Published at 15th of April 2024 05:36:39 AM

Chapter 23: Wang Yun, a locked target, the arrest team swings into action

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Chapter 23 Wang Yun, a locked target, the arrest team swings into action

Unbeknownst to Wang Yun, he had already been reported by a vigilant good samaritan. Clutching the clothes, he made his way to a restroom in the mall, intending to change.

At this juncture, a member of the production crew approached him. Mr. Wang Yun, please hold on a moment.

Oh? What can I do for you? Wang Yun asked.

For the fairness of the program, were replacing your mini-drone and minicamera with a tech chip. This chip, once attached to your clothes, can change color and is highly concealable. Thus, even if you disguise yourself, you wont be found out. The crew member explained, smiling.

Really? Thats even better, Wang Yun replied, nodding in approval.

After assisting Wang Yun with the replacement and instructing him on how to temporarily switch it off, the crew member promptly took his leave. After all, Wang Yun had to attend to his daily needs, such as using the restroom and taking showers, during which the live stream had to be turned off.

Upon the crew members departure, Wang Yun made his way to the restroom, changed into his new outfit, applied some light makeup, and then left. His facial features had undergone some minor changes. Unless one was intimately familiar with him, they wouldnt recognize him right away.

However, what Wang Yun was oblivious to, was the fact that hed been reported by an eager citizen and his actions had been leaked.


The alert tones resonated through the command center room, immediately capturing everyones attention. Simultaneously, the phone situated before Zhang Xingchen began to ring.

Caught off guard while engrossed in the surveillance footage, Zhang Xingchen swiftly picked up the call.

Hello, he responded.

Captain Zhang, hello. Weve received a report of a theft at Sunset Mall. Five items of clothing, amounting to 930 yuan, were stolen. Weve forwarded you the stores surveillance footage for your review, the voice on the other end informed him, leaving Zhang Xingchen momentarily stunned.

This was the program teams staff creating a realistic scenario. It mimicked a store clerk calling the police to report a theft, after which the officers would check and then contact their team leader.

He looked ahead as another staff member nodded, evidently having received some information. He quickly manipulated the computer in front of him, pulling up a piece of surveillance footage.

Zhang Xingchen scrutinized the surveillance footage from Sunset Mall that was shot just twenty minutes prior. It didnt take him long to spot Wang Yun, even with his attempt at a disguise using makeup and a wig. Zhang couldnt help but chuckle, a smirk of confidence spreading across his face, sure that he had the situation in hand.

Special Operation Team assigned to Wang Yun, get ready for action, he commanded into the microphone after pressing a button.

The speaker responded, Special Operation Team, on standby.

The current target is traveling on Hanmen Avenue 328 in a taxi with the license plate CC5210, heading towards the eastern district. Begin immediate pursuit and ensure Wang Yun is apprehended. Zhang Xingchens face radiated a sense of righteousness as he issued the commands with authority.

We promise to fulfill the mission, The speaker resounded with a firm reply.

Excellent, Zhang Xingchen chuckled, leaning back in his chair, snapping his fingers with a satisfied smile on his face.

Lets toast to our Captain Zhang Xingchen in advance, to clearing his past dishonor! Shen Hao humorously raised his glass of water for a toast.

To clearing past dishonor!

Cheers, haha! Zhang Xingchen, brimming with happiness, raised his water glass high.

The live broadcast of the command center room buzzed with excitement as the audience laughed, watching the unfolding events. Yet, there were also those silently mourning for Wang Yun.

Man, Zhang Xingchen and Shen Hao are hilarious!

Captain Zhang Xingchen is just too adorable.

Its game over for Wang Yun, hes walking right into the trap.

Ah, I hate to see Wang Yun get caught, but with the Special Operation Team on his tail, theres no escape!

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