Published at 15th of April 2024 05:49:57 AM

Chapter 101: Twelve Experts Join, Perfect Counter, Crucial Clue! (1)

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Chapter 101 Twelve Experts Join, Perfect Counter, Crucial Clue! (1)

Fight on!

The taunting voice echoed in the front of the factory as over three hundred program officers and six captains watched the audacious figure drive away. They dared not intercept, only able to quietly observe. Exchange a criminals life for the lives of six program officers? Clearly, it was not feasible.

Kolyev rubbed his face with both hands, his expression filled with helplessness and bitterness.

Powerlessness, helplessness, anger, and resignation were evident in their demeanor as they each took a deep breath.

How many brothers did we lose this time? Wu Yaoming asked somberly, addressing a squad leader of the program inspection team.

Captain, weve lost thirty-three brothers and severely wounded seven, the squad leader replied solemnly.This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

Forty brothers eliminated, Wu Mingyu couldnt help but sigh, his voice trembling slightly.

In the past, my failed command led several of my colleagues into danger, and it took me years to recover from that. Although this is just a show, Im getting older, and I want to live a few more years, said Jiang Youshan with a forced smile, waving his hand at them. You young people go ahead, I cant deny my age anymore.

With that, he walked away.

Senior Jiang Youshan, Wu Mingyu and Wu Yaoming called out, their expressions changing slightly, unable to hide their concern.

Jiang Youshan waved his hand again, signaling them not to say anything further. He had already expressed his intention to step back. Now, he walked away.

With age, his deep involvement in this program made it easy for him to get lost in it. Emotions became harder to manage. Anger came quickly, discontent lingered, and his feelings often ran beyond his control. He no longer had the resilience to endure such turmoil.

The program officers watched Jiang Youshans departing figure, their hearts filled with mixed feelings. Just like the former Captain Hong Feng, he too left the program under the weight of immense setbacks.


Senior Jiang Youshan stepped down This is really unexpected!

Senior Jiang Youshan was a retired international police officer. Todays situation is no different from reality in his eyes. The blow was too much for him, with thirty to forty program officers injured or killed.

Big Brother was too ruthless this time, too arrogant. His revenge was too fierce!

Yes, it was a terrifying suppression, a suffocating one. Big Brothers arrangement in the factory was horrifying. And most importantly, he kept himself out of the picture!

He was always outside, watching everything, controlling everything, already in an unbeatable position!

The main thing is that Big Brother got his hands on a disguise mask. Two captains were taken out by Big Brother, and two captains withdrew voluntarily. Is there anyone left who can handle Big Brother?

The viewers watching the live broadcast discussed. They were utterly shocked by Wang Yuns actions and strategies today.

More than three hundred program officers were unable to handle them. It was evident how terrifying they were.

Lets have a toast, Wang Yun said with a smile, raising his glass.


What is this?


Are these guys supreme bandits? The ones who just killed over thirty officers? They seem to be living the high life!

Big Brother and his crew have disguise masks. Theyre really living it up now!

Now that they have these masks and real identities, how are they going to be caught? Its too difficult!

Big Brother and his team are just too cool, even drinking Moutai!

The livestream viewers watched as Wang Yun and his henchmen indulged in drinks and a table full of delicacies, commenting incredulously. They might just be the most audacious peerless bandits in the world.

It seems new captains are about to arrive. I wonder who theyll be!

The current captains are quite formidable, but Big Brother is just too outrageous!

Looking forward to the new captains arriving tomorrow to discipline Big Brother and his crew. Theyre too arrogant, and the program officers have suffered too much!

These were the comments buzzing in the livestream.

That evening, Wang Yun, using his own identity documents, found a bed and breakfast that could accommodate seven people and settled down for the night.

Time flew by, and the next morning arrived. In the program task force room, the five chief inspectors gathered early, and Captain Jiang Youshan formally announced his departure from the team.

Just wait a bit, captains. Several new members will be arriving shortly, said a staff member.

Wu Mingyu and the others nodded, sitting quietly, waiting. Yesterdays failure was a massive blow to them. It was a defeat for the entire task force. With their capabilities, the chances of capturing Wang Yun seemed incredibly slim.

As time ticked by, half an hour later, the door opened, and a middle-aged man dressed in a suit entered. He scanned the captains inside and nodded in greeting. Following him were three young men carrying laptops, who also smiled and greeted the captains.

But it didnt end there. Behind them were six more young people and two middle-aged men, one of whom was using a cane.

Hmm? There are quite a few people this time? Kolyev looked at the group of newcomers with a surprised expression on his face. He squinted slightly, sizing up each individual.

Wu Mingyu and the others were also slightly taken aback, observing the arrival of over a dozen people.

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