Ambiguous Relationship - Chapter 53

Published at 21st of June 2019 06:06:41 AM

Chapter 53

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We went to the same Japanese-style restaurant as before. 


Ramen noodles, side dishes, sake, and tea.


The sake is for Chen Ruo Yu to drink, while Meng Gu's is tea.


"You can't drink, you have to drive me home." Chen Ruo Yu announced as she ordered the sake.


"I can't drink but you still ordered it."


"I want to drink." She confidently proclaimed.


Meng Gu glanced at her, he did not bother to haggle with her on this, but also helped her to fill up her cup.


Chen Ruo Yu was pleased and took two sips of wine and then cleared her throat and asked, "Dr. Meng, we are dating with the premise of marriage, right?"


"Yes." Meng Gu answered swiftly and affirmatively, which made Chen Ruo Yu very happy.


"How did you become certain that you want to date me?"


"It is the same as determining whether a tumor is benign or malignant."


Chen Ruo Yu was stunned, "How is that determined?"


"A complicated and scientific process."


Chen Ruo Yu's lips twitched, "If you respond in this manner, then I can only say that it is the same as determining whether or not a customer will sign an insurance policy. You see, like this, it is deliberately creating a sense of disparity between us."


"En." Meng Gu unexpectedly went "en". He ate some of the snacks and then subconsciously reached for the sake jug to pour himself a drink. Chen Ruo Yu swat his hand, so he dropped it and reached for the tea.


 "Where is the disparity? A policyholder can still cancel it after, a tumor can still recur, there is the same kind of risk probability. However, once it has been determined, aren't they the same?"


 "That seems a bit reasonable. But I still like the common and sentimental method of confirming it better." Chen Ruo Yu frowned, the first issue of having a doctor as a boyfriend has surfaced, why is he not romantic at all? Also by confirming whether the tumor is benign or malignant, is she a tumor?


Meng Gu smiled, put down his teacup, and suddenly leaned over and stretched his head, held her chin and kissed her lips.

Chen Ruo Yu who was distracted was startled, and lowered her voice and said, "Hey!" and quickly pushed him away and looked around, fortunately, they were seated in a hidden corner, so one was paying attention to them.


"What are you doing?"


"I am confirming it with you in the common and sentimental way."


"Truly loathsome, I am being serious."


"I am also being serious."


"You're not." Chen Ruo Yu still wanted to say something, but the waiter arrived with their noodles and vegetable side dishes, so she hurriedly sat up straight and corrected her expression.


Meng Gu looked at her and couldn't help laughing. Chen Ruo Yu glanced at him and then decided to put off the discussion for now and eat first. However, if she grabbed a side dish with her chopsticks, Meng Gu would rush over with his and steal it away.


Chen Ruo Yu finally couldn't help but ask with lips twitching, "Dr. Meng, presuming that we are currently in the pursuit stage, shouldn't you be making some allowances to show consideration?"

"Why do I feel that we are currently in the phase of love and affection?"


Is it that his love and affection involves robbing her of food?


"What kind of display of love and affection is this?" She rebuffed him.


"A man's display." He responded confidently.

She glared at him. He looked at her, smiled sweetly, and brought the last piece of the side dish he stole to her lips.

This kind of show of goodwill made her feel quite comfortable and she opened her mouth and ate it, but did not expect that he had secretly put on a lot of wasabi on it. The spiciness made her head feel numb and her eyes sting with tears as she coughed.

Meng Gu burst into laughter, pulled some tissues for her, and handed her tea.

Chen Ruo Yu was flustered, and she was so embarrassed as she wiped her tears. wu wuwu, she doesn't want this kind of boyfriend, she wants one who is gentle and considerate.

Meng Gu still laughing, brought a tissue and helped her to wipe her face while laughing at her.

After Chen Ruo Yu managed to calm down, she punched him twice. Meng Gu was still laughing while being beaten and asked her if she would like another side dish.

Chen Ruo Yu rolled her eyes, then brought out her small book and firmly wrote down a note about Meng Gu: childish, inconsiderate - no change.

Meng Gu stretched his neck to try to see what she was writing. She quickly closed it and prevented him from looking. Then she ignored him and continued to eat her food.

Meng Gu put the meat from his bowl in hers. She brazenly ate it. He put his egg in her bowl, and she again brazenly ate it without even sparing him a glance, she was still angry.

 When she finished eating her bowl of noodles, she raised her head and saw that Meng Gu had not moved at all, instead, he was smiling and staring at her.

She blushed a bit, "What are you looking at?" She was deliberately fierce, this stink man is always bullying her, she cannot be too polite with him.

"Looking at my girlfriend."

"Has anyone agreed yet?"

"Yes, just now we obviously came to an agreement to date with the premise of marriage."

"But you just teased me, so now I'm reconsidering it."

Meng Gu smiled and pinched her cheek, "A man bullying a woman he likes is a way of expressing his affection, is there anything not to understand?"

"Just like the bizarre way you, Boss Yin and Police officer Lei express your friendship? What kind of reasoning is this?"

"Men's reasoning."

Chen Ruo Yu lips twitched and she ignored him, "Obviously, you should treat your girlfriend better, gentler, be nice to her, listen to her words, give her whatever she wants..."

Meng Gu ignored her mutterings and used his chopsticks to pick a side dish and blocked her mouth.

Chen Ruo Yu ate it, then emptied her wine cup, and then opened her small book. She intended to carefully discuss with him about their plan and the issues between them.

But, how to go about discussing this matter?

If you plan out being in love, is it still being in love?

Retreating 10,000 steps, even if there is a plan, a plan cannot keep up with change. This is a universal law, and it is definitely applicable and wonderfully so in romance.

Thinking about it, originally she planned to pursue him, and she didn't succeed. Later, she planned on being friends with him, and that also didn't last long.

Therefore, making a dating plan is nonsense. To plan is -- just like the trick of asking to proof feelings, this sort thing is useless.

Then no plan, how should she go about ascertaining this with him?

How about she considers Lan Lan's experience had they talked about.

 Chen Ruo Yu looked at the small book and immediately remembered the main points from the discussions with Liang Sisi and Gao Yu Lan.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!