Apocalypse Arrival - Chapter 144

Published at 19th of August 2022 04:28:55 PM

Chapter 144

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When Yan Xue walked down from the second floor, she saw a glass of water on the dining table, and the living room and dining room were empty.

“Qianxun hasn’t come back yet?” She asked Gao Yan, who had just come out of the bedroom on the first floor.

“No? Didn’t she send Xin Ziming out?” Gao Yan walked to the table and poured herself a glass of water.

“Hehe, that Xin Ziming actually looks pretty good. He is so enthusiastic about Qianxun. Would Xiao Ye be jealous?”

“That’s for sure.” Gao Yan pproached Yan Xue’s ear, “Maybe he is hiding in the room and biting the corner of the quilt.”

The joking words of the girls passed through the thin door into the storage room separated from the dining room by a wall.

In that narrow space full of debris, Ye Peitian’s body was tense as he leaned against the wall, huddling with Chu Qianxun.

When he heard Gao Yan push the door open, he panicked for a while. Because he felt embarrassed to be seen by them, he pulled Qianxun into the storage room.

Unexpectedly, the two chatted in the dining room, and they didn’t mean to leave for a while. If he walked out at this time, he would be even more embarrassed.

Ye Peitian could only restrain himself desperately, not letting out any subtle voices.

Qianxun had to start messing things up. She was like a clever cat. She trapped him in the corner with her limbs, stuck out her small tongue, licked on his neck, and kissed him a little bit.

This was simply a kind of extreme torture, making him happy and in pain.

He turned his face away, closed his mouth tightly, hoping that Qianxun would let him go, and that she would never let him go.

She looked at the man in front of her. He leaned against the wall with his face sideways. The blush on his face spread all the way down his neck. When she kissed him, the eyelashes of his closed eyes couldn’t help shaking.

Originally, she didn’t intend to bully him, but his arrogant appearance was too seductive.

The voices of Gao Yan and Yan Xue were close at hand.

Chu Qianxun dropped kisses bit by bit, on his eyebrows, on his ears, on his cold lips.

Watching him flushed, watching him tremble slightly.

On such a night in the apocalypse, she got such precious happiness and joy.


Forgers who could smelt the shells of demons had a special ability. They could dissolve and reconsolidate any material.

However, in the process of making weapons and armors, in addition to using their ability, there were still many steps that required the use of industrial age furnaces, lathes and other equipment.

These large-scale equipment was not something that individuals could currently prepare. Therefore, basically every large base would provide a workshop dedicated to forging weapons for forgers.

The forger in Feng Chengyu’s team was there to create weapons for Chu Qianxun. He was a middle-aged man. After the apocalypse, he was favored by Feng Chengyu and Xin Ziming. They gathered the power of the team to train him to forge. Now he had made a small success.

Chu Qianxun patiently waited in the workshop for two days, and finally got her own weapon as she wished on that day.

The two knives were black and red, the black blade was thick, simple and unpretentious, and the red blade was blood-red and beautiful.

She tried the two blades, and when the handle of the main knife was inserted with the crystal core, there was even a sighing low voice in the air. At that moment, the blades of the two knives spread with white vein-like markings.

Excited, the casting division carefully handed the sword to Chu Qianxun’s hands, “This is the first time that such powerful blades have been made. I feel that it could continue to grow in battle.”

Chu Qianxun thanked him sincerely.

She held the blades, and danced with them, feeling a sense of joy.

With double blades on her waist, she walked back to her residence.

It was noon, and the sun was shining brightly in the sky.

Chu Qianxun raised her hand to block the dazzling sunlight in front of her.

The brilliant sun cast mottled lights and shadows on the earth.

Whenever there was light, there was shadow.

‘It was time to leave,’ she thought.

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