Published at 15th of April 2024 05:36:45 AM

Chapter 18: Over Four Hundred Thousand in Two Hours

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Chapter 18 Over Four Hundred Thousand in Two Hours

Listen, is this even human language?

Hes out of his mind.

A lawless fanatic.

All the viewers in the livestream heard Wang Yuns words and responded with speechless ridicule.

Wang Yun, unaware of the viewers mockery, was at the Tianyun market and he headed straight toward the seafood section. The seafood area adjacent to the vegetable section and separated by a few hundred meters, was his next target. Upon his arrival, Wang Yun started his calm, methodical search for new victims.

Patience was paramount in his hunt.

A heavy-set man clutching a bag.

A young man carrying a bag.

A woman with a purse slung over her shoulder.

A young woman with a wallet in her pocket.

Wang Yun wandered through the seafood area, purchasing a large lobster along the way. This time, he spent a solid twenty minutes pinpointing over a dozen victims.The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

Lets get started.

Once the victims were identified, Wang Yun began his operation.

The seafood area had fewer customers, making the task somewhat more challenging. It was a test of Wang Yuns skills, but for him, the difficulty was still minimal.

His Shadowless Knife technique and his elusive methods of operation resulted in a series of massacres.

His hunt progressed smoothly. The yield here, compared to the vegetable area, was indeed much more substantial.

Four thousand one hundred, not bad.

Three thousand nine hundred, decent.

This is insanity! The sound of a police siren can be heard. Are they coming to arrest him? Didnt the shows team handle things properly?

Absolutely insane. Comparing his actions in the store yesterday with today, the latter is just childs play. With all these covert operations, did he not earn four to five hundred thousand in just one hour?

Over four hundred thousand at the very least, not to mention the damaged bags were also worth over three hundred thousand.

The viewers in the livestream were on the edge of their seats, the level of madness was unprecedented.

In just one hour, he had made damages of over seven hundred thousand. Everyone was flabbergasted by Wang Yuns tactics and his earnings. It was simply too unbelievable. Even the sound of a police siren could be heard in the end.

Hadnt the production team handled the aftermath? Indeed, at that moment, two members of the crew were frantically trying to manage the situation.

When they arrived at the vegetable area, someone had already alerted the police. They went over to explain, but many people had lost their money and still needed to make purchases.

The two staff members were left with no choice but to report back to the program team.

Furthermore, the bags that Wang Yun had destroyed had to be evaluated for damages. This wasnt an easy task as the victims of the theft were noticeably upset.

The staff promptly submitted a request for compensation to the program team on their behalf. They were at their wits end. They were on the brink of a meltdown.

Upon hearing the sirens of the approaching police cars, their problems only seemed to multiply. They rushed to manage the situation. Their faces turned grim, especially upon learning that more than a dozen people had called the police, reporting a significant loss and destruction of property.

This is going to be the end of us, they lamented. In frustration, they sucked in a sharp breath.

Unaware of the unfolding chaos inside the Tianyun Market, Wang Yun had left the wallets and documents hed obtained with the gatekeeper and promptly exited in a taxi.

Looking out of the window, he noticed four or five police cars parked along the roadside.

Wang Yun chuckled to himself. His haul this time around had been impressive. In addition, he had scored shock value points of four hundred thousand, far exceeding his expectations.

The taxi brought him to a luxury goods acquisition center. To his surprise, the watch, gold necklace, and piece of jewelry were appraised at four hundred and ten thousand.

He decided not to sell them. After all, he had already accumulated forty thousand in cash from this operation. Having too much cash on hand would only be inconvenient.

By the time all of this was sorted, it was already noon. Wang Yun, carrying a hefty lobster, headed to a seafood restaurant, ready to indulge in a grand feast.

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