Ambiguous Relationship - Chapter 84

Published at 15th of July 2019 12:33:27 PM

Chapter 84

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Meng Gu and Chen Ruo Yu are getting married.

After a long series of negotiations, consultations, and discussions, Meng Gu finally pacified the parents of the two families, confirmed and finalized all the details. All matters regarding the monetary gift, betrothal gift, dowry, wedding banquet, honeymoon and the guest lists for the wedding banquet, etc., and all related issues had been discussed with no further objections.

The matters concerning giving birth to children, raising children, the choice of schools and the placement of the elderly, were all swept aside as Meng Gu suggested and he said that since these had yet to happen, so it should not be included in their discussion and as a result, no one mentioned it again.

The questions on whether to continue working or stay home as a housewife, the division of housework, delegation of financial power, delegation of other rights, were all private matters between husband and wife and since Meng Gu had said these issues were not within the scope of discussion with the elderly, so in the end, no one gave their opinion.

In short, when Dr. Meng brought out his charm and boldness in handling these matters and leading the discussion, the result was successful and satisfying.

Take for example the matter of agreeing to the date of the wedding. After a series of talks between the elderly from the two families, they finally agreed unanimously on a good day and said it was an auspicious date. Chen Ruo Yu had no objections but Meng Gu opposed it. Everyone wanted to know why and this gentleman, without any change in his expression, said. "That day is within Ruo Yu's menstrual period."

Suddenly, the elderly from the two families were shocked into silence. After a while, they reacted and everyone had red faces. Finally, they awkwardly said. "Then......we will choose again."

Chen Ruo Yu who was sitting beside them had not figured it out yet, so she quickly said. "It doesn't matter. Although it will be a bit inconvenient, I can endure it."

"I can't endure it." Meng Gu said.

Chen Ruo Yu frowned. What does her menstrual period have to do with him? Why does he need to endure it? After thinking for a long time, when everyone had finally agreed on a new date, it suddenly became clear to her. @#$%^&*! So embarrassing! She really wanted to pull Mr. Tyrannosaurus over to give him a good spanking on his ass. How can he speak like this?

Finally, after all the matters were settled, Chen Ruo You came to a conclusion. To be able to win in negotiations, it was necessary for a person to be thick-skinned and brave enough to speak up. So Chen Ruo Yu summoned up her courage and told her husband, Dr. Meng that their wedding photos should be taken after the wedding.

What is the meaning of this? How can wedding photos be taken only after the wedding? What about the portrait display at the wedding and the portrait display in the bridal chamber? Who holds a wedding without wedding portraits? Meng Gu was very unhappy.

Moreover, his Chen Ruo Yu did not help in dealing with the elderly of their two families regarding their wedding arrangements. She just drank tea, ate melon seeds and watched them, at the same time brazenly saying that she has Elder phobia. She said she was unable to handle the highly difficult task of convincing the elderly parents to coordinate in a harmonious relationship.

If she does not help, it does not matter but then, what is this additional chaos she is trying to stir up?

"There are so many of these celebration pictures that can be used at the wedding. Why do we have to use our wedding photos?" Chen Ruo Yu's words made Meng Gu think she was looking for excuses.

"Then what is the reason that you have for taking the photos after the wedding?"

"Because I want to give you a surprise."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!