hmm… I think I will decide on what I should do before Sig-san takes me home.

“Haah… That feels so good…”

“Ah, Chris-san. You’re fast.”

“Yep. I want to quickly eat Ren-chan’s food after all~”

“Oh then I will go and prepare it now!”

I was letting Sig-san keep on stroking my head when Chris-san came to the living room while humming to himself. He was done with the bath faster than usual but when I heard him getting all happy and excited for my food like that, I immediately rushed out to the kitchen to finish preparing dinner. I had already finished the other dishes so all that was left to do was to boil the pasta.

“Hm~ It’s going to be so late by the time Fer-san gets to eat this… Maybe I should make this into a spaghetti sandwich? If Fer-san didn’t get the chance to eat this today, he could leave this later for breakfast too…”

Alright! I will make a spaghetti sandwich for Fer-san after I’ve finished eating dinner!

“Ah, Chris-san must be thirsty after soaking in the tub. A glass of lemon water sounds good… Hmm…”

While the pasta was boiling, the only thing I needed to do was to stir it occasionally so in the meantime, I poured a drink for Chris-san to rehydrate.

“So? How was your date with Ren-chan?”

“It was fun, you know? Ren gave me a lap pillow too.”

“Eeeh~ What’s with that? So unfair~”

Were they talking about today’s date? I couldn’t see Chris-san’s face from where I was standing but it seemed the two of them were talking about today’s date while sitting on the sofa, facing each other.

“Chris-san, the pasta will be ready in another ten minutes. In the meantime, please have this drink to rehydrate.”

“Whoa~ Thank you~ Ren-chan is so caring~”

“You think so? I will go back to the kitchen then.”

I called out for Chris-san and handed him the drink before returning to the kitchen. I stirred the pasta one more time before I went to the fridge. Taking out fresh vegetables from the fridge, I chopped them up slightly and mixed them up with the dressing. To add more protein, I took out a big chunk of chicken ham and cut some of them into thin slices. I lined up all the slices neatly on a plate before presenting them on the table.

I reheated the soup until the soup was warm enough before pouring it into three separate bowls for me, Chris-san and Sig-san respectively. Ah, I needed to take the bread out too.

The paste seemed to be all-dente but just to be sure, I took one out and ate it. Hmm… Yup, it was just right.

“The food is almost ready so please come to the dining table!”

While I called the two of them from the kitchen, I continued on to strain the pasta using a colander. I put the pasta on a plate, poured the sauce on top and finished it off with some grated cheese.

“It’s done! Now, let’s eat.”

“Okay. Let me help you bring the plate to the table.”

“Thank you, Sig-san.”

Sig-san walked into the kitchen just at the right time. I had just finished with the pasta and Sig-san took the initiative to take the plate off from me. I was grateful for his help since bringing three plates full of pasta would be difficult for me.

“Now then…”

「「「Thank you for the food!」」」

The three of us said the greetings in unison before we began to eat.

Today’s meal tastes as good as ever!

“Hey~ Ren-chan went to the sunflower field with Sig, right? Where was it anyway?~”

Chris-san asked while tearing the bread apart.

“Oh? I thought the sunflower field is a popular spot for a date? It was so beautiful…”

I was sure a lot of people had been there before too. After all, a big field filled with nothing but beautiful sunflowers must be very popular, right?

“Was it really that beautiful?~”

“Yes! It was really, really wonderful!”

“Ren, that place is not as well known as you think of. I mean, we were there from before noon up to dusk and we didn’t see anybody else there, right?”

Sig-san said while taking a bite of the chicken ham.

“Ah, now that you mention it…”

That’s right… We certainly didn’t meet anyone else there…

“Eeeh?~ Then Ren-chan will you take me there with you next time?~”

“Hm… But I don’t know how to get there either since my eyes were closed when Sig-san brought me there.”

I only knew half of the route so I couldn’t go there myself even if I wanted to.

“It’s a secret place between me and Ren. Ren, we should go there every year, okay? Well I guess I will also take you guys along with us after we have children. I will take everyone to see the sunflowers together.”

So that place is going to be my little secret with Sig-san. But Sig-san said he would take all of us together after we have children?

…. Children, huh… I need to make up my mind soon…

“Eeeeh~ … Well I guess that’s fine~ I will be looking forward to it then~”

Chris-san pouted a little but he agreed to be patient in the end.

After that, we enjoyed our meal together while talking about Chris-san’s quest. He said that he had to slain a bunch of demons that resembled a bat. The demons were not strong but they were numerous so it had taken Chris-san a lot of time to kill all of them off. The reason why Chris-san didn’t want to take me with him was because the demons feed on blood and their numbers were too great for Chris-san to be able to protect me from them unscathed.

“If you guys are still awake, please tell Fer-san I already prepared some sandwiches for him.”

“Okay, I got it.”

I had prepared two kinds of sandwiches for Fer-san. One was a spaghetti with meat sauce sandwich and the other was a chicken ham sandwich with the leftover salads. I already put them in the fridge so they wouldn’t get spoiled. In case Chris-san and Sig-san were already asleep by the time Fer-san got home, I had written down a note for Fer-san.

“The day after tomorrow will be my turn to have a date with Ren-chan~ Let’s meet up again near the bell at the plaza.”

“Okay, Chris-san.”

After making a promise to meet with Chris-san ini two days, the two of them escorted me back to Malik-san’s house.

Anyway, that means I’m going to be free tomorrow. Maybe I should start meal prepping some food for our escort quest later…

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!