Apocalypse Arrival - Chapter 88

Published at 15th of June 2022 09:09:58 AM

Chapter 88

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“Give it to me. The conditions are up to you.” Tang Juan raised his hand, “What do you want for the crystal core? I have various weapons and armors made of second-order demons. Or do you have other needs, bullets, medicines? Both are fine.”

Chu Qianxun smiled, “Brother Tang, why didn’t you say that earlier? Unfortunately, I have already eaten that crystal core.”

Tang Juan’s face fell down, his eyes drooped, and when his eyes sank into the hole, he showed a vicious hooligan look.

Both Ye Peitian and Jiang Chengzhu subconsciously took a half step forward and stood in front of Chu Qianxun.

“Hey you guys don’t understand who is the boss of the base. Do you not want to live in the base?” Le He rolled up his sleeves and walked forward.

Tang Juan stretched out his hand to stop him, “I will borrow it from you, and double it back within a week.”

Chu Qianxun didn’t jump on, “I really ate it. Otherwise, when you say that, I would have given you a face.”

Tang Juan snorted coldly, then turned around and walked away.

Jiang Chengzhu whispered to Chu Qianxun disdainfully, “If he can’t get the crystal core by himself, why does he want others? From the first day I came here, he does not look pleasing to my eyes.”

Chu Qianxun smiled, “As long as he doesn’t grab it, his attitude won’t matter.”

A gentle-looking middle-aged man walked over. He stretched out his hand to Chu Qianxun and smiled gently, “I heard your name a long time ago, but I only met you today for the first time. My surname is Jiang, Jiang Yuanshan. I was a teacher at this school so everyone still calls me Sir Jiang.”

Chu Qianxun reached out and shook his hand politely.

“I’ve seen everything just now.” Sir Jiang said, with an educator’s politeness and elegance, which made it difficult for people to resent him, “Don’t mind, Ah Jang is a little bit tempered. He is not malicious.”

“I’m not angry. How can I be angry with Brother Tang?” Chu Qianxun smiled.

As long as Tang Juan didn’t try to grab her things, she wouldn’t be angry.

Similarly, of course she would not relax her vigilance against Tang Juan just because of Sir Jiang’s words.

A smiling person like Jiang Yuanshan couldn’t move her.

She herself could put on a harmless smile whenever she needed to.

In a corner of the market, the screaming voice of a woman caught everyone’s attention.

“My dear, what’s wrong with you?” The woman shook the man next to her desperately.

“Oh…Kill…Oh…hit me!” The man pinched his neck with both hands. His eyeballs were protruding as green liquid spit out from his mouth, and a vague sound came from his throat.

In the next instant, his abdomen suddenly swelled up, his eyes rolled to white, his back split open, and six slender, branched arms creaked.

“Demonized, someone is demonized! Help!”

“Someone failed to upgrade with the crystal core again.”

The woman slumped on the ground. They used all their belongings in exchange for a crystal core. When her man ate the crystal core, he smiled and promised her that he would become stronger soon. They could live a better life and not be hungry.

The sudden great change made her limp on the ground, her limbs trembled, and she didn’t know how to face it all.

The man who had become a “demon” turned his head. His pale pupils looked toward her, and the mucus in his mouth was dripping on the floor in front of her.

At this moment, a soft hand stretched out from behind and covered her eyes. At the same time, a sharp blade pierced through the air, and a hot liquid gradually reached her.

“Don’t look,” before she lost consciousness, she heard a woman’s voice in her ears.

When Jiang Yuanshan ran over, Chu Qianxun had solved the battle cleanly.

The huge body of the man who had been demonized was split in half and scattered on the ground, with a dirty liquid flowing between the roads of the market.

Chu Qianxun, who was young, seemed very accustomed to the things in front of her. She shook the liquid on the blade in her hand and handed the woman who had fainted on her to Jiang Yuanshan, “Take care of her, Sir Jiang.”

Jiang Yuanshan recruited medical staff from the base and entrusted the woman to it.

“Miss Chu, you are admirable,” Jiang Yuanshan said with emotion.

He looked at the blade in Chu Qianxun’s hand, “You blades, I’m afraid it is useless. There are a number of weapons specially built for powerful people like you in the base. Would you like to see it?”

Chu Qianxun followed Jiang Yuanshan to an independent warehouse above the trading market.

“These are all parts taken from the body of the demon. The base personnel have carried out special research, development and transformation to produce various weapons.” Jiang Yuanshan walked, introducing the various weapons on the shelf, “They are not circulated and sold on the market, and only the core personnel within the organization were given priority to pick it up carefully.”

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