Published at 15th of April 2024 05:36:19 AM

Chapter 25: Alertness, Only One Chance to Escape

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Chapter 25 Alertness, Only One Chance to Escape

The arrest was about to start. Those two officers equipped with stun guns were on the verge of spotting Wang Yun.

Is that Wang Yuns figure? Hes done for this time. As soon as the two plainclothes officers closed into six meters, they could take him down with a direct shot.

My god, not to mention the two plainclothes officers with stun guns, but also Chen Minghao, the top motorcyclist in the country. No matter how excellent Wang Yuns parkour ability is, he cant outrun a motorcycle.

Its completely over, the two officers can take down Wang Yun with their guns.

Once all the viewers in the live stream of the command center room heard Zhang Xingchens words and saw that the two officers had located Wang Yun, a torrent of comments followed.

This is the end. This comment resonated with all the viewers and got their approval.

Indeed, it was the end. Two stun guns, ten ordinary officers, and two elite officers, all mounted on motorcycles. One of them was even the best motorcycle rider in the country. How could he possibly escape?

Escape was impossible. Even if he had wings, escaping seemed impossible.

Everyone was watching the livestream without blinking an eye, their eyes glued to the screen. It would be reasonable if Wang Yun got captured given these circumstances. Yet they still wanted to see how it would end.

Wang Yun was meandering around Guanwen Market, searching for materials to fabricate a lifelike skin mask, unaware that he had been surrounded.

Wang Yun was surveying the surrounding shops when a sudden sense of alertness struck him. He felt the weight of two piercing gazes from behind, fixated squarely on him. This realization sent a jolt through him, causing him to narrow his eyes slightly and quicken his pace.

As he sped up, the footsteps from behind seemed to follow suit, increasing in speed as well.

With a swift motion, Wang Yun dashed a few meters forward before abruptly turning around to confront the two young men trailing him. The duo, noticing Wang Yuns sudden sprint, hastened their pace to keep up. However, seeing him suddenly wheel around to face them made them falter, their expressions shifting subtly.

His advanced alertness skill had proved beneficial.

Hes noticed us.

Hes incredibly alert.

The two undercover officers expressions changed as they immediately reached into their concealed holsters.

A gun? Wang Yuns face drained of color as he saw their movements.

However, the sound of roaring engines approached him from the front. He looked up, and his sharp eyes caught sight of three motorcycles rapidly heading his way.

Damn, how did they find out my location? he muttered.

Upon seeing the encircling motorcycles, Wang Yuns face paled, his mind whirling with possibilities.

The sight of the approaching bikes made Wang Yuns heart race, his mind racing even faster. The road was over ten meters wide, but with three motorcycles blocking his path, escape seemed impossible. And if those two plainclothes officers got close enough to shoot, he would surely be arrested.

What to do? Wang Yun frantically scanned his surroundings.

In desperation, Wang Yuns gaze darted around and landed on a nearby store. A glint of inspiration flashed in his eyes. He dashed inside, swiftly picking up an item, and threw several banknotes onto the counter. The stores employees stared in bewilderment as Wang Yun bolted outside, clutching what appeared to be a lifelike doll.

The doll was dressed in a cute skirt, standing about a meter tall. Wang Yun held it close, its head nestled against his chest.

To any onlooker, it seemed as if he was holding a child.

The roaring engines grew deafening as the three motorcycles neatly aligned themselves in Wang Yuns path, their riders eyeing him with steely determination. The distance between them rapidly closed.

When he was just ten meters away, the three motorcycles came to a synchronized stop, blocking his way. The officers had their eyes locked on Wang Yun.

Behind him, the two plainclothes officers finally caught up and shouted, Stop him!

The three officers alighted from their motorcycles, stretching their bodies a little. With a faint smirk, they coolly told Wang Yun, Ready to surrender?

With the officers closing in from both ends, Wang Yun was completely cornered. The arrest seemed inevitable.

Stand back, or Ill kill her! Wang Yun threatened, his eyes locked on the three officers in front of him. He tightened his grip around the doll in his arms, pressing a sharp scalpel to its neck.

Out of nowhere, a young, frightened voice cried out, Mommy, Daddy help me. It hurts!

That sudden, plaintive cry caught the three officers off guard. Their confident demeanor faltered.

A hostage?

Did Wang Yun take a hostage?

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