Published at 15th of April 2024 05:36:43 AM

Chapter 20: Going All Out, Weapons Deployed, Wang Yuns End is Nigh

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Chapter 20 Going All Out, Weapons Deployed, Wang Yuns End is Nigh

Brilliant! An escalation in the arrest level, prioritizing capture, this seasons Skynet Operation is taking an interesting turn.

Wang Yun is quite the outlaw, isnt he? Playing the fugitive and committing crimes to boot, but Im intrigued.

The livestream audience, upon hearing the producers new ruling, became instantly electrified. No one had anticipated the emergence of such a formidable character.

Upping Wang Yuns arrest level and making his capture a priority? Sounds fair. Hong Feng nodded in agreement.

Before we proceed, theres another announcement. We, the producer team, have decided to issue an alert, the director suddenly interjected.

Oh? A warning? Shen Hao turned, surprise etched across his face, Shouldnt it be a social warning? How did it turn into an alert?New novel chapters are published on

Its a new decision weve made, the producer replied.

Is it due to Wang Yun again? Shen Hao asked, aghast.

Indeed. Because of our fugitive Wang Yun, were issuing a warning. This isnt a general warning to the public, but a warning specifically aimed at all thieves.

He looked at the camera. Wang Yuns thieving skills are nothing short of phenomenal. He may have managed to steal over 400,000, but under the all-seeing Skynet, his actions can still be easily traced. To all you thieves, or those considering it, ponder this: if youre found out, its a prison for you, he cautioned.

Xingchen, whats your plan? Shen Hao inquired, looking puzzled.

I dont have much of a plan. Based on what Ive read and what Ive learned from the other team leaders, in reality, capturing Wang Yun wont be that difficult, Zhang Xingchen assured him. He then pulled out an object from the table and raised it in his hand. This is a stun gun, currently used by some city police. It has a range of six meters and generates a 50,000-volt high-voltage T-wave with a low current ranging from 3.6ma to 1.6ma. It delivers high-frequency shocks to the human body, causing motor nerves to short-circuit and immobilize the target while not harming other nerves and organs. Once hit, the target wont be able to move. Wang Yun may be strong and fast, but how will he fare against a stun gun? As for getting close to him, thats even simpler. I can have my officers wear plain clothes. By approaching him inconspicuously and shooting him at close range, do you think hell be able to run?

Zhang Xingchen calmly continued, Furthermore, out of respect for the fugitive Wang Yun, I plan to deploy two elite officers and ten regular officers on motorcycles for his pursuit. As soon as I spot him on surveillance, he wont stand a chance.

Goodness, Captain Xingchen, youre pulling out all the stops. Ten regular officers, two elite officers, plainclothes officers, stun guns, and motorcycles. It seems like youre hell-bent on apprehending Wang Yun this time. Shen Hao exclaimed in surprise, upon hearing Zhang Xingchens detailed plan.

Thats reality. When a fugitive manages to escape multiple times and commits crimes in the process, this level of force is quite standard for the police. In fact, if the fugitive has been violent, we could potentially use live ammunition instead of stun guns. But considering Wang Yun hasnt harmed anyone, the use of stun guns is perfectly reasonable, Jiang Youshan added.

The team leaders all nodded in agreement. When it comes to arresting fugitives, the police always have the upper hand, be it in terms of weapons or equipment.

However, upon hearing their words, the viewers in the live stream were taken aback, with four words surfacing in their minds, Wang Yun is finished!


Im not too sure about the stun guns specs, if they make sense, or if theyre right. I didnt search the web to check either. Sorry!

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