Published at 15th of April 2024 05:36:54 AM

Chapter 14: The Bath Emperor, His Nightlife is Too Rich

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Chapter 14 The Bath Emperor, His Nightlife is Too Rich

Welcome to the Emperors Clubhouse Bath.

When this crisp, pleasing voice echoed throughout the Skynet Operation live broadcast, all the viewers were taken aback.

Whats happening?

Is there some mistake? A club bath center?

This this is the live stream from Fugitive No. 33, Wang Yun. Its him, its really him!

Youre kidding me. Hes at the Emperors Clubhouse Bath? The minimum expense for a night here is a thousand, its one of our premium bath centers in the south district.

The viewers were visibly confused, as were Shen Hao and Liu Qingqing, who stared blankly at the unfolding scene. This was completely unexpected.

Indeed, at this moment, Wang Yun had entered the Emperors Clubhouse Bath.

Wang Yun didnt know about this place initially, but his taxi driver did. Despite his inability to check into a hotel, he still had places to take a breather, one was a karaoke bar, and the other, a bath center. Both places didnt require any identification, which was why Wang Yun chose a rather upscale bath center.

He walked straight through the main hall and directly to the service desk.

Sir, do you have a membership card? If its your first visit, you could apply for one. Here are our package prices.

The front desk attendant inquired enthusiastically. Wang Yun glanced upwards and arched an eyebrow.

Ill take the Emperors Bath package. No membership card, Ill pay in cash.

He directly pulled out cash and handed it over.

Emperors Bath package? That would be 4888 for the night, which includes a steam bath, sauna, massage bath, essential oil massage, Thai massage, and over a dozen other services. This package also includes an individual luxury suite with a gourmet breakfast. May I know your name?

They had just finished watching other fugitives, finding humor in their grim nightly routines. But when they switched to fugitive number 33s livestream, he was indulging in the 4888 Emperors Bath. Who wouldnt envy such joy?

Mr. Wang is outstanding.

If the other fugitives knew how fugitive number 33 is living, theyd probably be sick with envy.

This isnt a fugitives life, this is the life of the Bath Emperor.

Numerous netizens expressed their envy.


Wow Mr. Wang certainly knows how to live, Shen Hao uttered, visibly shocked.

Hes really living it up. But this fugitive number 33, Wang Yun, is seriously impressive. Hes managed to evade Captain Zhang Xingchen twice, even nabbing seven thousand yuan from stores in the process, Liu Qingqing added, equally amazed.

This Mr. Wang is daring, taking the road less traveled. Going to the bath center requires no identification. A clever choice. The officers wouldnt think to look there, Shen Hao exclaimed once more.

With his capabilities, can he indulge in this every day? Liu Qingqing wondered aloud.

I doubt it. Mr. Wang can probably only enjoy this today. A warning has been issued, and getting money this way wont be as easy. Shen Hao shook his head.

Youre right, our show has a wide reach. If he tries to steal money again, it wont be so simple, Liu Qingqing agreed.

Meanwhile, across various platforms, the lifestyle of these fugitives, particularly fugitive number 33, Wang Yun, caused a huge stir. It even topped the trending list.

Soon, Wang Yun earned the title of the strongest fugitive from the Skynet Operation program and got dubbed the Bath Emperor. After the Wang Yun alert, the name Wang Yun once again reverberated throughout the internet.

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