Published at 15th of April 2024 05:49:56 AM

Chapter 102: A New Confrontation, Bold and Proactive, Strike First!

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Chapter 102 A New Confrontation, Bold and Proactive, Strike First!

Whoa seriously? Theyve already locked onto a crucial clue?

The Death Factory game actually has tracking capabilities? Was the main purpose of creating this game to get the program officers to download it and then locate them?

Good heavens, theyve just joined and already achieved such results?

This team seems specifically created to counter Big Brother perfectly. This Now Big Brother might actually be in danger!

Wow, I always thought Big Brother was too strong, unbeatable. But now, in the blink of an eye, a team capable of countering Big Brother has appeared. Especially that Hong Jian from Nancheng Bank, he actually left a trap on the currency?

All the viewers watching the livestream were visibly shocked by this development.

This was a team perfectly designed to counter Wang Yun. Most importantly, the traps in the Death Factory game were discovered by the three members of the Red Hacker Alliance. Also, it turned out that the two million in currency carried traps.

Such a formidable and terrifying team, along with five chief inspectors made capturing Wang Yun feasible.

Very good, haha, impressive, impressive! I didnt expect you all to be so capable, Kolyev laughed heartily, looking at his team members with a face full of joy. Lets first confirm whether Wang Yun and his team have human skin masks, and then proceed with the next steps. Apprentice, check the surveillance around that factory from yesterday, examine those materials, find out where and how Wang Yun and his team purchased them,

Yes, Ames immediately nodded and responded enthusiastically.

Lets investigate together. The materials for the traps in the factory yesterday must have been personally selected by them. They couldnt have had someone else purchase them on their behalf. If they bought them themselves, they would inevitably be caught on surveillance, and theres no escaping that!

Lets dive into the surveillance footage of the stores near the factory.

The three members of the Red Hacker Alliance spoke up and immediately began their search.

Well check the road surveillance, Wu Mingyu instructed the rooms staff.

The team promptly commenced their examination.

After about fifteen minutes, a young member of the Red Hacker Alliance announced, Found something. Yesterday, two people purchased a large amount of materials. Lock onto their figures, and analyze the proportions based on the surrounding environment. Ive already sent the data to the screen up front. Take a look.

Following this, the figures captured by the surveillance were projected onto a screen in the room. Beside them, data on two other figures was displayed, including height and approximate weight.

The silhouette of that young man is very similar to Wang Yun, and the other one wearing a helmet closely matches the build of Hu Sanqing, Wu Mingyu exclaimed, his eyes shining with excitement.

In the vicinity of the factory, the only ones who bought a large quantity of materials that matched those used in the traps were those two. It must be Wang Yun and Hu Sanqing, and they have disguise masks, the young member of the Red Guest Alliance declared.

Where did they get those disguise masks? Could it be that they already obtained them from that young driver the night before? How is that possible? That young driver has been under our surveillance the whole time, Wu Yaoming expressed his confusion aloud.

Not all of it was under our surveillance, Ying Yuezis face showed a contemplative expression, On the roads, many areas are not covered by our surveillance.

But, even though some roads are not under our surveillance, we calculated based on the vans speed, and that young drivers van didnt show any significant speed change, Wu Yaoming said, his brows immediately furrowing. Could it be that Wang Yun had already considered this as well?

Its possible. Knowing that we had locked onto the delivery driver, Wang Yun wouldnt let us know that he obtained the materials for the disguise masks. Moreover, with the seven subordinates hes recruited, he would only need about ten kilograms of disguise mask materials, which seems a bit less. We could send someone to investigate the city where the young driver bought the materials, Wang Yue suggested.

No need for that. If Wang Yun managed to get the disguise mask materials from the driver before you, then he definitely either rode or drove a car. Lets hack into the mobile phones of all the car owners who were on the roads that night, within a certain timeframe, and check their dashcam recordings, a member of the Red Hacker alliance proposed, immediately starting the search.

Thats even better, Ying Yuezi nodded in agreement.

As time ticked by, minute by minute, half an hour later, the confirmed news came in, We found it. Two car owners were hijacked. They met the van on a road segment without surveillance, took some items from inside the van, and then the van sped off and continued its journey.

Hey, the Skynet Operation program has issued another reward notice. Just report a bill with a specific serial number to the task force and you could win two hundred thousand.

Two hundred thousand, wow. It seems Big Brothers new identity might be exposed soon!

Meanwhile, in a hotel breakfast room, Wang Yun sat eating his breakfast. Suddenly, the buzz of conversation around him caught his attention.

The content of a nearby discussion made him stiffen, a look of astonishment crossing his face. His expression changed rapidly as he immediately took out his phone to check some information.

This phone, purchased under his new identity, had some restrictions placed on it by the program team, blocking information from the task force. However, this reward notice was not within the blocked content since it was released to the public.

Wang Yuns face turned grim as he read the reward notice from the program task force.

The serial numbers of those bills were actually recorded, this Nancheng Bank

Looking at the information, his eyes filled with a cold hue. The situation with the currency had taken an unexpected turn, completely catching him off guard. He hadnt considered this possibility at all. In the past two days, he had already spent quite a bit of that money.

Once this reward notice spread, his current appearance, as well as the faces of his subordinates, would be exposed. And he was using a face with a legitimate identity. This meant that this particular appearance of his would be revealed.

This program inspection team really shouldnt be underestimated, Wang Yun mused.

He took out his laptop and immediately accessed a page to check the virus he had injected through the game. When he saw that the information on it had completely disappeared, his eyes narrowed sharply.

The phone is either turned off, or the SIM card has been removed. The virus I added to the Death Factory game is extremely covert and uncrackable. But how did they discover it?

Wang Yun frowned slightly as he stared at the computer screen.

There must be computer experts in the program task force, and not just one, Wang Yun quickly concluded.

Knowing his own god-level hacking skills, which ranked him among the worlds top in computer technology, the fact that he was still discovered suggested only one possibilitythe program inspection team had several world-class computer experts.

Only they could possibly contend with his level of expertise.

The factory incident the day before yesterday must have prompted the addition of some new Captains and experts to the program task force, Wang Yun deduced confidently.

And this increase was likely substantial.

My crimes are already quite terrifying. If they were for real, what kind of weapons and what kind of people would be used to deal with me? Wang Yun pondered, his mind racing with thoughts.

He knew that the efforts to arrest him would definitely escalate. If this was reality, the situation would likely involve the deployment of helicopters and even more elite personnel. But what specifically they would use was something Wang Yun could not determine just by thinking.

However, he needed to consider all these possibilities.

Moreover, soon, Brother Hu and their groups faces would be exposed. This meant their disguise masks would lose their effectiveness.

What should I do next? Wang Yun muttered to himself, sitting there pondering. The situation was becoming tricky. He still had disguise masks and could change his own appearance, but what about Brother Hu and the other six?

He didnt have enough disguise masks for all of them to switch. Should he instruct them to hide? To temporarily retreat?

Soon, a chilling determination appeared in Wang Yuns eyes as he continued to mutter to himself, If you strike first, you gain the advantage, if you strike later, you suffer. Since weve been discovered, we cant stay this passive. If the program task force has brought in new experts, then lets play a game with them.

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