Published at 15th of April 2024 05:36:42 AM

Chapter 21: A Million Shock Value Points, Buy and Upgrade Yourself Fully

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Chapter 21 A Million Shock Value Points, Buy and Upgrade Yourself Fully

Damn, twelve officers, two elite officers, plainclothes officers, stun guns, and motorcycles. How is Wang Yun supposed to play with this?

This? This is an all-out attack. Just a single plainclothes officer with a stun gun could completely take down Wang Yun.

Its over. Wang Yuns days are numbered. Did the producer decide to retaliate because Wang Yun was burning through too much of the shows budget?

Who could possibly withstand this? If Wang Yun decided to hide, itd be fine. But once Captain Zhang Xingchen locates him on surveillance, its all over. Theres no possible escape.

I was hoping to watch Wang Yuns impressive performances for a few more days, but is it ending already?

In the livestream of the command center room, all the viewers were slightly taken aback when they heard Zhang Xingchen and the others conversation. With Zhang Xingchens current strategy in place, how could Wang Yun possibly escape? It seemed like an inescapable situation. Things were looking grim for Wang Yun.

I am going to start searching for Wang Yuns whereabouts now. Turn on the surveillance for Tianyun Market, Zhang Xingchen declared, his face brimming with determination.

He was aware that capturing Wang Yun might take some time and make him fall behind the other team leaders. But as long as he could arrest Wang Yun, he would consider himself successful, even if he was lagging behind.

At this point, he wasnt competing with the other team leaders anymore.

Some viewers, after witnessing Zhang Xingchens full force, commented furiously.

Even though Wang Yun is quite formidable, he stands no chance against such a force. I hope Wang Yun manages to evade surveillance and keep a low profile.

However, many of Zhang Xingchens fans showed their support for him in his endeavor to arrest Wang Yun.

The other four team leaders continued to arrest their own fugitives, taking a more relaxed approach. They didnt seem to show too much concern, regarding Wang Yun. Because as things were, they didnt regard criminals of Wang Yuns caliber seriously.

The truly terrifying ones were those involved in intelligent crimes, while the ones who relied on physical prowess were relatively easier to manage.


Ding, congratulations, host, on gaining a thousand shock value points.

Ding, congratulations, host, on gaining two thousand shock value points.

Use two hundred and twenty thousand shock value points to increase my Intelligence, Wang Yun immediately decided.

Ding, exchange successful, the hosts Intelligence increased by 22.

The surge in IQ gave Wang Yun a feeling of mental clarity, and some long-forgotten memories reemerged vividly in his mind. With an IQ of 147, he was now considered a genius in the eyes of ordinary people.

But in this world, above geniuses, there were many more beings of monstrous intellect.

Nevertheless, an IQ of 147 was already incredibly high. Even the elite students from several top domestic universities didnt possess a higher IQ than Wang Yun.

At this moment, a concern flashed through his mind.

Ive disrupted and acquired goods of hundreds of thousands in value this morning. Im certainly going to be the center of attention now. Im in grave danger.

Having increased his IQ, Wang Yun instantly had an insight, speculating about his situation. The likelihood of his assumption being correct was high.

Leaning back in his chair, he closed his eyes and contemplated.

If I were a police officer, how would I apprehend a criminal? Locate him. Surround him. Arm myself. Equip myself. What weaponry do police officers possess?

Wang Yun pondered in his mind for a few minutes. Suddenly inspired, he accessed the systems marketplace. Within the systems marketplace, any skill one could imagine was available.

Scanning through the options, Wang Yuns gaze settled on a particular skill, Alertness. The ability of the skill was precisely as the name suggested. A keen sense of imminent danger or changes in the surroundings. It could also be referred to as a sixth sense.

Purchase the advanced skill, Alertness.

Purchase the intermediate skill, Marksmanship.

He also chose to take Marksmanship because, once mastered, Wang Yun would have an in-depth understanding of various firearms.

At present, the greatest threat to him was firearms. If the officers utilized them, Wang Yun had to be better equipped to understand and protect himself.

I need to purchase another skill. Disguise!

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