Published at 15th of April 2024 05:37:02 AM

Chapter 08: Social Warning, Everyone is Shocked

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Chapter 08 Social Warning, Everyone is Shocked

More than two hours quickly passed since the Skynet Operation show had begun.

Ive got one, Wu Mingyu, the team leader of team two suddenly proclaimed.

Really? So soon? Zhang Xingchen, whose eyes were slightly red from diligently observing the monitor, couldnt help but utter his surprise.

Mingyu is quite skillful. His key strength lies in his ability to meticulously analyze even when the monitor is operating at sixteen times the speed, Jiang Youshan, laughing, directed his appreciative gaze toward Wu Mingyu.

I just have a slightly better memory, Wu Mingyu humbly responded with a grin.

Remarkable. My operation is about to launch as well. Leng Ming chuckled, leaning back in his chair, a hint of competitive spirit on his face. Looks like our face-off is about to commence.

Young folks are always up for a fight, but experience has its own spice. The usually solemn Jiang Youshan allowed himself a rare moment of humor. Yet, it revealed his indomitable spirit.

On the same platform, save for Zhang Xingchen, all were top-notch investigators of the world. Even Zhang Xingchen, while perhaps not on their level, had an elite team under his command that was not to be underestimated.

Facing off against such top-tier members, Jiang Youshan, despite his advancing age, was filled with interest. This intriguing challenge ignited his competitive spirit.

I sense a whiff of tension in the air.

The face-off has started, haha. Things are about to get exciting.

Last season was like a battle of the gods. Ultimately, the experienced ones held the upper hand. Elder Jiang Youshan clinched the top spot. I wonder who will emerge as the champion this time around.

The live stream from the command center room boasted the highest number of viewers, reaching a staggering eighty million. An extraordinarily astounding figure. At this very moment, countless viewers were flooding the live broadcast with comments.

As Wu Mingyu nabbed the first fugitive, the battle was well and truly underway.

Haha, Ive found a trace of Fugitive No. 33, Zhang Xingchen, engrossed in the monitor, suddenly exclaimed in excitement.The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

Zhang Xingchen momentarily froze, his face clouding over.


No way, this poor girl lost 500 yuan without even noticing it. And then, because she admitted to being Zhang Xingchens fan, she lost another 500 yuan. This is just too hilarious. Zhang Xingchens fans really have it tough. On top of that, the thief had the audacity to claim shes a good person at the end.

I cant stop laughing! I know this fugitive, hes number 33. While other fugitives are frantically trying to escape, hes busy stealing. Is this what a real fugitive is like?

Miss, are you watching the live broadcast? How dumbfounded are you feeling right now?

At this moment, millions of viewers in the live broadcast couldnt contain their laughter. This scene was simply too comical.


Within the command center room, the producer said solemnly, Its not over yet, lets continue.

Immediately, six images emerged on the big screen, each displaying the same figure, committing the same crime with the same method, and none of them failed.

By using simple language and quick sleight of hand, in a little over two hours, he managed to make off with seven thousand yuan. Its mind-boggling, the producer said with a grave expression.

It indeed warrants everyones attention. The method is swift, but it can be replicated. From the actions of this fugitive, the success rate is nearly 100%, Jiang Youshan added gravely, addressing the camera, If youre a small shop owner, would you be able to react to this speed, to this situation? Imagine your days income casually swiped away. How would you feel? Against such situations, everyone must stay alert and vigilant.

Jiang Youshans words left everyone watching the livestream deep in thought, their faces reflecting a newfound seriousness.

What if they were the ones manning the cash register? The result would probably mirror what was seen in the video.

With over a dozen successful thefts, none of them failing, the situation was becoming quite terrifying.

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