Apocalypse Arrival - Chapter 114

Published at 1st of July 2022 12:36:13 PM

Chapter 114

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In the dark night, the man with three scars on his face was lying on the roof of the tall building, watching the situation in the town.

Quietly at the broken bridge at the mouth of the town, a grasshopper jumped out of the weeds, stopped on the bridge pole and flapped its wings.

His power was vision. Even at night, he could see everything in the distance clearly, any slight movement couldn’t hide from his eyes.

“Old Liao, they shouldn’t dare to come. It’s a pity that the ghost-headed demon’s crystal core is gone.”

They chose a very good location, condescending, and could basically see the situation in Gourd Town.

There was only one narrow exit in that town. If Chu Qianxun and others wanted to come in from outside the town, they would not escape his eyes.

“Huh, it’s cheaper for them,” the man named Old Liao rubbed his fingers regretfully, as if there was still a little touch left there.

That woman was really beautiful. Her eyes were clean, her skin was tender, she didn’t look like the women in the base at all. Although those women were easy to get, they were all dejected and lifeless.

The skinny Old Liao was a speed ability holder. Like Scar Man, neither of their abilities had any offensive power. After the doomsday came, it was difficult for them until they discovered Gourd Town, a small town with wonderful terrain.

They finally figured out a way to get something for nothing and get the crystal core easily.

There was no need to fight the demons hard, just stay in a safe place in the town,

Whenever a demon hunting squad entered the town, Scar Man would observe the battle from a distance.

After the squad had obtained the crystal cores through a desperate struggle, Old Liao used his super speed and familiarity with the terrain to draw out a large number of demons, use demons to kill the squad, and then rob them of the crystal cores.

In order to succeed smoothly, they lurked patiently every time, choosing those demon hunting teams that were injured and tired, who completely relaxed and started to rest.

Since the first time stepping on the bloody corpse of their own kind and easily obtaining the crystal cpres, the two who had tasted the sweetness had been there to do that vile and sinister deed every day.

Within a short period of time, they raised their level to the second-order peak.

“Forget it, it’s just a miscellaneous squad. What I care about is the crystal core in Feng Chengyu’s hand.” Old Liao turned his head and looked deep into the town, “It’s not so good. I’ve been fighting for a day, but I haven’t taken it. I don’t know what rank it is. It’s causing me to wait so long.”

In the dark night, a certain area in the town kept flashing dazzling blue light, obviously there was a fierce battle going on there.

Scar Man was jealous in his heart. He was also very greedy for this high-level demon species, but he didn’t dare to fight with Old Liao, so he was jealous.

“Old Liao, don’t worry, I saw that Feng Chengyu and Xin Ziming were both injured. Their entire team has been fighting for a day, and they are already at the end of the battle. When the demon falls, you can give them a surprise. The crystal core will definitely fall into our hands.”

Lao Liao smiled triumphantly, as if the crystal core was already in his pocket, “Hey, how can Feng Chengyu be more powerful? After working hard for a long time, won’t it be a waste?”

“Old Liao, when we get the crystal core, we should also go back to the base to take a rest. Both of us will find some women and relax.”

“Haha, it’s not easy for you to get a woman in the past. Women nowadays are easy to get. A few biscuits or a package of noodles, just toss as you like, it’s very cheap.”

Suddenly a round hole was opened in the ground downstairs of the building where they were.

Chu Qianxun’s head came out of the hole, she looked around, jumped out from the ground, and Ye Peitian followed her out.

There was a wireless walkie-talkie pinned to her waist, and Tu Yibai’s voice came from the headset.

“On the top of this building, two people are now standing in the northeast. Sister Qianxun, Brother Peitian, go from the southwest. It is not easy to be spotted from there.”

In the dark, Chu Qianxun was dressed in black, like a nocturnal cat, silently climbing up the southwest wall of the building.

Old Liao on the roof was talking, licking his lips, “Speaking of which, that girl was pretty good. If I have a chance to get her…”

Before he finished speaking, a hot liquid poured on him.

When he turned his head, he saw the man who was still chatting with him staring in horror, showing an expression of disbelief. A huge hole opened in his neck, and a lot of blood spurted out, splashing his face. 

Old Liao was shocked, and quickly wanted to retreat, but he didn’t know when his feet were submerged by yellow sand. He couldn’t control the speed of his body and fell on his back to the ground.

“Oh? Which girl was good just now?”

The woman in black who appeared suddenly like a ghost stepped on him with a foot, and the tip of the amber blade pressed against his throat.

“Just now, was it Sister Yan who you touched with that hand?” The woman tilted her head and smiled innocently.

“Misunderstanding, it is just a misunderstanding, ah–!”

The blade light flashed, and a broken arm flew up into the sky, and then a huge pain came from his shoulder.

Old Liao hugged his shoulder-length arm and laid on the ground and screamed like a pig.

His legs were tightly confined by the yellow sand, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t break free.

The girl in the moonlight was young and immature, with a simple face, but like a devil, she did not hesitate to cut his hand.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!