Published at 15th of April 2024 05:49:54 AM

Chapter 104: Six Kills, Shocking Chain of Traps, Clash of the Strong! (1)

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Chapter 104 Six Kills, Shocking Chain of Traps, Clash of the Strong! (1)

666! Although the trucks trap was somewhat obvious, the fact that the two experts discovered it in advance shows their strength!

Indeed, the vigilance of the two experts is remarkable. They got out of the car early to survey the surroundings aw managed to avert danger for the officers. Surely some officers would have been hurt if they hadnt done so.

It seems that countermeasures are effective. Today, Wang Yuns traps might just fail!

In the livestream, as the audience witnessed the large truck rushing forward and being spotted by experts Hao Jiancheng and Wu Hua, they bombarded the chat with messages. Regardless, the discovery of the first trap was a small victory for the program inspection team. The effectiveness of the two experts in countering Wang Yuns tactics was already evident.

Hmm? A trap right upon arrival?

It looks like Wang Yun already knows about the reward offer. He even set up a trap right at the entrance of the residential area. Damn, thats audacious!

In the programs special task force room, Caaptaon Wu Mingyu and others watched the scene with cold expressions in their eyes.

Does he really think he can do the same thing as last time at the factory? Does he believe we are so easily manipulated? Kolyev said irritably, his eyes flashing with fierceness.

Now that weve been discovered, I wonder if Wang Yun and his group are still in the Nanshan Ju residential area, and whether there are more traps inside? Wang Yue furrowed her brows slightly as she observed the scene.

Although the first wave of traps was neutralized by the two experts, this was by no means good news for the program task force. It suggested that Wang Yun and his group might have already left the area.

Should we continue to enter the residential area? If we proceed further, we might encounter more traps, asked Ying Yuezi with a worried expression.

We must go in. If not today, then well have to tomorrow. We cant always know theyre in a residential area and be too scared of traps to enter, Wu Yaoming frowned, Right now, we cant be sure whether Wang Yun and his subordinates have already left this area.

Indeed, we must check it out, agreed Wu Mingyu, albeit somewhat reluctantly.

If they refrain from entering due to traps this time, would they do the same next time? They must overcome this hurdle.

Experts Hao Jiancheng, Wu Hua, are you feeling any pressure?

However, it was a tad too late. The two officers who were removing the banner casually tossed it aside. Hearing Wu Huas shout, they were momentarily stunned.

Suddenly, they felt something pouring down from above. A deluge of water drenched the six inspectors surrounding the vehicle. Taken aback by this sudden turn of events, the six members slowly looked up, their expressions turning bewildered and alarmed.

Wu Huas own face paled as he quickly approached the scene, his gaze intensely focused on something beside them. Among the water that had splashed down, there was also a piece of paper. He walked over and picked it up. Although the paper was soaked through, four words were still discernible, Hehe, its a rock!

Yes, just those four words. Implying that the water could have easily been replaced with stones.

If what had just fallen had been stones, what would have been the outcome?

You would have been dead, Wu Hua said with a changing expression, taking a deep breath as he addressed the six program officers.

This was the grim reality of the situation.

What? one of the officers uttered in shock, his face reflecting the horror of the realization.

They were already dead? They had merely removed a banner from a car. A banner that had been draped over the windshield, blinding their view. Such a simple action. Yet, this very act had triggered a mechanism?

Darn it, this trap

Hao Jiancheng also rushed over, examining the banner above, his face was filled with dismay.

A series of interconnected traps. Even if the big truck charging toward us hadnt hit any of the officers, it would have caused their vehicles to crash into the nearby building, hitting the banner fluttering in the air. The falling banner would cover the vehicles, obstructing the drivers view. In such a situation, anyone would naturally remove the banner and place it aside. But just by doing so, it would have pulled on a string above and trigger the mechanism and causing objects above to fall.

Hao Jiancheng continued, shivering slightly, Each trap linked to the next, making it impossible to guard against.

Incredible, Wu Hua muttered darkly, his face a mix of awe and self-reproach, I realized it too late. At the beginning, I didnt pay any attention to that banner.

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