Published at 15th of April 2024 05:36:39 AM

Chapter 22: Wang Yuns New Clever Trick, A Good Samaritan Emerges

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Chapter 22 Wang Yuns New Clever Trick, A Good Samaritan Emerges

The art of disguise was of utmost importance to Wang Yun. With this skill, he didnt have to worry about being spotted under surveillance. Moreover, it would significantly increase the difficulty of apprehending him.

Purchase advanced skill, Disguise.nove(l)bi(n.)com

Wang Yun promptly spent one hundred thousand shock value points to acquire the Disguise skill. After this transaction, he still had over eight hundred thousand shock points left. Enough to handle emergencies.

Rising from his seat, he settled his bill and headed straight outside. As he walked, his mind was filled with an array of information related to disguise techniques.

Disguising had been a practice since ancient times, and even then, it had already evolved into a technical skill. In modern times, makeup emerged as another form of disguise. Playfully, makeup was often dubbed one of the Four Great Sorceries. These sorceries include sex reassignment, cosmetic surgery, makeup, and Photoshop.

Makeup, a fundamental part of disguise, was relatively simple to apply. More complex was the technique of crafting and using human masks.

The process of creating a human mask involved making a mold, casting a realistic plaster face on it, adjusting the plaster with plastic clay, finalizing the model, creating the mask through a blow-molding process, and then further polishing and coloring.

This procedure was intricate and required a multitude of materials, leading Wang Yun to realize that he needed a substantial amount of disguise equipment.

This is somewhat troublesome, Wang Yun murmured as he walked along the street.

The equipment posed one issue, and finding a suitable location for its fabrication was another. Ideally, he would need a secret base.

He slightly furrowed his brows, deciding that he should take action immediately.

First, Ill buy some basic makeup supplies, then Ill get the tools needed to make human masks, Wang Yun mumbled to himself.

Clothing, wigs, cosmetics, these basic items were easy for Wang Yun to purchase as they were readily available in numerous beauty shops. However, procuring the equipment needed to craft a human mask posed a bigger challenge.

Its rather risky to buy these items so openly. A simple disguise first might be wise.

Wang Yun located a nearby beauty shop where he purchased some makeup and a wig. Donning the wig, he glanced at his attire before heading into a shopping mall. He found a reasonably priced clothing brand with a large store that carried a variety of options.

Time to test my Alertness skill.

Stepping into the clothing store, Wang Yuns gaze darted subtly around the room. His sharp eyes scanned his surroundings, paying close attention to each sales associate as he approached some clothes to check their sizes.

Hmph, good riddance, the clerk muttered, her face filled with disdain.


What just happened?

Is this some kind of prank? Who behaves like this?

Seriously, isnt he holding tens of thousands right now? Why go through all this trouble for clothes that only cost a few hundred?

Hes not buying clothes, hes just messing around!

Amazing, youre the real deal, man! Each time, you outdo yourself.

Watching the livestream, all the viewers were stunned by Wang Yuns latest stunt. The chat was full of exclamations of surprise and 666, indicating praise and awe for Wang Yuns actions.

Only big brother could pull something like this off!

Ive got to admit, Im impressed. He keeps pulling these wild moves.


At the same time, not too far away, four staff members were watching the live broadcast. When they saw what was happening, they were left speechless.

Ill go take care of the situation in the clothing store. You, go find that guy and switch the drone and camera to just a tech chip camera, one staff member instructed another, who nodded in response.

Wang Yun seemed to be intending to disguise himself, so in the spirit of fairness, the program team decided to replace his drone and miniature camera with just a tech chip more performant than his current one, even if it meant incurring a significant cost.

As one of the staff members rushed into the clothing store to manage the situation, he overheard a customer telling the clerk, Miss, that young man earlier, I saw him take several pieces of clothing from here. He removed all the tags and even stomped on them. He walked out without paying, didnt he?

Hearing this, the program staff member was taken aback.

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